I moved out to the couch with my pillow and "Elmo", and Joe was already awake and watching TV. Amanda dropped of Austin, and I kinda waved from my blanket. Sorry, girl! I was sleepy still. hehe. And i went back to sleep. And the boys were SO good and quiet. They had breakfast and watched some TV, and my alarm went off at 8:35am. I got dressed, got Jimmy dressed and fed, and he and I and Austin headed up to Sports camp.
I dropped the boys off, and headed back home. And chatted with Captain America on Skype for about 2 hours. It was so nice to chat! The kids popped in and out to say hi to dad, and to tell him about their warrior show they were watching. Eme and Joe and Tom were all awake. Jake was still sleeping.
Amanda brought Jim back home at 11am, Captain America headed off to bed, and the kids and I loaded up and headed to the CDC for free lunch. Austin and Jimmy were squabbling, so we decided that an afternoon apart would do them good. hehe.
Amanda and I caught up with each other at the stop light on the way to the CDC. Whaaaat? Doesn't everyone sing into water bottles???

I dropped him off, and headed back home. We had some snacks, the kids played nicely with each other, Joe went to Leo's house for a while, and I laid down for a nap. And totally slept for 2 hours. It was SO great.
My phone was on vibrate, so I missed all kinds of texts and such. Sorry, guys. hehe. I needed my beauty rest, right? LOL. I woke up, and hopped in the shower. GNO and all....
I got all clean and shaved, got dressed, put on make up, but didn't have time to fix my hair. Amanda was coming over with Austin, and picking up pizzas for the kids. And I had to go and grab Jake from the youth center. So I headed out.

I got Jake, and headed back home. He was to eat dinner, then play on the laptop in my room. And not bug the other kids. I think he could handle that :)
Amanda got to the house about the same time as me, and we fed all the kids, and left them with directions for the evening, then she and I headed out.
We parked next to this at Carinos. Did someone steal a tree???


It was free Military night, so we didn't even have to pay! YES! And it wasn't even too busy. Last time we went on a Friday or Saturday, and it was PACKED. This was a much more manageable crowd.

After the show, we headed out, and headed home. Amanda dropped me off, and picked up her sleeping son. Aren't they cute???

After kids were in bed, Kari and I went on a 4 mile walk around the loop, and came back home. It felt REALLY good to get out and exercise! Yeah me! And thanks, Kari, for not giving up on me! I still wanna do it! I really do :)
I sat down to load my store and blog at around 11:30pm. Yeah, super late. And here it is, 12:57am. I'm gonna be sleepy in the morning. At least Amanda volunteered to take the boys to class. So I dont have to wake up until 8:35am. hehe. Wonder if I should try and watch an episode of 24 real fast, or just go to bed???? Hmmm, life is FULL of hard choices, you know...
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
Awe, Sharon, I just LOVE it when you scrap with my pictures! Thanks , my dear!!!

Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 6 post on Jul. 08, 2011. Thanks again.
Sounds like you had a great, well-deserved girls' night! Thank you for the beautiful word art :)
Oh i love Carino's! I moved two years ago and now justget to go on the rare occasion that there is one someplace we visit. Oh well! Glad you had a great time with your girls! thanks for the wordart.
Terra's plate looks EXACTLY like mine would! LOL Glad you had a super time out with the girls!
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