Anyway, I got up at 8:20am on Saturday, and RUSHED Tom over to the North East side to catch a ride to his Boy Scout hike. And yeah, I totally should not have been hiking. All in the same trip, I momentarily forgot how to drive, I forgot how to turn off my turn signal, and I forgot where I was. That scared me. I concentrated REALLY hard on the way back home, and was fine... So scary!
I got back home, crawled back into bed, and slept till noon. CPT got up at around 10:30 and played Wii with the kids. He wasn't feeling terribly great, but thought that he could hack games with the kids. Sounded good to me!
When I got up, I threw on some clothes, and made plans with Kari to go to Bassett. I still wanted those short black boots that I accidentally didn't buy. LOL. She came and picked me up (thank goodness!) and we headed to Bassett center. I found the the boots, she found a few pairs that she liked, and I found a dress that was adorable. It was a bit short, but thanks to the slip thingy that I made at Super Saturday, it will be FABULOUS!
We went to Jewelry Box so that Josephine could pick out a few things, then headed back home. Kari dropped me off, and I tried to hang out in the living room with the guys, but the TV was WAY too loud. I retreated to my room. And ended up just hanging there for a bit. The kids kinda did their own thing, and then CPT went upstairs to look at Tom's room for some strange reason.
And crap hit the fan. I don't think that he'd looked at Tom's room since that initial time when he'd first gotten home. Yeah, it was STILL just as bad, if not worse, than it was. Because it was gonna take an adult to help. Which is what I was telling CPT the whole time. And he kinda freaked out. There was yelling. And shouting. And I kinda just shut the door to my room, and I'm not sure what else happened. I know that Eme went to play with friends at the park. The little boys grabbed their DS's with headphones.
And CPT and Tom spent the next 8 hours cleaning Tom's room. It was SPOTLESS by the time they were done. There was nothing left in his room, mind you, but it was spotless. I wasn't too happy with the fact that ALL of the Lego's got thrown away. Those things are expensive... But I guess I did tell him that I wanted him to clean the room. I'd delegated responsibility. And when you do that, you can't go in and micromanage, right?... Sigh.
So, I watched a few TV show's that I'd been putting off. I designed a few freebies for February. I called and made Childcare appointments for Joe and Jim for the evening. We had free hours left for January, why not use them, right?
At around 4pm, I drove Joe and Jim over to Childcare, and then dropped Jake off at the Youth Center. I'd drop Tom off later. I did sign him up for the movie at 7:30pm though. They were going to the On Post theater. He'd like that! And it gave them and "end time" for cleaning, right? hehe.
I got back home, hopped in the shower, and got all pretty. We didn't have plans for tonight, but I figured that it didn't hurt to get pretty, just in case. I put on my new dress, and some nice accessories. Then I watched another episode of something or another, and fixed some soup. i could feed it to the kids for lunch tomorrow. And had some for dinner.
Finally, it was time to take Tom to the youth center. I asked CPT to drive him, since I wasn't feeling too alert. He said that he was in a cleaning ZONE, and didn't wanna stop. Crap. I didn't wanna drop Tom off then zone out and DIE on the way back. I decided to call around and see if I could get a friend to come with me. If not, I'd have to just tell him he was gonna have to take tom regardless of the cleaning zone.
Luckily Kim was around and available. I went to pick her up, and she and I and Tom headed to the Youth Center. We got there JUST as the bus was loading up to take the boys to the movies! We were close! We headed back to main post, and stopped at the shoppette for a soda. They only had Diet Coke, but at least it wasn't Diet Pepsi, right? lol.
I dropped her off at her house, and headed back home. We hung at the house for the rest of the time time that the kids were in childcare. CPT had a lot of cleaning on Tom's room to do. He took a shower after he was all done, and at 9:40pm, we headed out to pick up the kids. We got Tom and Jake first, but the bus from the movies was late getting there. we didn't leave the Youth Center until about 10:15pm.
We got Joe and Jim from childcare at about 10:30pm. They were watching Cars. And both seemed super tired. We headed back home, and got all the kids situated in bed. We'd talked about going back out again, but there was nothing open for us to go to, except Walmart. And I wasn't in a Walmart mood. hehe. So we decided to stay home and watch The Office. Works for me :)
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