**Sorry about the download link, it's fixed now! :) **
We thought about going to the beauty college at 10am, but decided that tomorrow would be a better day. The kids had dentists appointments today. We didn't wanna be too rushed.
We hung for a while at the house, then Eme and I ran to the grocery store and to the post office. I wanted to send some Miche catalogs to Aunt Sue. I've only been telling her FOREVER that I wanted to send those to her - hehe. And I wanted to send some to my sister too, but I waited too long. Her party closes in the next few days. Kinda a moot point now... So I asked my friend Laurie in California if she wanted to do an Online party, and sent her the package of catalogs instead!
We mailed the envelopes (cheaper in a flat rate mailer than the manilla envelopes from home!) then went to the commissary, and got stuff for a YUMMY oriental salad. And some soda. And a few other things. And back home we went!
It was a mad dash, but we managed to get lunch ready for everyone. 3 different types of lettuce, spinach, diced ham, diced chicken nuggets, cranberries, sunflower seeds, mandarin oranges, crunchy noodles, and I can't remember what else. Super yummy things :)
And I put it in separate bowls on the table so people could pick what they wanted in their salads, and we feasted, I mean ate. hehe. But we had to hurry. Because the kids had dentist appointments at 1:45pm. And it was clear across town on the West side. I wanted to leave at 1:15pm. But yeah, we were a bit late in leaving.
Paul and Carol said that they'd clean up for me, so we got out of there soon than later, but still, it wasn't soon enough. We were a bit late for our appointment. I did call, and say that we were running behind. That I'd miscalculated how long it would take to get there, and that we were behind. They were cool about it. We should up closer to 2 than 1:45pm....
The kids had a good check up/cleaning. Tom and Jim both had new teeth, so they got new sealants. The kids who had a lot of dental work done in the summer got X-rays done, just to be sure that everything was still good. And it was. No new cavities, so that was good! All in all, it was a PERFECT check up! Thank goodness! I think we paid between $1500-2000 last time we went to the dentist. So $0 was fine with me this time!
We were done and out of there by 3pm, and we headed back home. We had just enough time to get back to post, get kids situated, get Eme ready for piano, I changed clothes and got ready for my Miche meeting in Las Cruces, and ran out the door with Emeline. We headed to Piano at Logan. She had her lessons from 4-5. I put on a fresh layer of make up in the car, and I texted everyone I knew, trying to find out where to go to pick up the Young Womens fundraiser dinner tonight! I knew it was someone over on the North East side, but past that, I was lost...
Finally, Maria texted me back. She said come to her house, and she'd take me. Thank goodness! Eme came out a little before 5pm, and we headed to the North East side. We went to Maria's house, picked her up, and headed to Sister Peterson house. She lived like 1 minute away! We got Maria's 6 dinners, and our 7 dinners, then dropped Maria back off at her house, and headed back home.
I dropped Eme off, and the dinners off, and the kids were being SO naughty. At this point, it was 5:45pm. I was supposed to be in Las Cruses in 15 minutes. A 60 minute drive. Yeah, NOT gonna happen... I still wanted to go. Barbara knew I was gonna be late. Jake was having problems. He was being rude.... I didn't know if I should leave or not.... CPT was due home anytime, though...
I made the decision to leave, though. I headed up 54, and took transmountain to i-10, then on to Las Cruces. I was about 35 minutes late for the meeting, but it was SO much fun! I'm glad I went! I learned a lot, and met some super nice ladies!
They had some great give-a-ways, and great food. I stayed till around 8:30 chatting and getting to know the ladies. I really liked Barbara. She's awesome :) I headed back home, and talked on the phone with my Dad the whole way! Love ya, Dad! Thanks for keeping me company!
I got home, and the guys were playing cards at the table. Joe was sleeping in Grammie and Grandpa Harty's room (really, Joe and Jim's room). Jim was asleep upstairs. Apparently, when I left, I took the electronics closet key, and no one could have electronics privileges, even though they'd cleaned their rooms and such.
I guess that Jake wanted to have them the second I walked in the door. And CPT wanted him to continue playing the game, since it would throw off the game. I don't know, I wasn't really paying attention. But I sure heard the yelling from Jacob that ensued after. Grandpa Harty tried to talk him down. I think he eventually got him calmed down. I don't know. Sigh. It's not a good thing.
Everyone went to bed, and I ended up blogging on the couch. I chatted on Facebook with Aunt Sue about Miche for quite a while. I told her about how if you sign up as a rep (the $50 option) and have one $200 party, that you start getting 25% back on all of your sales! That's really a good deal!
Then I started back to blogging. It's now about 12:30am. Yeah, I'm a bit sleepy. I may watch a show before I sleep, though. Maybe. I haven't decided... We shall see :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
4shared (being stupid, and it won't work tonight...)

Oh dear, the link doesn't seem to be working .. it brings up a preview of the word art instead. Thanks anyway .. I will try later. Have a great day :)
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