I ordered my Miche new releases for May today! SO exciting! I used last months Miche paycheck to pay for it, too! Oh yeah, GREAT feeling :) Hope they get here fast, because I'm SUPER excited to see how BEAUTIFUL they will be!!!
But anyway, Joe stayed home till around 10 am sick. After getting meds, he felt MUCH better. So I sent him to school. It's amazing. When kids are NOT allowed to watch TV or play games, they wanna go to school. LOL. Because just being home and doing nothing is boring. So he asked me to take him to school. Ha!
Then I hustled back home, showered, and CPT came to pick me up for our therapy appointment at 11am. And it was a good one. We were both happy with each other. United in our dissatisfaction with Jake, maybe? I don't know. Sometimes that's what it takes, right? And I think that CPT has just adjusted a lot more to being home. Things are going well (knock on wood (big time)) for now with us.
After the appointment, we went to lunch at Applebees. Super yum! I got the Philly Cheese Steak burger thing. Good, but not as good as it usually is. The bread was dry - ha! But I still liked it :)
CPT dropped me off at home when he was done, and I had time to work on closing my Mother In Law's Miche party. She had several orders come in last minute, and I was working on getting them entered. She went from a $200 party to a $400 party! Sweet!
I went to pick up Jake at 2, and got home around 2:35pm. It took FOREVER to get him out of school. We got back home, and I got another call about Carol's party. And it went up to $600! Yes! CPT got home, and we headed out to Jake's appointment. The therapist moved her office across town, so we were a bit late. But we did get there.
We filled her in on Jake's behavior, and some of our plans. She said that she was NOT crazy about residential treatment facilities. That they didn't work, in her opinion. She said that we should, 1st, get Jake a meds review. 2nd, get him a FULL psych evaluation. And 3rd, see how things went from there. We were cool with that.
She talked with him for a little while, and while she was talking to him, we called around to the doctor. Um, yeah, we couldn't get in. What? So not cool. Dr. Perez didn't have openings (the Dr she referred us to). And Dr Gazarav couldn't get us in for a month. I can't wait a month. Not at current rate...
So, we decided that if we put him in PEAKS (where he was last Thanksgiving time), the doctor would HAVE to see him and evaluate his meds. I hate that we would HAVE to do that for a meds evaluation, but sometimes you HAVE to do what you have to do, right? Sigh.
The psychologist that works in the therapists office has Jake on the list for testing, so step 2 is scheduled. We didn't have time today for PEAKS. Maybe tomorrow. He wasn't happy about it. He called the other doctor some choice names for not letting him in to be seen. Yeah, THAT'S why the other doctor didn't wanna see him. LOL.
But really, it wasn't too unpleasant of a trip home. We got home, and watched some Dukes of Hazard as a family. Tom had held down the fort with the other kids. I worked on closing out Carol's party all the way, and she ended up getting $60 worth of free credit, 2 1/2 price shells, and 25% off her other stuff. I threw some stuff in there for her for Mother's day, and she ended up with 5 shells and a purse organizer! Oh yeah! GREAT party for her!
CPT and Tom and Hunter had baseball practice at 6:30pm, and Eme started Volleyball. Her first practice was at 6:30pm at the youth plex on main post. She was pretty excited. CPT dropped her off on his way to practice, and I was gonna go and pick her up.
I ended up with Joe and Leo and Alex for about 30 minutes at one point in the evening, and Leigh caught them playing in my Suburban. So they got to clean out my trunk. After that, I had them come inside and watch Dukes. Until Kari texted that they should come home.
We had dinner, and then did some chores. Jake was on his BEST behavior. He was PLEADING with us to let him wait out the month at home for the appointment instead of going to PEAKS. So he was doing chores and being helpful and being happy so we would change our minds.
We went to pick up Eme, and I got the schedule for her games, and then CPT got home. And it took FOREVER to get these kids to bed. It think it was 9pm before they were in bed tonight. Not sure what the deal was. ha! People just kept coming in asking questions and getting drinks and junk. "Oh yeah, you need to sign this paper". "Oh yeah, I forgot to eat dinner" "Oh yeah,...." "GO TO BED!!!" ha!
I facebooked with Amanda and Maddie and Aunt Sue and chatted with my mom and blogged and visited with CPT and multitasked a bit too much for the rest of the evening. I just wanna finish this up, watch an episode of "How I Met Your MOther", and go to sleep... Tomorrow is a new day :)
Oh yeah, and I've been having dizzy spells. Any ideas on that one? I ran out of topomax. Could it be from that? And I may have forgotten to take my antidepressant for a few days. I'm a mess - LOL!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. thanks1

Thanks Bethany, glad you're having a better day :)
:) Thanks for the happy wordart! :)
Thank you!
Thank you! I make cards for From Our Hearts. This will make a cute card!! :)
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