I was awoken Saturday morning my my door being quietly opened and closed. Jimmy kept coming in and out, in and out. Who knows why. At 8am, I gave up, and got up. I got cereal for the kids, and started an abbreviated shopping list. Monday is payday, so it's shopping day. But, I have a bit of extra money for the month, so I could go get a few supplies that I needed to tide me over :)
I also remember that I wanted to make up an Invite to Jakes b-day party, and pick it up at Wal-Mart while I was out and about. So, I designed that real fast too. Wanna see???

While browsing the store, Eme spotted an "Edward" candy. Sure enough, little chocolates with either Jacob or Edward (from Twilight) on them. I let her pick on. She's a girl after her mom's own heart. She picked Edward - hehehe.
Next, it was on to Wal-Mart. I ran out of pressed powder last week, and SO needed it. I've been looking a bit oily - hehehe. I got that, and bought some contact solution, some paper products for the B-day party, and some hot dog buns. Hot dogs are cheaper at the commissary, so I'll go back on Monday and get them. I bought pretzels, and snack sized baggies to put them in. Cheaper than individual snacks.
Lastly, we went to get the photos. They looked pretty good :) Now we can pass them out to Jakes friends on Sunday.
We got home, and the kids were cleaning up with their Dad. Jake was getting ready to mow the lawn in the backyard. What a big kid. I can't believe he'll be 12 on Monday. Crazy! How did I get old enough to have a kid who's 12!!!!
I made lunch for the kids around 12:30. Leftover supreme. hehehe. I made biscuit dough, and put it in the bottom of muffin tins. Then, I topped the dough with either the hot dog/hashbrown casserole thing, or chili. And, top it all off with cheese. They made little "meat pie" type things. I think most of the kids ate them ok.
But, I don't really know. Before they came out of the oven, Jimmy and I walked across the street to the neighbors house for a b-day party for their little girl, Molly. I don't know if I've mentioned the neighbors across the street before or not. They moved in about a month or so ago. They had 4 little girls, and the mom was pregnant with twins. She found out she had breast cancer, so they had to deliver the twin girls 10 weeks early and start her on kemo. Saddest thing. This was just a few days after they moved her, I guess. I'm still not quite clear on the whole story.
They seem like a really nice family. The mom's been really sick, and they have a "moms helper" living with them. A girl who helps out. I think she's probably 16 or 17. Not quite sure. But, I sure wish I had one to help me - hehehe.
Anyway, we got there at 1pm, and they had rice crispy treats and coolaid to start. Jimmy kept taking rice crispy treat after rice crispy treat. I think he ate 4 before any of the other kids showed up. LOL! Next, they decorated "treasure bags". With glue and glittler, and stickers, and fuzz balls, and such. They were quite lovely.
You know, there's a HUGE difference between girls and boys. The party had mostly girls. Jim and another little boy his age, and a 9 year old boy. Those girls could have decorated bags all day long and been happy. Jimmy? Not so much. I spent most of the party re-directing his attention to keep him on task. Yeah, it was THAT much fun :)
Next, we went outside for games. They played with a big parachute, and tossed balloons in the air. Jim? He just took the balloons and tired to pop them. Next, it was Duck Duck Goose. The little girls LOVED it. Jim? He told me it was too hot in the sun, so he explored the backyard and got into EVERYTHING. Sigh. Next, sack race. Jimmy put on a pillowcase, and lined up. They were taking too long for him, apparently, because before they said go, he announced "I QUIT", climbed out of his pillowcase, and went back to explore/distruction mode. Nice.
Finally, they were ready to go back inside. They picked up their treasure bags, and went on a hunt. They had picture clues that lead them to different places in the house. At each location, there was a box of treats, and another clue. They got baggies of cookies, and parachute men, and bubbles, and candy, and stickers, and all sorts of stuff. He was pretty pleased with himself.
Next, it was time for the cake. The passed it out, and Jimmy had one bite. Then, he wanted his toys. Again with the "off task". Dang. I tried to convince him to eat his cake and M&M's, but after the 4 rice crispy treats, he wasn't having anything to do with it. He wanted to play with his parachute man, and I didn't want it trashed before he could get it home and throw it over the balcony. So the fight was on.
Luckily, everyone else finished up, and we went in the living room to open up presents. Molly got lots of neat stuff. But after that, I was SO ready to go home. Jimmy was too, so he could play with his parachute guy. We took home a rice crispy treat for everyone (mostly because Jimmy climbed on a chair, and started touching all the rice crispy treats), and headed out the door.
The big kids were SO excited to get some of the "loot" from the b-day party. They ate the rice crispy treats, and threw the parachute men (we'd grabbed an extra on the way out) over the balcony. It was all too much fun for me, so I went and took a nap - hehehe.
I woke up at 4:00pm, and started cleaning up for a bit. I did some dishes, and started on Dinner. We (hehehe, yeah right. THEY is more like it) had BBQ chicken (from the crock pot - real easy recipe. Place a bag of drum sticks (mine were still frozen) in the crock pot, then add 1 bottle of BBQ sauce and 1 can of orange soda, and a little bit of water - cook on high until done), mashed potatoes, and green beans. OK, so they didn't really have green beans, but they were supposed to. I got lazy - hehehe.
I made myself stir fry, and retreated to my room again. I watched "12 Round". Dang, it was good! I just love a good action movie! I paused it a few times to go out and check on everyone. Jake was watching Harry Potter in his room, Eme and Tom were playing computer, and Joe and Jim were playing in their room. Captain America was working on various projects around the house, and watching Cardinals Baseball on the computer. Everyone was having fun relaxing and doing their own thing.
After my movie, I put the kids to bed, then came and took a bath. I realized that I was feeling a little down, but couldn't quite figure out why. Maybe it was just stray hormones. I'm sure I'll feel better in the morning. I'm only 3 lbs from my goal weight, and I've been feeling really tired lately. I so can't wait to get done with it, and be able to add more food/varitey to my diet. Re-feed was SO good. I got carrots and broccoli and bread and bananas and MMMMMM, good things. Maybe I'll be at goal by Monday and I can start then??!!!!!
I just LOVEd this quote when I saw it, and thought that you guys would like it too :) Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leaves some love if you like my work :) thanks~!
This is a great quote! Thanks!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Page 8 post on Aug. 30, 2009. Thanks again.
Bethany, check your invitation. Is it outdoor poor or outdoor pool? I'd hate to see the parents think they were having to give you a pool full of money until they went poor. LOL. Of course, I'd like to be on the receiving end of that pool.... Hee hee!
This is beautiful. Bethany, maybe your goal is too low if you're tired. You looked pretty thin in the pic you posted yesterday...
Good catch Denise...I was going to mention it too. Thanks for the great gift
Thanks for the wonderful word art. Are y'all in Texas yet? I've lived Texas much of my life an love it! I hope you will as well.
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 30 Aug [LA 07:00pm, NY 09:00pm] - 31 Aug [UK 02:00am, OZ 12:00pm] ).
love ur word art! i have a question about one of your fonts tho...what font did you use for the when and where info for the invitation? i've been looking everywhere for that font, and can't find it! tia!
The font is "Pharmacy". I just LOVE it - it's a WONDEFUL font :)
Thanks so much, it fits so well for my life right now!
thanks! i got it!
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