My Sunday was good. Uneventful. I love that :) Church was good. It was the class presentation Sunday, so I didn't have to come up with a lesson, so that was nice! And all of our teachers were there. I think that may have been a first. AND, we got a new Cub Scout leader, primary worker, and chorister called. Miracles will never cease! 3 out of about 7 requested. We're keeping our fingers crossed for next week....
After church, I made Mac N Cheese for the kids (the real stuff was on sale at the Commisary, so I got it - the kids said it was SO good), and I went in for a little nap. I might have got 30 minutes. Sometimes it's hard for me to sleep in the middle of the day.
A little later, the whole family and I watched 'Lonesome Dove". Captain America had bought it for $5.00 at WalMart some time back, and has been trying to get us all to watch it with him ever since. Well, today was the day. It takes place in Texas around post-Civil War time, I think. Anyway, it was kinda slow at the beginning, but I found that it "sucked" us in. We watched part 1 and 2 (all of Disk 1). It took us all afternoon to get to that point. We paused it to cook dinner (rice stroganoff - 1 cup rice (dry - prepare as directed), 1 can cream of mushroom soup, salt, pepper, ground beef (turkey, if you're cheap like me)(cooked), and TONS of shredded cheese - mix all together and serve) and started it back up again. After disk 1 was done, I turned it off for the week. We'll watch some more next Sunday, I'm sure :)
As I was getting ready to put the little kids to bed, I glanced in their room, and it was an absolute disaster. Captain America and I went in, and decided that drastic measures were in need. We brought in totes, and boxed up ALL the toys. They were on "time out" until further notice. Someone had brought in all the left over mac and cheese and dumped it ALL over the floor (luckily it's VERY dry here in El Paso, so it didn't ruin the carpet), dried orange peels ALL over the floor, crayons (from about 6 packs) strewn all over the place, shirts and underware and pants and coats (go figure - it's been in the 90's every day) and socks and trash and toys and stuff EVERYWHERE. We weren't happy campers.
But, it's clean now. Empty, yes. But clean. We'll see how the week goes. Maybe, if they can keep an empty room clean, they can slowly earn back some toys. Sigh. It was all the food that got me. We're gonna have to replace ALL the carpet when we move at the rate my kids are going.
So, we put the kids to bed, and I worked on the next months budget. I brought it to Captain America for "ok"-ing, and after a bit of discussion, I printed it out. Also, I'm starting on my Re-Feed today. I get to add a little bit more meat, and veggies, and PINEAPPLE! I'm so excited. And tomorrow, I actually get a piece of bread! Yippeeee! By the middle of September, I get 3 pieces of bread, 2 bananas, 3 apples, TONS more meat and veggies, some carbs, AND a cookie each day. I'm SO stoked! It'll seem like a feast - ROFL!!! And this time, I'm sticking to it - no more "lets take the holidays off". That was a bad plan last time - hehehe.
Birthday party at the pool today. I need to go buy the hot dogs, some allergy meds for Captain America, and something else.... I can't quite remember what it is. Hopefully I'll remember before I head out - hehehe. Anyway, I'm excited for the day!
And, I wanted to send a happy belated Birthday wish to my Mother - In - Law, Carol. Happy birtday!!!! I love ya :)
This WordArt request comes from Mara. I thought it was too funny. Yes, my reality is an acquired taste - LOL! I enjoy it, but it's not for the faint of heart - ROFL! Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Page 35 post on Aug. 31, 2009. Thanks again.
I really like this word art! TY! I'm you take all this journaling and put it in a journal for yourself to keep?
My little guy turned 12 in April, so I know a bit about your feelings right now! Don't they grow up FAST?! Thanks for the great word art, I love it!
Thanks Bethany! That's for sure!
Bethany I LOVE reading your blog! And as a SAHM of 5 boys I can so relate to your very busy days! I have a Jacob too and he just turned 14 on Saturday. Funny how he is growing up but I'm not......LOL.
Thank you for the word art and have a blessed day!
thanks a bunch!
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