I woke up at 3am on Wednesday, and had the hardest time falling back asleep. I was afriad that I was gonna sleep through my alarm. I needed to get up at 6:30am to take a shower to be ready for Eme's doctor appointment at 7:20am. I got up at 6:15am and started getting ready.
I woke everyone up a little early, so that Tom and Joe could be ready and out the door at 7:30am. Eme and I left the house at 7:05am. We made it just in time for her appointment. To sign up with CYS (kinda like the army's equivalant to the Boys and Girls Club), you needed a physical for each child. So starts the fun. hehehe.
The doctor that we saw was really nice. I liked him. Eme got 2 different kinds of lotion for her dry patches, and 2 inhalors (one for home and one for school (if needed)). Then, we got some free OTC drugs from the pharmacy too. What a great program :) I got foot powder, cough drops, throat spray, and upset stomach pills. Sweet!
Then, it was home, and get ready for the meeting with Joe's principal and teachers. We got there right on time. After pleading our case (and it seemed like his teacher thought it was a good idea too), the principal said that he didn't have the authority to hold back a child. That Texas laws state that kids who turn 6 by Sept 1st need to be enrolled in 1st grade.
He said to wait and see how Joe does on the state assesment test on the 17th of September, and if it's poorly, that we can write a letter to the district, and see if they'll hold him back. So, it's wait and see time. Sigh. Poor Joe. I was hoping for a quick and easy fix, but I guess that we'll see how it goes later in the month.
So, we came home, I did school with Jake, and finished designing stuff for my Grab Bag. After lunch, I decided that I wanted to go to Hobby Lobby and get some supplies to make a COOL wreath like Andreas. It took about 30 minutes to get there, and Jimmy and I had fun walking around the store for about an hour. I found the PEFECT wreath, then some really pretty ribbons. Everything was 50% off, so it was gonna be a good deal. I got about 6 or 7 fall-ish elements to put on it. It looked so pretty. I arranged it how I wanted it, and even took a picture so I'd know how to re-assemble it.
I figured it should cost about 15-20 dollars. I got to the check out, and it was $35. What the heck? I asked the girl why it was so much, and she told me that the "elements" weren't on sale. So I told her to take those off. I bought the ribbons and the wreath and the door hanger, and headed back into the store to find the 50% off stuff.
Well, there wasn't any good stuff 50% off. And I wasn't gonna pay that much for a decoration, so finally, after another 30 minutes of wandering (and a little boy who had had his fill of the craft store), I went to customer service, got all my money back, and left the store empty handed. I was so sad.
So, I stopped at Wal-Mart on the way home (right next door), to buy an ink cartridge for my printer. Guess what? They were out of my kind. They had EVERY other imaginable print cartridge. But not the one I needed.
I went to see if they had any wreath type things ,but they didn't. I looked in the little boys clothes, and found $2.00 tee shirts. And they were SO cool. Sports themed. I picked up 5, so it should be $10.00. But, when I got to the check-out, I realized that the display was mislabeled, and 2 of the shirts were really $3.00. Sigh. After I got done paying, I went ot customer service and returned the $3.00 shirts. I know it's only a dollar, but I was a little miffed.
So, I had to salvage the trip somehow. I needed a little retail therapy. I decided to stop at Fallas on the way home. It's a REALLY cheap clothes store, and give a 10% military discount. I ended up spending $24, and got a cute shirt, a cute longer blouse, a pair of pants, a SUPER cute skirt, and some unmentionables. I was pretty proud of all my purchases. Unfortunately, they didn't have a trying on room there. I tired on the shirts over top of my clothes in the store, and eyeballed the skirt and pants.
I tried them all on when I got home, and luckily they all fit. That store has a no return policy too. I lucked out there. I let the kids relax for a bit when they got home from school, and then started on chores. The floors were super messy, so I had Tom, Eme, and Jake each mop a room. It went pretty quick.
The house looked a lot better when they were done. Next, I started on dinner. Spaghetti night. Some of the kids really like it, and some don't. Oh well. You can't please everyone every time, right?
After dinner, I came back in my room and uploaded my weekly products to my store. I usually do this super late on Wednesday night, but I was ahead of the game for once. That's pretty good!
I noticed that my neck was starting to get tight, and feared that a migraine was coming on. I put the kids to bed at 7:30 (Jake was at scouts with his dad), and came in my dark, cold room. Unfortunately, I found some perfume in my bathroom cupboard, and was excited about smelling good, so I sprayed some on. I think it's kicking my headache into high gear. I've taken drugs, but they haven't yet kicked in. I'm gonna give it another 30 minutes, then take another pill. But it had better be better by tomorrow. I've got stuff to do. Jimmy has a doctors appointment at 10:40, and my friend Krista is coming over at 1pm. There's no room for a migraine. You hear that, migraine! Go away! (hehehe)
So, in honor of my day yesterday, I made this WordArt. hehehe. OK, so it wasn't a horrible day. I've had much worse. BUT, I thought this WordArt was funny, and I know I could use it on a WHOLE bunch of photos. Especially sad, poutty little kid faced pictures :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

I have been fighting off a migraine for 4 days now... darn hormones (and didn't help that i ate cheese! and maybe just a little bit of chocolate)
Thanks for the wonderful word arts that you so skilfully make for free for me...I have tried myself to create some stuff but you either have got it or you haven't...I don't got it!! I use your stuff a lot and I have started publishing my layouts on my uninteresting blog.
Hi Bethany,
Hope that headache is gone by now! I have cluster headaches and migraines, so I have a headache 24/7...it just changes in severity from day to day. Sorry things didn't go so well at the school. We have a hard time retaining kids here too. At least 1/2 our 3rd grade class should have been retained last year because they just keeping getting promoted. We can't suggest retention, it has to come from home. Quite sad! Anyways, when my son was in 1st grade it was obvious he wasn't going to make it, so for 1st grade he spent 1/2 his day in 1st grade then the other 1/2 of it in kindergarten 'helping'...when he was in kindy was when they were working on letters/reading. Then the next year he did 1st grade again. So just a thought :O) Goos luck and big thanks for the word art!!
Love it Bethany, it must give you some relief to end a bad day with some great Word art!!! :)
Sign up for the Hobby Lobby emails, they send out 40% off one item coupons pretty regularly. It might take longer to get it, but you can still get the stuff cheap. HTH!
Bethany, I have been a lurker on your blog forever. I don't think I have ever commented before, but I just want you to know how much I look forward to what you write and your fabulous word art! You are the best!!! and, I hope you get feeling better!
Thanks for sharing your talent!
Luck with the schooling thing ... and thanks for the word art - yep, have just a few photos in mind for it. :-)
I just wanted to take a quick minute to let you know how much I look forward to your daily posts. I so admire how fluid your writing is. LOL, it's so hard for me to write and have it read well. I also love your word art and want to thank you for all the fabulous freebies!
That sure isn't the best of days, to put it mildly.
But... It made you make this awesome wordart.... So what am I to do?
I do feel sorry for you, but also I'm happy for us grabbers. ;)
We got the good part.
Thank you so much for all you share!
Hope you feel better REAL soon!
Thanks so much for the fun word art! Hope you are feeling better.
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 03 Sep [LA 07:00pm, NY 09:00pm] - 04 Sep [UK 02:00am, OZ 12:00pm] ).
Thanks Bethany. Love this one.
I'm right there with a Sista! My migraines are usually tied to my cycle. I thought I was through with them (menopause) when at the 11 month mark of NOT having a cycle, I started again....and the migraines too. No rhyme, no reason, just pain.
I love the WA...it suits my present situation at work.
Hang in there!
thank you!
I have so many photos for this WA, we've had several awful days this summer holiday that are just perfect for this quote. Making a LO of the bad days with a really good WA somehow makes it easier to laugh about it! Thank you!!
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