I drug myself out of bed, got food for everyone, and settled in on the couch in my jammies with my laptop. Email was on the top of my list of things to do. For all of you who have emailed me and think that I'm a schmuck for not emailing you back, I'm guilty as charged. I looked at my inbox, and there were almost 400 messages. Sigh. How did I let it get so out of control.
I decided to start at the back, and work my way forward. My oldest email was from January. I know. That's 9 months ago. I could have had a kid in that amount of time (and it would have been a good excuse why I hadn't written/responded back - but I've got no baby to show for it). I went through the ole emails, responding and designing as I came to a request. I've got freebees though a week from Monday now :)
Whenever one of you guys leaves a comment on my post, I get an email. I usually delete the comments, and keep the ones that have a request attached to it. Well, I deleted some of those. Some of the requests that were "not good for the whole group". Stuff that wouldn't translate well to WordArt. Things that, really, only you could use. SO, if you left a message on my blog, and you haven't seen your request made, and it was pretty specific (not good for the whole group), it's probably not gonna get done.... I'm so sorry :( There's only one of me, and there are many of you. And it's stressing me out to have my inbox at almost 400.
SO, after responding to almost 100 emails, and deleting/archiving things that no longer were applicable, or things that my mom/aunt/husband/mother-in-law/father-in-law/friends sent to me, I was left with about 197 emails in the ole inbox. ALL personal emails from blog readers. But I'm up to March now. That's better than January, anyway you look at it - hehehe. Slowly, but surely, I'll get it back to 0. I'm doing my best, girls!
So, by about 10am, the kids were STIR crazy. They were running laps around the living room/dining room area. I just plugged my headphones into my laptop and CRANKED "Muse". Drowning them out seemed like the best option. But then, Jimmy grabbed the wooden spoons from the drawer and started beating them together like drumsticks, and I couldn't really ignore it any longer. My phone rang about then, and Captain America woke up wondering what the heck was going on. I guess it just takes a PARADE in the living room to wake the man up - LOL!
Andrea was on the phone, telling me that she and Kim were going to go to the Mall to get their Eyebrows threaded in about an hour. I hurried and hopped into the shower, got all pretty, got my kids all situated, and headed down to Andreas house. I was SO excited because I was able to wear a pair of black pants that I hadn't been able to wear since last time I was down to my goal weight! Happy day!
Andrea and I drove over the Transmountain area to pick up Kim. She was at Wal-Mart, having just dropped off her jeep. I think it was for an oil change. I don't know. Some car something or another - hehehe. Next, we drove over to the West Side mall to the Threading place. Once again, the lady worked her magic, and Kim and Andrea got BEAUTIFUL eyebrows. I think I'll do mine again next month. I self-threadded a bit, and plucked a bit, and they're still good enough for now. But next month.
Next, we went to Chick-Fil_A for lunch. I got a salad, and picked off all the stuff I wasn't supposed to have. See, I'm still being good. Lettuce, cabbage, and chicken breast. No dressing. And a Diet Dr. Pepper. I know, I know. Caffeine again. But it tasted SO good. I'm a glutton for punishment :) We had fun eating lunch, then sitting and chatting for about an hour. Girl talk is great :)
Next, we loaded back up in Andreas rig, and drove back to Transmountain area to drop Kim back off at her Jeep. Andrea drove me back home, and said that she and Kim were gonna go to the East side and go to Hobby Lobby in about an hour or so. I said that I'd assess the situation at home, and let her know if I could come or not. Captain America was watching the kids, and I had to make sure that all was still well :)
Everyone seemed happy and content when I got home. They were getting ready to go roller bladeing. Captain America was at the table doing something to the wheels. I asked him what he thought about more "girl" time, and he said it was fine. I ate my snack, played for a bit, then headed back to Andreas.
When I got there, Kim was just getting there too. Andrea didn't know if she could go, because one of her kids really didn't want to go. He was still having a hard time from his dad leaving for a month (trainings) the day before. But, after hanging out at Andreas house for about 45 minutes, he decided that coming wouldn't be too bad, so we all loaded up, and headed off to the East side.
The girls and I decided that even though my wreath stuff wasn't on sale, I should still buy the actual wreath, the hanger, and the ribbons. The other parts would be on sale next week, or the week after. So, I spent $11.00, and got 2 different spools of ribbons, and HUGE wreath (brown, made with branches), and a door hanger. My job now is to come back next week or so, and look for the cutesie stuff to put on it :) But for now, I have a brown branch wreath hanging on my door - LOL!
Andrea and Kim are making Scrapbooks of their "doings" while their men are gone. They wanted to look for stickers and papers and cutesie stuff to scrapbook with. We had fun walking around the craft store, looking at all the great stuff they had.
Next, it was on to the Skin/Hair/Make up store. Andrea was considering buying a Hair Iron (A Chi, I think it was called). In the end, she didn't know if she'd use it enough to warrant $80. That's a lot of money to only fix your hair twice a month. Poor girl was SO undecided.
Then, it was back home. Captain America and I were going to the movies at 7:45, so I had to be home by 7pm. I got home at 6:45, well within my parameters. Only Jacob was home when I got there. Captain America had the kids at the neighborhood park, playing Soccer. What a great dad :)
I hurried and made dinner, and called Captain America to tell him to hurry home so we'd make it to the movies on time. We needed to leave by 7:15 to make it in time. At 7:11, Captain America still hadn't showered, and I was starting to get panicked. I went to look online to see if there was a later showing. Come to find out, the movie didn't start until 9:10pm. Wow, I was WAY off on the start time.
So, we slowed things down, and had time to hang out a bit more, then put all the kids to bed. That was nice, to have them in bed before we left. And much easier for Jake to babysit sleeping kids - heehe.
We got to the movies with a few minutes to spare. We saw Transformers. At first, I didn't care for the movie. The first 1/2 was not the best. There was a lot of language (I still think of Transformers as a kid movie, and it DEFINITELY wasn't), and a lot of unnecessary "sex" appeal. The college scenes were TOTALLY fake (any of you go to colleges like that??? Where everyone is GORGEOUS?), and I wasn't crazy about the drug reference.
But then the 2nd 1/2 of the movie was good. A lot of action, some humor, increased story line. I actually liked the last half. It salvaged the movie for me. I came away saying it was a good movie. I don't know if I'll buy it or not, but I did like it. But boy was it long. 2 1/2 hours. We didn't get out until quarter to midnight.
We made a quick stop at the grocery store on the way home (I needed another days worth of pineapple), then drove the 15 minutes to home. Luckily, we didn't get stopped by the guards coming back into Ft. Bliss. But then, it wasn't Friday night. That's usually when we get stopped. Maybe Saturday night they're not as bad. Really, it's just luck of the draw who gets searched when re-entering the gate, but Friday nights in a row makes one wonder......
OK, remember how I told you all that on Thursday, my friend Krista came over and I helped her make a baptism announcement for her daughter? Well, I liked the WordArt I designed for her so much, I decided to give it to you all! I thought it would be PERFECT for your Faithbooking pages :) SO, click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

wow, first to comment-cool
thanks so much for sharing your wonderful talents
LOVE this wa
thanks bunches!!!
Yea, I felt the same way about Transformers 2 also. Don't think I'll be buying that one. I also thought you should go and get the wreath stuff that was on sale. Have to always make another trip to HL. I go ea week usually. Thanks so much for the Baptism wordart, it's so cute.
Just wanted to thank you again for your lovely word art. I came by today and grabbed several freebies for the pages I am putting together for Christmas presents for my seven kids. Hope you have a blessed day.
Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us. Both my children accepted Christ as their Savior and were baptized this year. I have been collecting items for a SB page for them. This will definitely be focal on those creations. Thank you.
Thank you so much, my daughter is getting baptised on Sat. and I want to do a page to have on display for the luncheon, this will help.
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