Jake had a St. Louis Rams (Football) jersey and a St. Louis Cardinals (baseball) hat. Tom had a St. Louis Cardinals shirt and a St. Louis Cardinals hat. Eme had a St. Louis Cardinals hat. Joe had a St. Louis Cardinals shirt. Jim had a Ohio something hat. Captain America had a St. Louis Cardinals shirt and a St. Louis Cardinals hat. Me? I had nothing. I used to own a Cardinals shirt, but after loosing weight, it now fits Captain America and not me. I borrowed a St. Louis Blues (hockey) shirt, and stuffed it in my purse. I'd put it on when we got there.
We got to the mall at about 11:20am, and went inside. We got in line, and I felt dumb pulling a shirt out of my purse (yeah, not so great thinking), so I grabbed Jakes Cardinals hat and sat it on my head. I'm not a hat person, cause my head is SO large (don't even try telling me it's not. I got my massive head from my dad. Ask my family, they'll tell you. It's GINORMOUS!). We went to order, getting 7 chicken sandwiches, 2 large shakes (cookies and cream and strawberry), and a large soda (diet Dr. Pepper - mmmmmm). I gave 1/2 my sandwich to Jake and 1/2 to Tom. Jim only ate 1/2 his sandwich, and I think Joe did too. I'm not sure who consumed those, but every last crumb was eaten. hehehe. Did I ever mention that Harty kids are eaters?? LOL!
Check out these cute table decorations they had. Megaphones. First thing Jimmy did was pick it up and yell in it "Hey goalie, you suck". Nice. See the lovely things they learn at Hockey Games. After that, though, he started saying "Hey Mom, You Rock". Much nicer. Thanks, Jim. You rock too! Captain America thought this photo was nasty, but I thought it was kinda funny - hehehe.

Mmmmm, those shakes were HARD to resist. Well, the Cookies and Cream one was. The strawberry? Not so much. Especially after Jimmy accidentally knocked it over, and spilled part of it on the table. Captain America scooped it back into the cup. Ewwwh. No one else seemed to mind, though. hehehe.

We were such dorks at the mall restaurant. We were snapping pictures, and having a grand time. On her way out, a nice lady sitting behind us asked if we wanted her to take all of our picture together. How sweet! So, here's the whole fam :)

Here's the family throwing pennies in the fountain. Because you can't really walk past a fountain without making a wish, right? I know Eme said she wished for a PS2 or Xbox or something like that (really, does she even like that kind of thing???) and Captain America said he wished for something with 4 legs. Hmmm, I wonder what that could be. heheeh. Yeah, it's not a dog or a cat. That would be too easy :)

Next, we walked around for a bit more. A cheap jewelry store, and Game Stop, then headed home. Going to the mall with 5 kids (7 people) is a little stressful, and I'd had all the "mall fun" I could handle. Plus, I was hungry. I didn't eat at Chick-Fil-A, just drank the giant soda, so I still needed to go home and eat my cheese and cucumber.
I spent most of the early afternoon relaxing. I know, because I'd done SO much at the beginning of the day - hehehe. I played online for a while, and read some, and did some dishes (ok, so that wasn't relaxing). I also started some laundry. Or was that the day before. All my days are bluring together. I know that I cleaned my room for a little while. I had a few loads of clean laundry that needed to be folded, and some papers that needed to be filed. It looks much better now.
Captain America and I (ok, so mostly it was him) went through the Civil War stuff to see what we needed to make. Most of the kids had what they needed. Joe has grown so much lately (up, not around), that all of his pants are too short. Jimmy can wear his pants. He only has 1 pair that still fit.
Eme's dresses all look funny, so I decided to make her a new one. I found a pattern online for a pinafore dress, and it actually looked do-able to me. It turned out SO cute. I had to mess with the neck hole a little bit, but after that slight alteration, it looks fabulous. I just need to hem the bottom and sew on eye hooks, and it'll be all done. It's red and white plaid. SO pretty.
I managed to make food for the kids in there somewhere, and get them to bed at around 8pm. Jake stayed up a little later studying for a Science test tomorrow, and I eventually got around to eating my dinner. It's almost double what I was eating on my original diet. I SO love re-feed - hehehe.
I was looking online for a pattern for a 1860's mechanic's hat, but only found a picture. I decided to try and re-create it using my limited skills. What I made looks similar, Joe and Jim are sleeping. I tried to sneak in their room and try it on, but it didn't work very well. In the morning. I'll try it then. I even cut out extra pieces, so if it works, I've got a pattern. See, aren't I smart :)
Maybe tomorrow (Tuesday - I'm blogging on Monday night) I'll take pics of everyone in their uniforms. They look so stinkin' cute! But, tomorrow is gonna be a busy day. I've gotta get Eme to school by 8am, Joe and Tom have Doctors appointments for physicals at 8:40am and 9:00am, I've gotta go grocery shopping, stop by the Boy Scout office and pick up a few things, homeschool Jacob, and try and get everything ready for our campout on Friday. Which also happens to be Jimmy's Birthday. And Thursday is Joe's first Tiger Cub (Cub Scouts) meeting. And Wednesday is Tom and Jake's Cub/Boy Scout meetings. Busy, busy, busy. No rest for the wicked, right?
Seriously, I've got issues. As I sit here on Monday night blogging, I'm having the almost uncontrollable urge to twitch or flail my arms or something. Too much caffeine swarming through my veins or something. Not good. Not good at all. I'm not gonna be able to sleep tonight. I can just feel it. Jittery, tired, but no sleep. Diet Dr. Pepper - you are not my friend (but I still love you.....)
This WordArt request was from Chris, back in January, during my move to El Paso. Yeah, sorry for the delay, but better late than never, right? hehehe. Actually, someone emailed me yesterday asking for this one for a request. See, it looks like I'm REALLY one the ball, eh? LOL!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Thanks so much. Love your work.
One of my absolute favorite quotes! Thanks!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Page 10 post on Sep. 08, 2009. Thanks again.
I love your word-art. I have a question for you... in your pictures you look gorgeous; how do you take care of 5 kids and still manage to look so beautiful?? I have 2 grown kids and 2 grandchildren but it seems I can barely find time to brush my teeth! And also to make such wonderful word-art for all of us. WHAT A WOMAN.
Great word art. You have an award at my blog!
This is lovely! I'm a die hard recycler and i always get picked on for it, so this'll come in handy, thanks :o)
Love the first photo, i had to laugh!
Thank you for your quotes and inspirations! It is so fun to see what you will do next!
Honey!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much for this wonderful WA. I was palnning to use it in a card I'll give to my senior students when they graduate, and since classes (down here in Argentina) end in December... you're not late at all!!!!!!!!
Thanks again and I love to see how you've found new friends and how everything seems to be accomodating.
Love, Cris (from Buenos Aires, Argentina)
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