I got up at 7am (woke up before the old alarm again. Not quite sure what that's about. I could have used that 15 minutes extra sleep. I got the kids fed and out the door to school, then started Jake on his math test. We were planning on going walking with Andrea at 8:30, but it fell through.
Her baby had gotten sick overnight, and she was at the hospital with him. Poor little guy. He was having breathing problems, and they didn't know what was the problem. They transfered him to the Childrens Hospital, and kept giving him breathing treatments. Last I talked to her, they were still there. Poor girl.
So, I started sewing. I made Jimmy's Mechanic hat. I made new undersleeves for myself. I made a chemise for Emeline. I hemmed Eme's dress. I made a white collar for myself and for Eme's dress. I hemmed my dress, and hemmed my sleeves. I was a sewing fool :)
When Captain America came back home for lunch, I made him put on his new dress blue uniform, and took pics of him. He was SO embarrassed, but I made him go in the backyard, because it had better light. Isn't he HANDSOME!!!

After the other kids got home from school, I sat down with Joe and helped him with his homework. He had about 10 spelling words, and with help, he could sound them out and spell them. Good job, Joe! I also noticed that his teacher is writing notes on his assignment page again about how he doesn't know the sight words. Are you kidding me? I thought we already talked about this. Had the meeting with the principal. Remember, lady? I KNOW HE DOESN"T KNOW THE SIGHT WORDS. That was the whole point. How am I supposed to be helping him memorize 100+ sight words, AND all the new stuff for 1st grade. Sigh. The test we're waiting for is on the 17th. I sure hope it comes fast. I don't know if I can hold my tongue much longer.
The little kids had 4 loads of laundry to fold and put away, so while everyone else did their chores, Jimmy and I went in his room, folded clothes, and I passed them to him to put away. That alone helped the house look much cleaner - hehehe.
We had dinner at 5:30, and Joe and Captain America and I headed to Cub Scouts at 6:00pm. The LDS church does Cub Scouts, but doesn't start until their 8 years old. SO, no Tiger program. We put Tom and Jake both in Tigers when they were in 1st grade, and Joe was SO excited to join. It was the first meeting. It was just a joining meeting (sign up), but they had stuff to make your own ice cream sundaes, so Joe thought it was AWESOME. We also bought him a pack teeshirt for $7.00. He really liked the one on one time with mom and dad.
It looks like a good pack, and we're excited to get involved. We'll keep Joe in it till he turns 8, then he'll go to the church pack. BUT, we'll have 2 years with pack 58. I'm looking forward to it :)
We got home at 7:30pm, and put the little kids to bed. Eme, Jake, and Tom stayed up till 8:00pm. I started sewing again. I made a night dress for myself, and one for Eme. I didn't finish Eme's since I needed her head for a measurement. I left all the stuff out in the kitchen to finish it off on Friday. They're pretty cool. And, I made myself a night hat. I don't know if it's period correct or not, but it's pretty cool. It's like the kids Mechanic hats, but without the brim. And a little poofier. I'll have to do some research and see if it's period at all.
So, here I sit, at 11;14pm on Thursday night. In my Civil War jammies and hat. hehehe. Listening to Muse. OK, not the best Civil War music, but it sure keeps me on task - :) I think I'm gonna sleep in my jammies to test them out. They're SO comfortable.
Friday should be a good day. Jimmy's birthday. He's turning 4. I plan on taking him and Jake to lunch at a playland. Mc Donalds or Burger King or Chick-Fil-A or something like that. I invited a few of my friends to go. We'll see if anyone wants to come :)
I need to cook for the civil War campout. I need to make Jim's b-day cupcakes, bake bread (or rolls), muffins, biscuits, and cookies. And pack for the campout. And walk at 8:30am with Laurie. Then lunch. And help Jake with school. Sigh. Looks like no nap day again. hehehe.
So, in honor of Jimmy's 4th Birthday, I made a WordArt for you guys. I got the brush at www.obsidiandawn.com. OMGosh, they have some of the coolest brushes.... ever! Go give it a look-see. AND, they just require credit for CU. Nice, eh? I can credit them. I used their brush for the cool box thingy :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

I don't understand what a "brush" is. What is it and how do you use it?
Thanks for the awesome birthday maks wordart. I love it!
Hi Bethany, I love reading your blog & I totally appreciate all your freebies however, am I doing something wrong because all I get is a black box when I download?
Oh, and how do you not fall over from exhaustion???!!! LOL
Love the mask. Your husband is very handsome and you look like Ashley Judd! Thank you.
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Page 12 post on Sep. 11, 2009. Thanks again.
Love the birthday mask. Now I just need to figure out how to use it. LOL. I have a little guy who is now in Boy Scouts (see my blog at pjsnotes.blogspot.com if you want to take a look at his first court of honr). The pics aren't great but hey, they're there. LOL. Your DH looks great in the dress blues. I had a brother in the Army (years ago!) and one in the Marines too. Love the uniforms!! They look SO great in uniforms!
GIRL, TY for the awesome BD mask! I'm so thankful there are mothers like you in the world.. I'm not one of them.. I don't have the energy to do all that you do in a a single day. Reading this post made me tired LOL. Keep up the good work. I'm LDS, too.. Love, Susie aka Psychozoe
Very cute! Thank you :)
Thank you!!! :)
Very cute - thanks so much!
Have you got a pattern number for those Civil War Jammies? I need some new and I'd love some comfy ones for a change. The store bought's just don't do it for me and DH is getting tired of me stealing his t-shirts.
And the chemise for Eme looks like quite a project. You have a great deal more patience and energy than I do. I do better with the fancy embroidery than the assembly.
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