Wednesday was a pretty good day. I woke up 10 minutes before my alarm, which was amazing, since I went to bed the night before at 1am. I got the kids all ready for school, and out the door. I got Jacob started on a class, and got ready for my walk. Andrea and I were going at 8:30.
I got Jimmy and Jake all ready too. Jake needs exercise for his PE class, and this will be there perfect activity for him. We met Andrea at her house, and started walking. Jake really did pretty good. I'm a fast walker, and he managed to mostly keep up. We ended up walking for an hour and 15 minutes. I'd say that was a pretty good walk. I told him to bring his MP3 player next time, though. He got a little bored. And, to drink water before hand and bring water for the trip. He needs to stay hydrated :)
We got back home at around 10am, and relaxed. Jake worked on school, and I designed for a while. It was my last day of the week for new products in the store. I had till midnight to get them designed and loaded. I had two complete, and one almost done. So, it could have been worse :)
Captain America came home at lunch time, and after lunch, he and I dropped the truck off at the mechanic. It's not really broke, but needed something small done to it. I hope it helps. It's an old rig, so it's bound to have "aches and pains". But I absolutely love my Suburban. We also stopped at the Army "outfit" store and picked up Captain Americas dress blues. They look SO good. His pants should be here on Friday. We're keeping our fingers crossed.
His coat and hat look FANTASTIC, though. We're gonna have him put it on and take a picture. They're phasing out the Green Dress Uniform, and are replacing it with the Blue. Really, the blues look quite impressive. Maybe I'll have him put on the top 1/2 tomorrow, and I'll get a pic for you guys.
Back home, more school. Jimmy and I cleaned his room later in the day. It was SO bad. I took everthing out except the dresser and the 2 beds. I don't know how they keep trashing it without a thing in there. Their toys are already put away in a box in the garage. They each have a pillow and one small blanket. Sigh.
The kids came home from school, and I made dinner. I was STARVING, since I exercised so much. hehehe. I decided to make some Diet Jello for later. That should curb the ole appetite. Or at least that was the plan. Scouts was at 7pm. Tom just lOVEs his new den leader. Brother Creason. Real nice guy :) I think all of our leaders are gonna work out nicely. The little kids and I joined Captain America with his 11 year old Scout meeting. They were learning about cooking at a campout.
I got home, put the kids to bed, and designed. I was so glad to get it all done, and the store loaded. I'm a little stressed about all the stuff that needs done before the campout, and I wasn't really in the mood for designing. Next week will be better :) I just know it ;)
Thursday will be a day for sewing and cooking. I'm making Jimmy's b-day cake (he's turning 4 of September 11th) and finishing up any sewing projects. LIke Eme's dress. And Toms vest. And Jim's hat. I've got a lot to do. Hopefully I get it all done :) Then, Joe has his first Tiger Cubs (Boy Scouts) meeting at 6pm on post. He's SO excited about it ;)
This WordArt request is from Judy aka GrammaJ. She found an article in a local paper, and this little boy, Tommy, said the follow quote. TOO cute. I could just imagine a little guy (or girl) saying it - hehehe. Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

LOVE it!!! Too cute! Much thanks!
So perfect - thank you!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Page 11 post on Sep. 10, 2009. Thanks again.
From the mouths of babes :) Adorable.
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 10 Sep [LA 04:00pm, NY 06:00pm, UK 11:00pm] - 11 Sep [OZ 09:00am]).
That is a great quote!!
Good luck getting all your sewing projects done!!
Thanks for the freebie! very cute!
I haven't visited your blog for ages so I've been busy today reading and enjoying the freebies. I particularly loved this WordArt - I like how you used the childlike font for the child's words. I'm a teacher, so this will come in very useful for some of my school layouts. Thanks!
Karen from Moscow
Interesting One! Because it is full of the love and care!
Knowledge Expert
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