Still, she didn't want to take the baby. And I perfectly understand that! So I watched Luke. I got the kids off to school at 7:30 like normal, and she came over at about that time. Jimmy and Jake has so much fun playing with him. Jimmy followed him around, saying "Lukie, lukie". Too cute!
I actually managed to get some designing in, since the boys were playing together nicely. Throughout the day, I finished off the 5 packs for this week, and even started on 2 more for next week. I'm back ahead again! LOL!
Andrea got back at around 9:30ish, and stayed and chatted and hung out for a while. At 11:00ish, we decided to go to the Dollar Tree to pick up some balloons and plates and silverware for the party. No point in doing dishes, right? That's no fun! LOL!
So we left Jake and Jim at home, took Luke, and headed out. There wasn't really anything good there. We did find the silverware, but no plates with a large enough count, and no balloons. I did find a few things that I needed though. Baggies and a penguin platter for Christmas (yeah, that's a need - ROFL!) and a turkey roaster. I guess the roaster pan WAS for the party.
So on the way home, we decided to stop at Applebees. Because their Grilled Shrimp and Spinach salad is to DIE for! We got the dressing on the side, and just dipped our forks in the dressing before getting a bite. It was SO good.
We were home by 12:30pm, and I got my kids some lunch, got Jake re-focused on school, and went to lay down with Jimmy for a nap. Yeah, I fell asleep for about 45 minutes, but I don't think he ever did - hehehe.
At 3:00pm, I went with Andrea to go and get the kids from school, then came home and made roll out sugar cookie dough. The kids were SO excited. It needed to be chilled for an hour, and we had plans to bake cookies with Andreas family at 6pm.
At 4:30pm, I went with Andrea to the PX to look for a Christmas present for one of her kids. We shopped around at a few stores there, then she decided which one she wanted, and got it.
I fed my kids, and straightened up a little before Andrea and kids came over at 6:30ish. I had 8 individual balls of dough set out on the counter, each with their own little flour pile and space for rolling. They rolled it out, then used cookie cutters to cut it, and moved it to the cookie sheets. It was SO loud in the house. 8 children and 2 moms. Oh goodness!
While they rolled it all out, I made the frosting. It looked pretty good, but I was fairly sure it wasn't gonna be enough. I frosted up the first 2 batches out of the oven, and got them all ready to go. The rest of the cookies were for the kids. We let them each decorate and eat 2. The rest? Well, I'll frost them tomorrow and decide what to do with them at that point - hehehe.
It really was a fun time. A bit crazy, but fun. It doesn't help that our houses are SO echo-ey. With those vaulted ceilings, it's hard not to be. My ears are still ringing.
I put the kids to bed at 8:30pm, and got online. I chatted with my neighbor Leslie on Facebook for a while, and Andrea on Skype. Captain America came home at around 9:30pm, and I'm getting ready to load me store for the week. All in all, it was a great day :) Lots of fun!
Oh yeah, and I am now down 7 lbs! I went from 159 to 152 in a weeks time! Yeah me :) Only Wednesday and Thursday to go, before it's eat all I can see at the Birthday party -ROFL!
Another Wednesday! I got this idea after El Paso had 70-100 mph winds today. That's BIG winds. I looked out the back window at one point, and a big storage box went zipping by. Dang! All the chain link fences were filled with trash that had blown there. hehehe.
Click HERE to go to Scraporchard to download the zip file, and remember, you have to be logged into the GALLERY in order to get the download. Thanks!

1 comment:
LOL...Perfect wordart for today Bethany:) Woke up to 10" of "white gold" (seriously - that's what they call that stuff around here) this morning with another 6 on it's way and high winds...uggghhhhh
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