We got breakfast, and made snack for the kids, and did our own things in the morning. Captain Americaworked on cleaning his Civil War guns at the table, the kids played and watched part of a movie, and I read. Nice and relaxing.
We started getting ready for church at around 11:30, and were out the door by 12:40. We were about 5 minutes late. Oops. Better than the 30 minutes late we were last night - LOL! I don't like being late, you know ;)
Conference was really good. We got a new Stake Presidency. Our old stake president is in our ward, so I guess we now have another mans name to add to the "callings list" - hehehe. Anyway, it was nice. The kids were mostly well behaved, considering they needed to sit on hard metal folding chairs in a crowded gym with a billion other families for 2 hours. Jimmy ended up falling alseep on my lap with 30 minutes to go.
We learned about the importance of listening to the Holy Ghost, and going to the temple, and being a missionary, and loving others. It was really good. Stake conference really is a fabulous meeting. *directed to my LDS readers, but you are all invited to come too - hehehe * I'd encourage all of you who don't go (for whatever reason) to start going. Sure, it's an easy meeting to skip out on, because no one knows if you're there or not. But Heavenly Father knows, and will bless you for going. Even if your kids are unruley and obnoxious the whole time (Jake and Tom DID elbow fight a few times before we separated them), you're teaching them a valuable lesson. That their parents/mom/dad/whoever feels that this is important enough to go. Ok, off the ole soap box....
We got home at around 4pm, and spent the rest of the evening doing nothing in particular. I had a "I'm gonna start my period any second" moment or two, but managed to come out ok. hehehe. It didn't help my diet any, but I'm gonna push ahead, and do good tomorrow. I just couldn't compete with the hormones today.
We watch Kung Pow with Captain America, since he hadn't seen it. I seriously thought he was gonna hurt himself he laughed so hard a few times. I forgot how much fun he is to watch comedies (especially DUMB ones) with. hehehe.
He finished cleaning his guns, and played a bit of Wii with the older boys, and the little kids plus Eme had a sleep over in their room, and all was well. I hope that Monday is just as relaxing as today was :)
This WordArt request comes from Chris. I'm fairly certain that I've done it before, but I liked this one too :) Hope you like it, girl!
Click on the links below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

I just recently ran across your site. I love word art! Thank you for sharing your wonderful talent!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 8 post on Jan. 18, 2010. Thanks again.
thank you - just love the saying!
Hi Bethany, thank you so much for sharing the freebies. I just want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog at <a href="http://www.deyaniscrap.wordpress.com> Deyani Scrap</a>.
I really love the quote!
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the CraftCrave DigiFree search engine today (look for timestamp: [19 Jan 01:00am GMT]).
Hi Bethany, I just wanted to say thank you so much for this beautiful wordart and for sharing so much of your amazing work with us all. I've been trying to find a word or quote to inspire me this year and this is it. I will try to seize life and do the things I have been struggling to finish or too afraid to fail at. Including scrapbooking itself - I have been too afraid to really try in case I wasnt good enough. But the point is to try, to embrace the challenge and simply do your best. Thank you so much for the inspiration. HUGS XXXXX
I just love the rain! Thanks so much for sharing this WA!
thank you!!
love this one
thanks for the freebie!
Love this, we have found out my husband has Cancer and today was his first treatment. So this helped me today. THANKS!!!!!
I LOVE this quote! I discovered it a couple months ago and have decided I'm going to make a huge clock for my wall with that quote on it.
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