The kids were all back to mostly normal today. Jake had 4 extra classes to do, and Joe has a bit of extra homework to make up for during the weekend, but all is well. I was a bit disappointed that they missed their class pictures on Wednesday. I didn't know they were doing them. I guess I should have paid closer attention. But then, I couldn't have made them NOT sick for that day, so such it is, I guess :(
I dropped off Joe and Tom and Eme at 8am, and really just spent the rest of the afternoon doing nothing. I wasn't feeling terribly great, but not super sick either. Sometimes being around sick people makes you THINK that you're sick. You over guess every little twinge - LOL! SO, just to be sure, I spent the day on the couch and in bed. I spent my time catching up on this past season of Survivor. I must say, it was a WONDERFUL season. I loathed Russell at the beginning, but he wore on me after a while :)
I need to go to the store tomorrow and grocery shop, and buy Jake a Compass for math. He couldn't complete his assignment today because he didn't have one. Sigh. That means a trip to Walmart or an office supply store. One or the other.
Captain America was home sick again today. He got of bed a few times, but was always back in bed within the hour. Grown ups take longer to recover than kids, you know :)
At 3pm, I headed to the school to pick up Joe and Eme. Tom was staying for Extra PE, and Andre was gonna pick up Tom and Sam. Ben said home sick, so she didn't need to come right after school. Worked out great for me :)
I fed the kids snack after school, and went back to my relaxing. I'm gonna have to not be sick tomorrow, and clean up, cause it's getting messy again :) Kids did their homework, and a few chores, and I made dinner (soup), then headed out to my FRG meeting.
I had to be there around 5 to help the Leader, Angela, get everything ready. We got copies made, and made up an agenda, then headed over to the FRG room.
We had quite the crowd. There were even a lot of wives and kids and families that came. ACS (Army Community Services) came and told us about all of their many programs that they offer, and the REd Cross came and talk about their services. We had some announcements, and the Commander and 1st SGT talked for a bit, then we sang Happy Birthday to all of the people with Janurary Birthdays, and that was it.
WE'd passed out Surveys to find out what kind of "presenters" we should get for the FRG meetings, and to put out feelers for help with the FRG. Angela and I can't do this on our own.
Captain America and the kids stayed home, since he was sick, and it wasn't for kids. Worked for me. I stopped by Andreas house on the way home and "borrowed" some saltine crackers. I realized that I was out at 2:30pm today. When I went to get some for my snack.
I'm telling you, it TOTALLY derailed my head. I had in my mind that I was gonna eat those 4 saltines, and when they weren't there, it seriously took ALL of my self control to stop from eating everything in sight. It was SO good than Andrea called me to help get the Kindergartners from school, because otherwise I would be chowing down on food.
THEN, I was gonna eat when I got home from school, but realized that she was gonna have to stop back by with Tom after Extra PE, so I couldn't eat then either. When she left, Captain America woke up, so I was saved. I probably would have eaten a whole package of cereal (yes, I've done that before), or several sandwiches, or 4 muffins, or something equally as bad. But, I'm happy to announce that I STAYED on the diet, and didn't cheat. I'd better be down when I weigh tomorrow. Can you gain weight by just thinking about eating? I sure hope not. I feel food dreams in the making tonight.... Sigh.
So have you noticed how disjointed this post was today? What's up with that. I must be feeling the "food withdrawls", because it's affecting my mojo :) I think I'll call it quits for now, and go watch some TV before bed. Or maybe just go to sleep and get more than 6-7 hours of sleep. Night night!
Oh yeah, and for some reason, it seems that the 4shared from yesterday wasn't working too well. Only 19 people got it. Not quite sure what that was all about. I updated it, and it seems to be working fine. Until it decides to stop working again - LOL! Sorry about that :)
This WordArt request is from Sarah. OMGosh, it's SO true. We really do need to keep in mind the important job that we do. Sometimes it feels VERY inconvenient. VERY. But I really must take a step back, and realize that I have a little person here who I'm teaching and shaping and molding into a GREAT adult (hopefully), who will do great things :)
Click on the links below to to go my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Sooner than you think they'll be all grown up, and you'll wish you had them little again!
I just wanted to give you a BIG thank you for all of your word art freebies!! I absolutely LOVE them and have been using them on my photos! I joined your forum on Scraporchard so, I will post a few on there for you to see!!
thanks again... I have 172 of your free word arts and today I finally registered at SO and purchased your latest kits...thanks and keep up the great work...
so amazing...this especially is something I would make trillions of layouts and stick in the faces of many girls nowadays who have kids like they buy clothes...
anyway, thanks so much for all your wonderful word art, for sharing your talent :)
Lovely wordart. So meaningful.
You have the best WA, thanks for sharing all your beautiful work.
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