I heard the kids at 7am-7:30 in the kitchen, and got up at around 7:45am to get them some cerel and oranges, then went back to bed. Captain America got up at around 8-8:30ish, and played with them for a while, and I was still sleeping. 9:30 before I woke up. It was SO nice :) Jake and Captain America were playing chess when I finally came out at 10am.
I started on a snack for the kids, Bran muffins. I'd set aside part of the raisin bran for the recipe on shopping day, and used it in the recipe. I added the cereal, and milk, and oil, and eggs, and vanilla, then the peeled and diced apples and walnuts, then the spices, and flour, and sugar, and baking soda, and baking power. Then realized that I hadn't doubled everything. I'd just doubled the cereal. Crap!
I had to add more of everything. It took WAY longer than I was expecting. Then, the recipe said to bake for 10 minutes, and it ended up taking 25. And I had 2 batches. Sigh. BUT, they were tasty. I made enough for muffins as a snack one more time during the week, and 2 more weeks ahead. I put them in the freezer. Should be good :) And less work - ROFL!
After snack, Captain America and I went back to our room, and I read for a bit, and he napped. He slept from 11am - 3pm. Dang! I think it was because he's been SO stressed and busy at work. Poor guy!
I left the room at almost 1pm, and started on lunch. Bagel sandwiches. With Turkey Cotti Salami and cheese. Mine had lettuce and tomatoes. SO good. The kids played games, and I read. It really was a great afternoon.
When Captain America woke up at 3, we had the kids do their chores, and clean their rooms. By 4:30, it was nice and clean (ish) again. I started on dinner for the kids at around 5pm, and it was done at 6pm. Tortallini soup. SO good. It's my favorite, I think :)
Captain America left at 5:30 to go to the battery to do a bit of work, and was home by 6:45. We left the house a little before 7pm, and headed to the adult session of Stake Conference. A general authority was going to be there, Elder Christensen.
We were a bit late, as it started at 7pm, but I figured that it was better to come late than to not come at all. I'm glad that Captain America made me go. I wasn't feeling like going at all. I'd had a nice relaxing day, and didn't really wanna go. I didn't wanna shower and put on "real" clothes (heeheh). I just wanted to bum around the house all day.
BUT, conference was good. They talked a lot about going to the temple, and missionary work. It was a great session of conference. Afterwords, Captain America wanted to go for a soda. But since I'm off of caffiene, I wanted ice cream. ROFL! I'm starting my diet tomorrow, so ice cream is still good - hehehe.
I wanted Cold Stone ice cream too. I didn't know where one was, but figured it should be around the mall area. So we drove there, but didn't see it. We drove around for a bit longer, and Captain America spotted it! I got one that had chocolate ice cream, fudge, chocolate chips, and something else. It was pretty good. I think I'm gonna try one with a vanilla base next time. It tasted too much like chocolate ice cream for me. Maybe something with Oreos. Those are SO good.
Captain America opted for a smoothie with splenda. He got the triple berry, but didn't want raspberries, so got extra blueberries and strawberries. He liked it. He said next time, he's bringing extra splenda from home so it's sweeter - hehehe. He does like his shakes sweet :)
We were home by 10pm, and the kids were all alseep. Good job, babysitter Jacob! I was expecting them (Jake, Tom, and Eme) to be awake. They must have got tired and went to bed.
Here it is, late again, and I'm almost done. I'm gonna read for a bit, then go to sleep. Since it's stake conference, we don't have to be there till 1pm. That means SLEEPING in!!! I'm SO excited. Can you tell?
So todays WordArt idea came from Stake Conference last night. I can't remember which speaker gave this quote, but I just LOVED it, and knew that I was destined for "WordArt". hehehe. I came right home and googled it, and quickly found it. What do you think? Do you like?
Click on the links below to go to my account to download the pNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Next time get the Sinless Sweet Cream at Cold Stone is is divine!
I love this quote! It's just what I needed this morning! What an uplift on a Sunday morning! Thank you so much!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 7 post on Jan. 17, 2010. Thanks again.
thank you so much for sharing this beautiful wordart!
Wonderful. YOu shaped this important message beautifully. It is so great the way you bear testimony in your work.
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