Is it Monday already? And the Monday of Spring break, none the less. Where does the time go?
So, another Sunday. Since my truck was broke, we had to shuttle to church. Captain America was up and ready and out the door to meetings before anyone else was awake. We got up at 7:15am and started getting ready. He came home at 7:50am, and we decided that I'd go to my 8:20am meeting with Jake, Tom, and Joe, and that he'd stay behind and get the other kids ready.
I met with the member of the Bishopric, and they released me from my Primary Presidency calling, and asked me to be the Chorister in Primary. Sigh. This makes my 8th time doing it. But, I don't turn down callings, so I said yes.
I left the boys at church, and headed back to get the rest of the family. Apparently, while I was gone, Jake and Tom were fist fighting in the chapel, and the bishopric member had to come and talk with them. Needless to say, the were in SO much trouble when they got home. Both were banned from any forms of electronic entertainment for a month. That's just NOT acceptable behavior.
So I come back home, get Captain America and Jim and Eme, and we head back to church. On the way to church, Captain America starts questioning me if I'm gonna ever get back on my diet. And he says that since I'm probably not gonna, then I oughta get rid of all my skinny clothes and replace them with clothes that fit me at this weight. What the heck? Yeah, I was NOT pleased with that conversation. Did he take a stupid pill this morning? You don't EVER talk to a woman about her weight. EVER. Somehow along the way, he missed that part....
So, my day didn't start off too good. I had to take Joe into the hall during sacrament and talk to him about being reverent, and then take Jimmy to the bathroom, because he says, Loudly, "Mom, I"ve gotta go poop NOW or I'm gonna poop my pants". So out we went.
AND, since I ate a WHOLE bag of prunes last night (I know, I know, not the smartest thing to do, but they're my WEAKNESS. I LOVE prunes...), I had the worst case of stomach cramps EVER. Felt like I'd taken laxatives. SO not cool.
I was doing sharing time, and part of it was to watch the Follow the Prophet movie that I'd spent 3 hours making yesterday. And I couldn't get the TV to work. It's the same brand of TV that we have at home, and has the A/V connections in the front. And they went bad. Sigh. So I had 7 minutes worth of Sharing time to stretch into a 15 minute slot. AND we didn't get to see the movie. I was disappointed.
I did find someone to take 3 of my kids home, then waited for 15 minutes after church for Captain America to get out a meeting, when someone else offered to take me and the other 2 kids home. That was nice. I don't know how long I would have been waiting.
I got the kids food, then went in my room for a break. I wasn't feeling well, so the bathroom and I had some personal time - hehehe (actually, not funny - seriously - LOL)
Captain America got home, and we decided on the boys' punishment. I took a big nap, and Captain America helped Jacob finalize his packing for the campout. The little kids watched a movie, and Tom read his book.
I got up and read for a while, then made lasagna casserole for dinner. I think everyone liked it well enough. I liked it, anyway. It was the first thing I'd eaten that day, so I didn't really feel that good. I know, I need to take better care of myself. I was just upset the whole day, and with the prunes and all, yeah. Didn't feel like eating....
So after dinner, I ask Captain America how we're gonna get Jake to the church at 7:30am. He says that I've gotta call around and find a ride for Jake. Sigh. SO, I facebooked my friend Hilary, who has a kid in Young Mens with Jake, and she said that Jake could come over and spent the night, then go with Nathan in the morning. SWEET! That would work perfectly.
So Jake said bye to the family, and we loaded this stuff into the Saturn, and we headed out. We carried all his stuff into Hilary's house, and I stayed and chatted for a while. Time got away from me, and when I looked at my phone (on silence, from church), it was almost 9pm, I had 3 texts and 2 missed calls. Crap.
I hurried home, and the kids were already in bed. I cleaned up the kitchen, and went in to blog. Captain America and I still aren't talking. Sigh. Not looking forward to this week. I don't have a car, don't have a babysitter, not speaking to my husband.... and I'm hormonal. Dangerous combination, you know. OK, I'll stop whining....
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

OMGosh Bethany- Seriously??-- On The WAY to Church he's bringing up weight and fat clothes??? Wow- my hubby would have been in the dog house if he did that to me.. eating dog food too. LOL
Thanks for the freebies. As always, you rock !!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 11 post on Mar. 15, 2010. Thanks again.
I hope today is going better for you than yesterday. Thanks for the WA, I really like this one.
I was hoping Sunday would be better than Saturday ... so, now I'm hoping that TODAY is better than the weekend.
Sometimes I seriously think men take a stupid pill in the morning. What is up with that? I'd have smacked him upside the head, seriously! I'm sorry about your car issues. I know what that's like. Thanks for the word art ... LOL ... are the handprints from smacking or what? That was my first thought ... that's the kind of mood I'm in today.
Now I'm not defending him because well if my husband had said that to me then they would not have been handprints of 'love' upside his head that's for sure. But I will say sometimes men say stuff just to get a reaction, and well good for you not to react, internally you did but you didn't rise to his bait. He's probably so upset you're not talking to him he thought he'd say something to get you going because even arguing is talking to men. (Not saying it's right or ok but it's what they do.) So I wish I knew what to say to help you. But I doubt he really meant it, my husband does the same thing getting all upset when the plan doesn't come together, but that's life, otherwise they'd called it lived because it was already all done for us. :) So maybe you have to be the grownup and go to him and say there's obviously something he wants to talk about and not being on plan has compounded the issue and so the two of you need to talk about this because now he's just being nasty and I doubt he'll want his kids talking to their spouses the way he's talked to you in front of them with the weight crap, because even us casual readers know it really bothers you so he HAS to know it, and that it was really wrong to bring it up. Again not defending and i know he's newish to the military but military men just don't get the having clothes in different sizes thing. They are programmed (Yes programmed) they have to be the special size their uniforms come, their nonuniform stuff is just what they wear till they can get back into those uniforms and if they want to keep their job without being in trouble those uniforms better fit. And I tell you if a guy had to spend one week as a girl with pms or a period they would never give us a hard time about it, and if they had to pregnant for us they would carry us everywhere we needed to go rather than be pregnant again, oh boy I started a rant. I hope you at least got smile out of it. Stay strong I know you'll find the way to deal with this. xxx
I'm really sorry that things are so crazy for you right now. I know the feeling of just wanting to make everything right or make it all go away and just hide. Thank you for all you do for the scrapping community and for your generousity! You are wonderful!
P.S. You are beautiful and so far from needing to be on a diet! Don't let Brent get to you! Take care of yourself and make sure you are happy with you!
Thank you for yet another wonderful WA. I don't know how you find the time. Diane
Thanks for the word art...I love prunes, too! I have to be VERY careful when I eat them! LOL!
Your husband is selfish, he's all for himself, if he's not at work he's on campouts or meetings, never helps consistently with the kids, he should take some off the load from you, you do double your share & with 5 kids there's gotta be days where you can't be fussed doing anything! If my husband mentions weight to me well lets just say he knows NOT to, anyways I enjoy your daily blog even if sometimes there's alittle TMI lol but other than that you're a good person, keep your spirits up!
Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list
Some days are just like that....and there are times that we simply do not have the strength to see it as a way to appreciate all the other days when it is perfect!
S o hang in there and always be gentle with yourself.
And when it all boils over, you simply have to surrender and
let go and Let God~!
I always enjoyed your word art, but I really was excited about the bundle, I got the baby and valentine ones.
As I am a stay at home mom and my husband doesn't make much money so the bundle price really helped. Hope you will offer more like that in short future.
Thank you.
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