SO, Tuesday was a long, but good, day. I woke up late again. Which was fabulous, because I had no where to be :) I slept in until a little after 9am, and came out to see the kids. They kept asking to turn on TV/Video games/Computers, but I kept putting them off. Playing is better :)
Tom started reading our D&D players handbook, trying to make a character. He seemed pretty interested in it ;)
At around 11:00am, we headed out to the store. I'd showered and got all ready, so we headed to town :) First stop, Big Lots. I wanted to get a new DVD holder. I found one that hold 96, and thought it would be big enough. We got another few things, and headed out.
We next drove to the East side, and went to Wal-Mart. There's a McDonalds inside, so we went for lunch, since it was noon. I even let the little kids get a Happy Meal, which I NEVER do :) I gave them the choice of more food or a Happy Meal, and 3 of the 4 went with the Happy Meal.
After that, we walked around for quite a while. We spent a long time in the toy isle, just browsing. I did get some label stickers to put on my new DVD case, so I can know which DVD goes in which spot. We got a few other toiletry items, and were done.
So as we're loading up in the truck, I look in the back seat, and notice that there's a toy in it's package between Joe's seat and Eme. Huh? I didn't buy a toy. Looked like a cheap one from Big Lots. I ask Joe about it, and he turns pale. Not a good sign.
He tried to tell me that he accidentally walked out with it from Big Lots, but then he admitted that it was under his shirt. That's why I didn't notice it. Yeah, you don't accidentally hide something under your shirt and walk out with it. So we had the "Don't Steal" talk. He felt SOOOOO bad.
Since we were on the other side of town, we decided to take it back tomorrow. I knew that there was a FAllas Parades over on that side of town, because I'd gone with that ACS class that I took with Laurie. I just couldn't remember how I'd got there. So I got back on the 375 loop, and drove for a while. I took a few exits, but nothing seemed familiar. I drove till I got ti 1-10, and knew that wasn't right. I took a side street, and ended up by Tinseltown (the movie theater we go to sometimes), and remembered seeing that with the ACS class. Hmmm. I pulled over, and googled Fallas Parades, and found the address. 1700 Zaragoza. Hmmmm, I was near Zaragoza. SO, I took it till I was at 1700. And guess what. It was 2 blocks from the Walmart I'd started at. Sigh. Well, at least now I know where it is :)
So we went in Fallas, and looked around. I found a swim suit for Eme for only $4, but didn't wanna wait in the long line, so we just left. I'll come back another day when I don't have 4 kids and get it for her.
Next, the Dollar Tree was 2 stores down in the strip mall. We went in and looked around, then left. Didn't buy anything at that store either. By now, it was 3:00pm, and I was ready to come home. SO, we drove back to post, and came home. I let the kids turn back on Electronics (except Tom, who was still banned), and sat down with my new DVD case. I put on the labels, and wrote on the tabs, and got it all organized. Looks pretty good. BUT, I'll need another one, because I only have 12 empty slots....
Next, I started designing. Really, they just needed packaged up. I had to make the fonts lists, and the previews, zip it, upload it to the server, post a preview on Photobucket, and post it in my CT thread. Sigh. What a process. Then, about 10 minutes before we were supposed to leave for Football, I realized that I wanted to make a Spring Break WordArt pack. SO, I designed one real fast, and got it all ready to go.
Needless to say, we were about 5 minutes late for Football. BUT, the WordArt pack was done. With the time change, the sun was still out for most of the time we were at football. I chatted with Andrea on the phone for the first 20 minutes, then, as I was about ready to gather the kids from the park and head to Walmart (we'd forgot trash bags last time we were there, and we were COMPLETELY out - not good), when Captain America called. He was on his way to the Football field. YEAH!
So, I chatted with him as he drove to the field, then hung out with him for the next hour and a bit. About 30 minutes before practice got over, it got dark and cold. I had a big puffy red coat, so that was fine, but I was wearing flip flops. Not so good. My toes were painfully cold when we left.
I introduced Captain America to the coach, and he may even come and help out a few times with the boys, if he can get out of the battery at a reasonable hour. It would be nice, because Tom seemed SO pleased that his dad was there.
We came home, changed into some warm clothes, and I made Oatmeal for everyone. Cause Oatmeal is warm. And we'd just had bologna sandwiches for dinner. And I just remember that I'd made some herbal tea. Which must be still sitting on the counter. Crap. I bet it's cold now......
Anyway, we all sat down and watched "Night of the Comet" together (minus Tom, and Jake, because he's still camping). Do you remember that cheesy scary 80's movie? We used to watch it ALL the time as kids. Watching it again tonight with my kids, um, yeah, what was my mom thinking! hehehe. Those 80's movies had quite the language. Not so cool. But sometimes watching movies from your "childhood" is kinda fun :) We enjoyed the movie together.
After the movie, we put all the kids to bed, and Captain America went to bed, and I sat down to work. It's now 11:49pm, and I'm a bit sleepy. Gonna go design your freebee, then hit the sack :) Hopefully the kids will sleep in too, since they went to bed at 11pm. :)
Off to watch Lenny the Leprechaun turn our milk green.....
Click HERE to go to Scraporchard to download the ZIP file, and remember, you must be logged into the gallery in order to receive the download ;) Thanks! Or, just click HERE to go to the Freebee gallery in general :)

help.. i dont know why but the gallery for word art comes up and says its broken. i've been unable to get last weeks and this weeks.
I love this. Thanks so much; and a happy St. Patty's Day to you! By the way, I'm wearing a green shirt and gold Shamrock earrings. I don't want pinched! LOL
I love this shamrock, but I can't open it. The store web page says:
"You do not have permission to view the images in this category."
What do I do?
Night of the Comet is still one of my favorite movies of all time.
"I think this is it, ladies. I really do."
Can't get it, either. It seems that there is a problem with the Scrap
Orchard gallery. I tried with and without logging in. Hope they get it fixed soon!
I have also problems with the download. Last week the same. I think, Scraporchard change something in it's system, there is no download page and no login page. Can you help us? Thanks, Christine
i just tried logging in to scrap orchard i still can't get to the word art. i've also done it logged out.
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