Layout by Charmaine

Layout by Trina

Hello, Hello, Hello! Another day of spring break, down - hehehe. Today was a good day for me :) I was up at 8 something, getting ready for the day. Eme had a doctors appointment at 9:20 that she had to be at, and they want you there early.
So she showered, and I showered, and the kids got ready, and we headed out. We didn't have to wait that long, and it was our turn. They weighed and measured her, did a vision test (which, I think when we go to the eye doctor again, she'll need glasses...., and put us in the room to wait. The doctor came in, and had a student that she was training.
She checked Eme over, and discovered her dray patches on her trunk. They've been there for a while. She prescribed some steroid cream for it. 2x a day for 10 days. We went to the pharmacy, got the cream, and a few other over the counter meds (for free!), and headed out. We swung by CYS (child youth services) and turned in her physical, then headed home.
We got ready, and were almost out to door to go to the pool at 11am, when the neighbor kid told me that open swims starts at 1pm. Sigh. SO, I texted Danielle (who we were meeting at the pool), and we changed the time to meet till 1pm.
Tom washed the truck for us, and I chatted outside with me neighbor Leigh for an hour. We came back inside, had some food, watched part of a movie, THEN it was almost 1pm. We headed out, and drove this time. Yeah, it took 2 minutes to get there. If that - hehehe.
The pool was pretty fun. The kids had a good time, and liked it even better that there were kids that they knew there :) And I had a friend, and we actually went in the water, so it was WAY better for me - hehehe.
Oh yeah, so as we were swimming, Jimmy came up to me, in the pool, looked at me, and said, "Mom, you have ugly boobies", then swam away. Um, ok. hehehe. I wonder what "pretty boobies" would have looked like to a 5 year old. Silly kid... And no, they weren't hanging out. They were nice and covered up. So that was Danielles and my joke for the rest of the pool time. Me and my ugly boobies...
We headed home at 3pm, and Danielle invited Eme to come and play with Bailey (1 grade below Emeline). She was SO excited. We went home, got everyone dry and changed, then headed over to Danielles house, to drop off Eme.
Back home, and Tom got ready for his sleepover at Grant (Becky's son)'s house. He was SUPER excited. He's been trying to get Becky and I to arrange a playdate with him and Grant for a year now - yeah, we're slow :)
At a little before 4pm, Becky came by to get Tom. They were going to the pool for a while, then back to Grants house. Yeah, Tom was on cloud 9. He grabbed his backpack, his new legos, and out the door he went :)
SO, the little boys and I spent the late afternoon together. Jim and Joe played Legos Star Wars Wii for a while, then we played Phase 10 for Kids together. Joe caught on pretty quick, but I think Jim will need a bit of help. But it was pretty fun.
Captain America came home at around 6:30, and asked why we weren't at Scouts for Joe. Oops. I'd forgotten. Hehehe. I convinced him to take us all to Cracker Barrel for dinner, and we headed out at 7pm. We haven't been to Cracker Barrel since we moved to Texas. And I like Cracker Barrel.
We stopped by Danielles house and picked up Eme, then headed to the East side. Eme had already eaten, and didn't want food, so we just got her a soda. The boys got a mac n cheese kids meal. Captain America got a Bacon Cheeseburger, but didn't eat the bun, scrapped off the mayo, and only had a bite of the cheese. He got some cole slaw and green beans as his side. Me? Well, I got the old fashioned breakfast thing. Yeah, not the most healthy, but SO tasty - hehehe. Biscuits and gravy, grits (i like it with sugar/splenda, like oatmeal), bacon, sausage, ham, hashbrown casserole, scrambled eggs, and fried apples. OMGosh, I was in heaven. I think tomorrow is the day to start the diet again, don't you - hehehe.

After dinner, we headed to Academy Sports + Outdoors, to look for Football cleats. Tom and Jake both needed a pair for Football, and Captain America needed a pair for all of the sports that they play for PT in the mornings. His current pair of cleats are from 1988 or something like that. Yeah, they're older than some of the guys he does PT with - ROFL! I think he's got him moneys worth out of those - hehehe.
Anyway, we found baseball cleats (not with the metal, but with the stud things) for Jake and Tom (the football ones were out in the sizes or not as comfortable as the baseball ones). Captain America tried on the ones for Jake, because they have the same size feet. Both of them wear a size 12. Crazy, that my 12 year old wears a size 12 in mens. And my 10 year old wears a size 9 in mens. I hope that they fit, since neither of them were there to try them on.... We'll just bring them back if they don't.
Captain America found a pair of work jeans for $4.88, and we headed to the check out. It was 10pm, and the store was closing. The kids were fading fast, and within 5 minutes, they were sleeping in the truck.
I carried in Joe, and Captain America carried in Jim (because, although younger, he's lighter by 5-7 lbs), and Eme took herself to bed. Captain America hurried and got ready for bed, and here I am, on my computer. It's now almost 11pm, and I'm tired.
I'm supposed to go over to Danielles house in the morning and let the kids play, but I'm also supposed to go grocery shopping. If I was smart, I'd wake up at 7am, get the kids ready, go shopping at 7:30am, be done by 8:30am, come back home, put it away, and be ready to go to Danielles house by 9am. That's what I should do. We'll see if I can get to bed anytime soon....
Then, Jim has a doctors appointment at 1:20pm for his rash on his arm. Very similar to Emes, but larger, and more circular. But it doesn't itch, so they don't think it's ringworm. Who knows. And I still need an appointment for my poor feet. Did I tell you that I have plantar warts on the bottoms of my feet. I know, super embarrassing. I promise, I wasn't playing footsie with frogs. I don't know where they came from. They're just there. Like 6 total. And I got the "do it yourself wart freezer" stuff from the store, but it doesn't seem to be doing it.
I tried calling the doctor appointment line, and they were like, yeah, that's not important enough. I'm gonna have to call again, and tell them that they're hurting. Cause they are. Cause I picked at them. And now they hurt. I hear that the trick to getting an appointment is to play EVERYTING up. See, government run health care is NOT gonna be pretty.... Where you basically have to lie through your teeth to get seen. Like this "OMGosh, my feet hurt SO bad that I can't even walk. They're bleeding, and I don't know what I'm gonna do" Then they'll give you an appointment. Sigh. Andrea taught me that - hehehe.
Yeah, I haven't talked about Andrea in a while. That's because I had no babysitter, so I couldn't leave to go play, and then her in-laws came to town. I miss you, my friend! Don't forget me..... I know you read this (sometimes), so just know that I miss you...... *sniffs and wipes a tear*
Oh yea, did I tell you that my Sister Madi's husband Joe joined the Army? He graduates from Basic Training tomorrow. Dang, seeing pics of her and him at family day brought back memories. That was me, in October of 2008, just where she is today. Congrats, Joe! Have fun at AIT!! Can't wait to hear where you guys get stationed!
So, in honor of starting my diet "tomorrow", or cleaning my kitchen "tomorrow", or anything else that I'm gonna do "tomorrow", here ya go - hehehe.
Click on the links below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

I sure can use this! I've been starting my diet "tomorrow" for a couple of months now. And, I actually DO start, but then I fall off of the wagon and I'm bad for a couple of days and then I "start" again. It's taking me forever to lose the ten pounds that I want to lose so I can fit back into my summer clothes and look good. Thanks for your great WA! :0)
What an appropriate phase for many parts of my life! Thanks for the freebie! :)
Bethany I hate to say it, but lying through your teeth is the only way to see ANY dr, govert. or not! lol good luck!
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