So, at around 4:30pm, he's done playing Guitar Hero, and done exercising, and wants to know why we're not going to the West side. Well, I'd planned on going out with the girls in the evening, and I'd already cleared it with him the night before.
So now I'm the bad guy because we didn't do the plan like we said. Sigh. Why must men be that way? So now we're both mad at each other, and the rest of the day kinda sucked. Veronica's kids were going to see her ex (their dad) for the evening, so she and I and Andrea were supposed to go for dinner and a movie. She texted and said that she'd be good to go at around 7:45pm.
At 6pm, I headed out to Walmart. Jacob needed a few things for his spring break camp out. They were leaving early on Monday morning, and since we don't shop on Sunday, tonight was the night.
I got some snacks, and a few pair of $8 jeans for the child, and some drink stuff, and some peanuts, and stuff. I paid, and headed home. I got about a block and a half from my house, at the stop light at Jeb Stuart and Robert E Lee (I could see my house from there), and while waiting at the red light, the truck dies. I try and start it again, and it kinda makes this grinding noise, and refuses to start.
Sigh. I call Captain America, and he says that he's in the shower, and that he'll be there as soon as he can. Which is like 15 minutes. So I sit at the stop light, for 15 minutes, waving people past me, waiting for him to come. Some random dude comes and asks if I need help, and I tell him I live just over there, and the my husband is supposed to be coming to help me.
Finally, Captain America comes. Another random dude stops to offer help, and Captain America and the dude push the truck through the intersection and to the area by the bus stop. In the gravel (decorative rock, according to housing....).
We go home, and Captain America seems more interested in know where his receipt for his tennis shoes are than me (he needed to go and exchange them tonight). Sigh. I know that men and women are wired differently, but sometimes hormones makes you think strange things...... Anyway, he was like "you can handle calling the tow truck, right? You'll take care of it?". Sigh. Yes, I can handle that. So I call the insurance, and they schedule a tow truck. Luckily, he added towing to the plan a few weeks ago. 2nd time we've needed it since then.
The insurance place says that it'll be an hour before the tow truck gets there. I help Jake with packing his lunches for his trip, and about 15 minutes later, the tow truck dude calls and says that he's at my truck.
So I run out the door and over to the truck, in the dark, and I guess that Captain America got in the car and drove there. I didn't know he was coming. So it looked a bit odd that I showed up walking, and he was driving, but whatever.
The guy towed the truck the 1 & 1/2 blocks to our house, and he was on his way. Captain America headed out to the shoe place, and I went inside. It was now 8:30, and the movie had already started. Crap. The next one started at 9:55pm, and that was too late for me. SO, I missed out on the movie. And the shopping with my family earlier in the day. My whole day pretty much sucked.
After Captain America got back from the shoe place, we talked about what happened during the day. I don't know that we got anything resolved. Do you do that? Talk about it, and then almost get it solved, and then it starts all over again? Sigh. We were SO close. So here it is, 10:57pm, and I'm tired. I still need to design. Captain America and I aren't speaking. Happy Saturday to me :(
I'm sure tomorrow will be better, right? We'll get it all talked out, and be just fine. I just HATE fighting.... It's SO draining....
See how thrown off I am tonight. I didn't do a "Faithbooking" WordArt like I was supposed to. I made this one, because I don't swear hehehe. Sigh. Tomorrow....
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

I totally get your frustration! Really... Hope today is better!!!!
I hope your day turns around. Thanks for the WA! I definitely have days that it applies!
well you could tell him He's can put on his big boy pants and can go shopping all by himself right? dunno why men can't seem to handle a grocery store on their own or whatever grrrr. Hope it ends up being ok with the truck it stinks to be without a vehicle.
I'm sorry you had a lousy day. I think anyone who is married relates to those frustrating days when things just keep getting worse throughout the day. Hang in there!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 6 post on Mar. 14, 2010. Thanks again.
Just remember you are not the only one who deals with this. Guys brains are programmed funny. And just to let you know, my day went a lot like that yesterday too. My husband never lets me know what he wants to do until the very last minute. He wanted to go to a store yesterday at 5:35 pm and everything closes early here on Saturdays, everything but WalMart that is. I keep telling him this, but he never remembers. That and he hates shoe shopping and I have a coupon for 20% off at Payless and it expires Monday. I told him we have to use it then or it's gone. I doubt we will go tomorrow because he won't be in the mood. DUDE!!! We are saving money! How can you not be in the mood to save money? See? I have to deal with male stupidity too.
Crap. My whole comment went bye-bye. I had one of those days on Tuesday. DH had a tantrum and I just lost it at him. I told him if I could run away right then I would. Things are slightly better, but still rough. I can't lift anything more than about 5 lbs without my right arm hurting, and my left wrist has two torn tendons so that is useless. I have to ask for help and then he huff-sighs and I feel like a huge burden. Thanks for the word art, it's very appropriate right now!
This too shall pass Bethany! Praying for a quick makeup! ;)
I hope that it is better today. I hate days like that.
When I first saw the new word art I quickly thought....
OH LOOK, a wordart about the time change................LOL!!!
not liking getting up today, could have REALLY used that missing hour!!
THANKS BETHANY!! great art today as always
Thanks for the cute word art!
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