After the kids got on the bus at 7:30am, Jake took the dog for a walk, and I went back to bed for a few minutes. Then Jim and I had breakfast, and I chatted on the phone with Andrea for a bit. She was heading on post (they live about 30 minutes away, I think) and called for a chat. Awe, thanks hon! Miss ya too!
And then I got ready for my hike, Jake got back from his walk, and Laurie came over and dropped off Rowan. And Kari and Laurie and I headed up to the mountains.
And it was SO hard today! I think because it was my first workout for the week, and because I'd been sick-ish the past few days. But once I got to the top, it felt REALLY good. I'm definitely gonna be feeling it tomorrow. And it was in the 70's today, so it was nice out for our hike too. Not like us freezing last week - hehe.

I headed back home, and Jake and Rowan and I hung out for another hour or so. Laurie had a luncheon to go to, and Jake and I watched Rowan. He's a good kid, and he and Jake just watched a movie together.
We had lunch, and soon Laurie was there to pick up Rowan. We were gonna go to the hospital today for Jake's xrays, but put it off one more day. Since he'd been babysitting in the morning, he hadn't done school. So I laid on the couch and snoozed, and he did school on the other couch. Yeah, it was a restful afternoon - hehe.
At one point, my laptop was gonna die, and Jake ran for my cord, and plugged it in for me. And got his arm stuck behind the couch. ROFL! Poor kid - hehe.

We stopped by Albertsons and got apples and water bottles. They were only $1.99 for a case! So we got 2. And some grapes, because they were only $0.99 a lb. We got 2 lbs, and I knew that was just barely enough for everyone to get a taste. hehe.
And then we looked around Family Dollar for a bit, and then went to Little Caesers. 2 pizzas for the kids, and I didn't have to cook! Sounded perfect to me! And then we headed home.

Tom and Eme wanted to come too, which left Jake and Boxer at home. And off we went, singing to the Glee soundtrack the whole way there - hehe. I got the little boys their skates, and then went and sat in the bleachers with Tom and Eme and Kari the rest of the time.
About 3/4 of the way through, Jim had had enough, and came off the ice. And yeah, I was too tired to even care. This is how bad it was - I didn't even realize until we walked into the ice rink that both of them had failed to put on shoes! They only had on hockey uniforms and SOCKS! hehe. Bad Parent award, I'm telling ya - hehe :)
After hockey, we gathered everyone up, and headed home. And it was 7:30 by the time we got home, and we put the little kids to bed, and Jake and Tom and I watched 2 episodes of Chuck. And here it is, 9:13pm, and I'm done. I've loaded my store. And blogged. And hosted the freebie. And now I can either read or watch a movie. And just relax. And drink my warm herbal tea (all 64 oz of it...). I wish Captain America would get online so I could Skype with him.... Maybe I"ll leave my computer out, just in case...
Last of the Love series today! Hope you guys have liked it! Sharon has 2 more AWESOME layouts for us all! Thanks, my dear!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Glad to hear that you are feeling better! Thanks for today's word art.
Absolutely stunning word art freebie! Thanks for all of your freebies. I recently used one of your word arts in a project I made on my blog. Please check it out if you are interested.
Thank you so much!
Thank you for the beautiful WA!
Sorry to have to correct your work, but the ballet term is Pas de Chat. It means step of the cat :-)
Julie x
Thank you!
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