It was called Solstice (2008, i think), and was PG 13. I kinda liked it. It had that girl from Letters to Juliet, and a kid from XMen. I like a good scary movie that leaves no loose ends, and this one didn't disappoint.
And I went to bed around 11:30pm. And fell right asleep. And woke up at 7am, and went out to the living room. And went to see who was sick. Eme didn't feel well, no school for her. Joe was puny still, so no school for him. Tom said he puked at 1:43 am (and made a HUGE mess in the upstairs bathroom, apparently), so he wasn't going to school. Jim's bus didn't come until 11am. Jake homeschools. Yeah, I totally went back to bed.
I was feeling SUPER tired. I think it was my body trying to fight off the crud that everyone in my house had...
And when I eventually woke up, I had breakfast, threw on some clothes, and headed out for errands. And to escape the germs. hehe. I went to the housing office, and put in my work orders. And they're coming next Tuesday to fix my carpet in my room, and the strip between the linoleum/hardwood in the dining room/living rooms, the door bell, drawers in the kitchen, and re-caulk my bathtub. And they were coming this afternoon to unstop the toilet! Horray!!!
And then I headed to the commissary. I'd been meaning to buy spray butter for AGES, and just kept forgetting it. So I got some today. And I got some more peanut butter, and some sugar free raspberry preserves for me, and some more microwave lite kettle corn, and a 12 pack of soda (can't believe HOW much it costs!), and a 6 pack of diet nasty for Jake, and a few other need to have things.
And Zicam. Because everyone said how it works SO well. So I got the cough drop kind. You're supposed to take one, suck on it, and repeat every 3 hours. So I figured I'd give it a try. And, if it did work, it was TOTALLY worth my $7.
And I went to the self check out, and as I was putting Jake's soda from the scanner to my cart, I knicked it on the cart, and it EXPLODED everywhere! I was a little stunned. hehe. After the shock wore off, I went and found the worker guy, and he came to clean up the mess, and I went to get a different 6 pack of diet nasty. Never had that one happen before. hehe. As I left, I told him "At least it was diet and won't be sticky!". Yeah, I don't think he thought it was as funny as I did. hehe.
And I headed home. But not before grabbing a Zicam...

So we loaded up, and headed out. Thank goodness Jake and Tom had listened to me and showered while I was running errands.
We waited in the waiting room for a bit, and then it was our turn. They did height and weight, then vision testing, then went to the room for blood pressure and such. Then we went to the doctors waiting room.
And yeah, they were in rare form today... At least they smiled for the picture, right?

And the autism was kicking in, and he was being mouthy and not keeping his hands to himself, and I was about to smack someone. The other kids were all being good, but Jake was being annoying. Sigh...
And the doctor said that it looked like Tom was due for 11 yr old shots at the immunization desk, and that Jake had mild scoliosis, and needed some x-rays. So we needed to go to the lab for that.
So we grabbed our physical papers, and our school notes, and off we went to the x-ray lab. And yeah, we were gonna have to go to the hospital, because they didn't have a big enough xray machine there. Sigh. NOT today. I'm not taking ALL my kids to the hospital for x-rays. Jake and I will do it tomorrow when everyone is back at school. Because they WILL be better tomorrow. ha!
So we headed to the immunization lab, and I filled out papers, and we waited in the waiting room again. And Jake was being HORRIBLE. Finally, I told him that I was gonna make him a shirt that he was gonna have to wear that said "Please don't blame my mom, I'm Autistic". Yeah, he didn't find the humor in it like I did. Because really, people look at this 5'7", 195 lb 13 yr old, and the way he's acting, and I'm sure they judge him (and me) harshly. He's a little different, people. And nothing is gonna change that. Autism comes with good traits and bad traits.... All wrapped up into one odd package - hehe. Good thing I like him so much - ROFL! (like now, as I sit in my room and write this, Jake is wondering around the house with an ace bandage wrapped around his face so he can't see. And Tom is guiding him around....)
Finally, it's Tom's turn, and we go back, and he gets 2 shots. And 2 bandaids, and the nice lady imputs all of Toms other shot records into the computer, and gives us a print out. Sa-weet! And I add it to my ever growing "important papers" folder.
And we gather up our stuff, and head home.
I called Jacobs homeschool teacher, and we chatted about his progress, and about my struggles being a deployment single parent. Her hubby had been in the military, so she kinda knew what I was going through. And she talked with Jake for a while, and it really was a good chat.
I'd bought Top Ramen at the commissary, so that was lunch. Cause that's like chicken soup, right? And I was still feeling tired. I ate lunch, cleaned up the house enough so that I wasn't embarrassed when the repair dude came, and laid down on the couch. The kids watched something or another, but I slept through it.
And that's kinda what I did the rest of the afternoon. Lounge on the couch. Check out my cool Leprechaun socks!
And the doctor said that it looked like Tom was due for 11 yr old shots at the immunization desk, and that Jake had mild scoliosis, and needed some x-rays. So we needed to go to the lab for that.
So we grabbed our physical papers, and our school notes, and off we went to the x-ray lab. And yeah, we were gonna have to go to the hospital, because they didn't have a big enough xray machine there. Sigh. NOT today. I'm not taking ALL my kids to the hospital for x-rays. Jake and I will do it tomorrow when everyone is back at school. Because they WILL be better tomorrow. ha!
So we headed to the immunization lab, and I filled out papers, and we waited in the waiting room again. And Jake was being HORRIBLE. Finally, I told him that I was gonna make him a shirt that he was gonna have to wear that said "Please don't blame my mom, I'm Autistic". Yeah, he didn't find the humor in it like I did. Because really, people look at this 5'7", 195 lb 13 yr old, and the way he's acting, and I'm sure they judge him (and me) harshly. He's a little different, people. And nothing is gonna change that. Autism comes with good traits and bad traits.... All wrapped up into one odd package - hehe. Good thing I like him so much - ROFL! (like now, as I sit in my room and write this, Jake is wondering around the house with an ace bandage wrapped around his face so he can't see. And Tom is guiding him around....)
Finally, it's Tom's turn, and we go back, and he gets 2 shots. And 2 bandaids, and the nice lady imputs all of Toms other shot records into the computer, and gives us a print out. Sa-weet! And I add it to my ever growing "important papers" folder.
And we gather up our stuff, and head home.
I called Jacobs homeschool teacher, and we chatted about his progress, and about my struggles being a deployment single parent. Her hubby had been in the military, so she kinda knew what I was going through. And she talked with Jake for a while, and it really was a good chat.
I'd bought Top Ramen at the commissary, so that was lunch. Cause that's like chicken soup, right? And I was still feeling tired. I ate lunch, cleaned up the house enough so that I wasn't embarrassed when the repair dude came, and laid down on the couch. The kids watched something or another, but I slept through it.
And that's kinda what I did the rest of the afternoon. Lounge on the couch. Check out my cool Leprechaun socks!

At 4:30pm, the repair dude came, and in 5 minutes, the toilet was unclogged. Thank heavens! But, after having been clogged with CRAP for like 10 days, it was SO disgusting. So I sprayed it down and let it soak.
I watched some TV on my computer in my room, and at around 6pm, I made dinner. I just had my regular lunch for dinner. Cheese sandwich. And the kids had, you guessed it, Ramen. Sorry, guys. When we're all better tomorrow, we'll have real food. I promise.
And then we did a few more chores, and I worked on putting kids to bed. See, I don't look so hot, do I?

Click on the links below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
Awe, it's SO sweet, Sharon! Lovin' it!

Laughed at the leprechaun socks. I was wearing them yesterday too and bought a pair for my 21 year old daughter. Gotta love the Target $1 bins!!
I love your socks! I am glad to hear that the kids are on the mend and hope they were all well enough to go back to school today.
Thanks for today's word art!
Beautiful WA!! Thank you.
Love your blog ! thanks for your freebies !
Sorry you guys are icky sicky! Not fun! Had to laugh tho .. we have the same Walmart purple nightgown! I've been too hot in that one lately, though. I think it's the long sleeves. And our weather's been weird. Warmish during the days, cold at night. That always throws off my system.
Great socks! Hope you got to feeling better!
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