Have you ever had to clean up tater tot and red coolaid puke? Yeah, I don't recommend it... So I grabbed some wipes and started cleaning him and the mess up. And he told me that he thought there was some in his bedroom.
So off we went. And yeah, there was some in there. Just a tad. ha! He'd puked ALL over his blankets, pillow, and sheets. And Joe's blankets. And snuggle blankets. And the floor. SO gross. So I grabbed some antibacterial wipes, and started cleaning. And left him with fresh bedding (Joe too - luckily he didn't wake up), a puke bucket, and went back to bed.
And checked my phones Skype right before going back to sleep, and Captain America was on. And we got to messange for a few minutes. He was tired from his long shift, but had the next day off. What he's doing may not be dangerous, per se, but it's sure time consuming. Sorry, honey :(
And I went back to bed. And then we repeated the above scenero (minus puking on Joe's bedding) at 3:30am. Sigh. This time, I moved him to the living room leather-like couch. Cause puke would be easier to clean up off of that.
And I headed back to bed. And luckily there was no more puking. But, I figured, just to be safe, we should skip church. Don't want any more unpleasantness coming up, right?
Poor Tom didn't get the memo that we were not going to church, because he came downstairs in his Sunday Suit, freshly showered. Jake went back to bed for a while. And the rest of them played for a bit in the morning.
And then we watched some Living Scripture movies, and the kids had to say what they'd learned. And then, around 11am, I let them turn on movies. And I napped for a while in between. And was still in my jammies at lunch time.
And I started baking after lunch. We made Banana chocolate chip oatmeal cookies, and Sweet Swirl Cookies of Love. And bagged them up, and used the baggie toppers that I designed yesterday. What do ya think?

I did super good at resisting the temptation of the cookie dough and cookies. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the chocolate chip oatmeal banana ones, but I know what they taste like, so it wasn't that hard resisting. As for the swirl ones, I didn't know what they tasted like, and I don't like giving away food without know what it tasted like. So I chewed one. Yes, chewed. And spit. Not swallowed. ROFL! It tasted like a normal sugar cookie, and was soft in the center, a tad crisp on the outside. PERFECT! And I rinsed my mouth out with Diet Dr Pepper. hehe. My Facebook friends joke with me that I should start at DDP Rinse diet - hehe. I don't make it a regular occurrence, just when testing out new recopies - ha!
Today marks day 6 of no cheats :)
I had forgotten that my mom wanted me to help her with her taxes today, so when she called, we postponed it till Tuesday night. And I ended up chatting with her for a bit, and ended up doing the taxes anyway. It was so quiet and peaceful in my room. ha!
2 hours later, I'd found her a big enough deduction to come and visit me and the kids, and all was good. I tied it up, and headed out to cook dinner for the kids. Biscuits and Sausage gravy. They LOVED it. I had a stir fry, and called it good.
And then we put the little kids to bed, and Jake and Tom and I watched an episode of Chuck, and now they're in bed. It's 8:46pm, and I'm gonna watch a show. Or read a book. Or something like that.
I'm planning on hitting Savers tomorrow AM with the girls, and then my buddy Charlotte invited me to lunch for Valentine's day! SO excited about that!
And I think I'm watching Maggie's kids after the bus so her and her hubby can go to lunch (or maybe it's just little Jacob...) and then at 5pm, we go to the pool, and Kari's hubby invited the kids and I over around 6:30 or 7:00 for her b-day party (they have an understanding that since her birthday is only a few days before Valentine's day, that Valentine's day will be celebrated in August - ROFL). Already my day is full - hehe.
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Be on the look out for a SPECIAL 4 part LOVE WordArt, coming out Tuesday - Friday. I'm SURE you'll love it! Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!
Thanks-have a fun day!
<3 the word art and love the Valentines gifts. I'm so sad that my girls can only hand out pre-packaged goodies from a store :(
Thanks & I hope you have a wonderful day!
Happy Valentine's Day Bethany! I hope your day is filled with lots of love and warm memories.
Thank you for the WA!
Awww, poor Jim - I hope he is feeling better today. The cookies look great all packaged up. Hope you had a great Valentine's Day!
Cute cookies and bags for them. Happy Valentine's day!
I had kind of a different Valentines Day so I won't be scrapping it...but...speaking of taxes - You do know that Brent's hazardous duty pay is tax free, right? There are a number of other things you can either ignore or use as deductions so I'd look into it if I were you! (Every little bit helps - right?)
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