I got up at 7:15am, tried to make myself look presentable, and got my kids up and going. Leo had spent the night, so he and Joe got ready for the last day of Cub Camp, and I got Jim ready too. Eme and Jake and Tom opted to stay home and sleep in and relax. Can't say I blame them. hehe.

We had 4 groups that came through, 2 Wolfs and 2 Bears groups. I got to hang out with Paige from our ward. She's pretty fun! We had a great time.
But I was getting tired by the end, and wanted to go home.

Here's a Neckerchief slide that I made. My snake is eating a mouse. ROFL! CAn you tell I have boys?

We headed home, and decided to stop at the Dollar Tree that's near the church. Because I hadn't been to that one yet, and Terra found it one day, and said it was WONDERFUL. OMHeavens, she was right! It's the BIGGEST one in El Paso. Simply HUGE! I'm gonna have to come back when I don't have kids and am not so tired. hehe.
I let the boys each pick out one thing (of course it took Joe FOREVER to decide), I grabbed a meal bar, and we paid and headed back home.
And we kinda took the rest of the day off. Leo stayed at our house to play longer, and we did some chores, and got in the pool. And watched some TV. And I took a nap. And we did more chores. And watched more TV. And played games in the backyard. And spent the rest of the Saturday afternoon/evening together. Josephine came over around 3:30 or 4pm, and stayed and played too. I'm SO glad that Kari's kids and my kids get along so well :)
Eme left for a few hours to go to a Birthday Party for her friend, Estefanie. And at 8pm, Kari's kids headed home, and my kids eventually headed to bed. I watched a movie, then started blogging. It's now 10:30 something, and I"m done blogging, and gonna go watch something on TV. Not sure what. Or maybe just go to bed.
My allergies are killing me today. I've never had problems with allergies before I moved to El Paso. I think, this time, it's the fires in Arizona and the lack of rain to wash the pollen away. My head feels kinda stuffy, though. Maybe it's just exhaustion. ROFL!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
Sharon, my dear, this is SO precious :) Thanks, hon!

Gorgous! When I saw the saying I was instantly happy because this saying in used in one of my favorite pieces, "Finlandia." Even though the chorus is rarely sang....whenever I hear it, I'm singing it in my head!! That's for making me smile today. And if you want to hear pure beautiful sound, check out this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbAuTB8uLaQ
I honestly believe there aren't many sounds more beautiful than a boys choir :) Thanks again.
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 6 post on Jun. 12, 2011. Thanks again.
I often come here just to read about the family antics you post about. Usualy, by the time I get to the end of the post I need a nap> LOL I don't know where you get all of your energy - creative and active!! Thanks for this WA. One of my fav's as well!
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [13 Jun 12:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria
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