I woke up at 6:30am, and was wide awake. So I got up, and took the dog on a walk. He was actually excited to go again. hehe. It wasn't so hot, but there were a TON of PT dudes around, and Boxer wanted to go and smell EVERYONE. And when a big dogs come at you, pulling his leash as HARD as he possible can, I'm sure it looks scary. I'd be scared, anyway. So I definitely got an upper body workout...
And what's up with boy dogs wanting to Pee on EVERYTHING. I only wish I had the bladder control that Boxer does. hehe. He lets out a few drips for each bush, rock, tree, and stone. Conservation, right? He needs to make sure he has enough for the trip home, too. Dogs....

I got Jake up at 7:50am, and he kinda just laid around. Sigh. He was a little "fussy". And slow. Very slow. All the other kids were awake by the time we left, and I gave Tom directions on what needed done, and what they could/couldn't do. So glad he's such a good babysitter.
We got in the car, and got 1/2 way to Milam Youth Center, when Jake wanted to know what I'd done with his MP3 player. Excuse me? I totally am not in charge of the child's MP3 player. He'd put it by me on the couch and said to watch it, or something like that, but that totally didn't mean to put it in my purse. But of course, I can't argue my point with an autistic teen boy...
Then, he was mad that I hit a bump and he spilled his milk from his cereal bowl on his shirt. Seriously? I got him up in pleanty of time to get ready. But he just laid around. But apparently that was my fault for not checking up on him more. So now I have to dress my 13 year old, too? hehe. Luckily, I was in a pretty good mood, and was able to smile and shake it off. He kinda turned away from me, and looked out the window the rest of the way to the youth center.
I dropped him off, and said Bye, and I love you, and I'll pick you up later, and he just went to the bus. That's fine. I didn't let it get me down :)
I picked up the 601 spur, then Hwy 54, then i-10, and headed West. And totally missed my exit. Oops. I couldn't get over in traffic, so I had to go down to Sunland Park exit and turn around. Good thing I was early!
I got there about 10 minutes early, and my mom called. So I chatted with her until my appointment. We talked about how my diet was going, if I was reaching my goal, and what was going well and bad. We made up a daily check list for the next 4 weeks, and I'm supposed to text him with my daily progress. Sounded good to me :)
After my session, I headed to the Dollar Tree, and got some pool stuff, and some Father's Day stuff for Captain America's package. I paid, and headed home. And hurried and got the kids ready for Free Lunch and then the Slip N Slide party at Amanda's house. And we headed out.
I drove over to Amanda's house so she could follow me. She knew how to get there, but they'd never been to Free Lunch before, and I think she wanted me to show her the ropes. We got to the CDC, went in, signed in, and my kids went through the motions, showing Austin what to do. Yeah, we did free lunch a lot last summer. hehe.
They had Texas Toast Pizzas, salad, oranges, and milk. My kids were in heaven. Amanda's kid and Terra's kids (they got there a few minutes after us) didn't like it so much. So mine finished off their food. And then went back for seconds. hehe.

Tom grabbed the vacuum with the blower attachment, I grabbed the slip n slide, a hose splitter, an extra hose, then I grabbed Amanda's starbucks cup she left there last night, and my lunch, and we were off.
First thing, we blew up Amanda's pool (that looked JUST like ours), then Terra's pool, and Eryn and Eme walked it back to Terra's house (one block away). And we hooked up the hose splitter, and one of the slip n slides, and then started filling the pool.
The kids really did have a great time. Here's the twins on the slip n slide.

And my kids weren't done with the water, so we planned on hopping in the pool. AND, I found these on my doorstep!!! Flowers from Captain America!!!!

Eme played with Kayleigh for a bit, and Tom played with Noah. And Joe and Jim watched a movie, and I watched some 24. THEN CAPTAIN AMERICA CALLED! I was SO super excited! We got to talk on the phone for about 45 minutes. Miss that boy :) It was super nice to talk with him on the phone, not Skype.
The kids got in the pool again for a bit, and I fixed dinner for them. At 6:45, I got ready for the evening, and went to pick up Jake. I left Tom in charge, and gave him bedtime directions for the kids.
I got Jake from the Youth Center, and he and I headed to the movies. I let him pick between Super 8 and X-Men. Super 8 is was. YES! That's the one that I wanted to see.
We got Popcorn to share, and he got a hot dog. Dang, movie food is SO expensive!

And Jake was so good about snuggling with me when I got scared. hehe. Lots of things blowing up and jumping out at you. He held my hand, and even rested his head on my shoulder a few times. I know he tries hard. Love ya, Jake!
We got home, and Joe and Jim were tucked nicely in bed, and Eme and Tom were watching a movie. They finished it up, and went to bed. And I started blogging. And here it is, 10:35pm. And I'm done blogging, and am gonna watch an episode of 24, and go to sleep.
Jake has camp at 8:25am tomorrow, and Amanda and I talked about going to the Library with the kids and letting them check out books. We'll see how it goes. I may end up going somewhere with the girls in the afternoon, too. I do need to make a Walmart trip here pretty soon...
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
Cool Race Car layout, Sharon! Any of y'all Nascar fans???

Thank you so much for the fabulous freebies. hugs Shirleyxx
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [16 Jun 12:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria
Great word art.
Sounds like you had a fun day. Thank youf for the fab word art!
Busy day! Thank you for the word art.
Thank you!
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