Great day yesterday! My Monday was really very good! It started off at 7:40am. I read scriptures, then got on some workout clothes, then woke up the little boys. And shaved their heads. Joe had SUCH long hair, it was WAY past time for a haircut. Then Jim.
Then I woke up Jake, and shaved his head. Then Tom. And here's the BIG pile of hair. hehe. No one was particularly happy to be woken up to get a hair cut, but they sure did look a lot better when it was all done.

I said a quick prayer, and found it within 2 minutes. Thanks, Heavnely Father, for helping me look in JUST the right spot! I grabbed it, loaded up the kids, and off we went.
First stop, Milam SAS to drop off Joe, Tom, and Eme. Tom was SUPER mad that he had to go to "childcare". I knew he'd had fun once he was there. They were going to the Franklin Mountains to go on the Nature Trail for a field trip! The same one that we did last Friday. The one that Tom and Eme missed! Sweet, huh?
Next stop, Milam CDC to drop off Jim. The kids were outside playing, and it was a BIG playground with tons of fun stuff. Jim was pretty excited.
I just HAD to pull into this parking spot in the Suburban and take a picture. Too funny, huh? We're DEFINITELY not supposed to be parking here...

Last stop, Milam Youth Center to drop off Jake for Horse Camp. I filled out some paperwork, and they were ready to go. All the teens looked a bit sleepy. hehe. It was a little after 9am when I finally headed back home.
Because I hadn't "boxer-proofed" the house in my mad dash to get out of the house, Boxer had trashed the trash can. There was garbage EVERYWHERE.... And I still hadn't cleaned up the hair mess. And the house was just messy in general...
I decided to go on a walk with Boxer. He was SO excited when I grabbed the leash that he was practically dancing around the house. hehe. And off we went.

Anyway, I hopped in the shower, and got all pretty. Figured if I was gonna shower, might as well look good, right?
Amanda came over to pick me up at 11am, and we proceeded to go and get Maggie and Kari too! And off to L&J's Cafe for lunch! It was Terra's birthday party AND graduation from college party! Way to go, Terra~!


Amanda ordered a HUGE plate of Guacamole. Nasty stuff.... But everyone seemed to enjoy it :)

At 4:15pm, I got in the truck, and headed over to Biggs to retrieve the kids. I got Jim first, then went to get Joe and Eme and Tom. And Tom LOVED it! He said it was SO much better than the Logan SAS. hehe. Good to know. At least I don't have to feel bad about dropping him off there anymore, right? hehe. They ALL wanted to come back tomorrow. Sorry, guys, we only get 16 free hours a month... The next day planned is Next Tuesday.
I called over to the Youth Center to see if Jake wanted to come home, but he didn't. So we headed back to post. And swung by the Commissary to pick up a few essentials. 4 kids at the commissary is a little stressful, but they did pretty good. And we headed back home.
And Terra and kids and Amanda and kid came over for an evening Pool Party! I fed everyone chili and chips, and then they all got in to swim. The moms didn't, but the kids did. I filled up the little pool for the twins, and Eme had a friend from Purple Camp who lives on our street who's name I don't know yet come to play. She seemed like a very nice girl.

He didn't wanna get in the pool when we got home, so he just ate some chili and hung out and watched a movie on the couch with Boxer.
The party wound down around 8pm, and I had everyone change and get ready for bed. Joe and Jim went to sleep, and Jake and Tom and Eme did their chores, then wanted to hang out in the living room and talk. Can't say no to positive sibling bonding, right? hehe. I retreated to my room to blog, and it's now 9:35pm. I'm finished here, and am gonna go check to see if they ever went to bed.
Jake goes back to Horse camp tomorrow, a little earlier this time. 8:25am. And I have therapy on the West Side at 9. So it should work out great. Tom is babysitting. And then we're doing free lunch at the childcare center at 11am, and a Slip N Slide party at Amanda's house. FUN times! I'm excited :
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
OMHeavens, Sharon, this is PERFECT! Totally gonna snag it and make it my profile picture in honor of my anniversary for Facebook. *Hugs*

I think you did a screen capture one your IPhone. You press and hold the Menu button while hitting the power button. It is one of those undocumented features.
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [15 Jun 12:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria
glad to know someones life is more hectic than letting you know it does get easier as they get older mine are now 24,20,18,16 (my Brent, lol) and 6 the 24 year old has left home but I have another 19 year old living with
Happy Anniversary
Happy Anniversary to you & Brent! Glad to see everyone having such a good time too.
Thanks for today's word art!
Happy Anniversary! Thank you for the beautiful wordart x
Hi Bethany, So sorry I missed your special date. Happy Belated Anniversary to you & Brent! Hang in there. Pretty soon he'll be back home with you and the kids. Thanks for all you do. Marilyn
Happy anniversary Bethany!
Thanks so much for the lovely word art! I love the layout of you and your hubby. :)
A very late Happy Anniversary! May you have many many more!
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