Hey there! Another fun day with the family :) I was expecting to wake up at 7 something to all of my kids, and instead, my mom peeked her head in my room at 8:30am to see if I was gonna wake up. hehe. The kids had bothered everyone else but me, so I got to sleep. ROFL! Thank goodness!
I got up, threw on some clothes, got the kids some breakfast, ate a protein bar and an apple, got my water Howdys cup together, gathered everyone together, and we headed out to Savers. Monday sale day, you know :)
It wasn't as hot as it has been, but still, driving down the interstate with a FULL truck load of people can get a bit crowded. ha!
We got to Savers about 15 minutes after it opened, and it was already packed. We split up, and each went to a section we wanted to look at.
I found a few shirts I liked, a skirt, some school shirts for Tom. Grandma got each of the kids a few things, and soon, our cart was quite full :)

And I think it took as long in line as it did for us to shop! Holy crap! We waited. And waited. And chatted with the lady behind us in line. And the person behind her. FINALLY, we paid. I was able to get 2 punch cards full, thanks to a half full one I already had, and a half full one the lady behind me gave to us. What a sweetie! So next time I go, I'll have a 30% off coupon! Two different times :)
We loaded up in the truck, and headed to Dollar Tree. Here's some of fun in the truck. ha!

We were totally gonna go to Dollar Tree, but found a Big Lots first. And you know how I LOVE me some Big Lots! We walked around for a bit, looked at stuff, and had some fun. Like the sock monkey??? hehe.

We paid, and headed out. Jim was TOTALLY fascinated with the guys outside fixing the front of the store. They were filling something with styrofoam, them shaping it. It was like it was snowing. ROLF!

We drove back to post, and stopped at Carls Jr right outside the gate. There's a BIG fun playland there, and the kids usually don't get to eat at Carls Jr. Grandma got them all food, and they had Diet Dr Pepper, so I was happy. hehe.

Grandma and Grandpa bought Jake a Transformers toy for his "birthday" in August, since they won't be here then. He was excited.

Grandpa's burger

We ate, and the kids played. There was a group of girls behind us that were making me a bit uncomfortable. I used to hang with one of them, but don't now. And yeah, I'd have rather gone somewhere else, but I just tried my best to ignore it. And chatted with my family, and enjoyed lunch.
We finished up, let the kids play, then headed back home. The kids seemed happy to be home, and relaxing. They did a quick round of chores, then got on their electronics and vegged for a bit.
I put on some new clothes from Savers. What do ya think of the zebra? hehe.

Grandpa took a nap, and Mom and Aunt Sue and I headed to the PX. I needed to pick up my migraine meds. And it took FOREVER in line. hehe. The past few times I've been there, it hasn't been too bad of a wait. But not today! Oh well.

Then we went to the Exchange, and walked around for a bit. My aunt and mom found a few souvineers for their friends/family, we paid, and headed back home. Jim and my dad were in the back yard, playing in the pool.
We cleaned up inside for a bit, then changed into swim clothes, and headed out to the pool too. We cooled off, splashed around for a bit, then got out and sat in the sunshine.

At 5pm, we cooked dinner for the kids (chicken nuggets and fries), fed them, and got them all situated for the evening. Tom had directions on babysitting, and the grown ups headed out for the night. Mom and Dad wanted Red Lobster. I'd had that 4 courses for $15 last time I went, and LOVED it. So I thought I'd try it again.

Dad wearing his new Savers find. A West Coast Choppers shirt!

Clam Chowder and bread. YUM!

I ordered the shrimp (2 different kinds) and rice pilaf and cole slaw. My dad got the same thing. And salad. SO yummy! I could only eat 1/2 of the shrimp, so I brought the rest of it home to Tom, the babysitter :)

And, of course, mom and I had to take some pictures...

We just ordered water, but I had flavor packets in my purse. Isn't this the most AWESOME color for a drink???

I'd like to say that I took a picture of my dessert, but no, I inhaled it WAY too fast. This is Aunt Sues dessert. hehe.

We ate, and chatted, and had fun visiting at dinner. We paid (and spent WAY too much brain power trying to figure out how much of a tip to leave - ROFL!) and headed out. And stopped by Walmart on the way home to pick up Popsicles. Oh yeah, that's a NECESSITY in the Harty Household. How else can I get people to do what I want them to do??? hehe. It's my bargaining chip!
We got home, did a round of chores, then played a few rounds of "Just Dance 2". It was SO much fun. I forgot how much I like that game. hehe. Jake took a movie of Grandma and Grandpa playing that was pretty funny. But then, it probably would have been funny to see anyone doing it, right? LOL.

At 9pm, we left Jim and Joe playing Just Dance, Eme and Tom and Jake on their computers, and Aunt Sue, Grandma, Grandpa, I, and Boxer went on a walk around the neighborhood. It was a warm night, but there was a slight breeze. It was a short walk, but was good :) We were moving, right?

We're walking SO fast that we're blurry..... Um, yeah, that's the story we're sticking with....

We got back home, put kids to bed, and the grown ups and Jake sat down to watch a movie, and I started blogging. It's now 10:41pm. I'm pretty sleepy. I'll probably go to sleep once I tie this up, and leave the others watching the movie. We played hard today, and I'm beat. LOL.
Tomorrow, we're gonna do "Chili's Kids Eat Free" day, probably catch a Dollar Movie at the theater, and maybe go to the pool. Fun times!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
Sharon, my dear, this is a FABULOUS beach layout!!! I absolutely love it :)

I have just started following your blog. I love reading what you and your family have been up to. Thank you for sharing with us.
Thanks for the wordart!
Thank you for the summer word art! you sure had a car full of people in your pics :)
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