It was a good day today. Especially after the crappy night the night before! I blogged early, so I didn't get a chance to come back and tell about my horrible crappy night. hehe. Well, I wasn't laughing last night...
Jake was not pleased with what I made for dinner, and made sure that I was painfully aware of it. He was being rude and mean and trying to hurt my feelings. Sometimes kids suck. And he was being mean to the other kids. And it just kept getting worse and worse. It finally got so bad that I had to ban him from electronics.
I went through the house, and locked it all in my room. Then I checked his room, and found not one, but two portable DVD players. So I took them, and then went back for the extension cord. And he fought me for it. Sigh. He ended up pulling me all around the house (cause I wouldn't let go), then finally pushed me across the room, and I fell into the couch (where Tom and Boxer were sitting). It really upset Aunt Sue, and me too. I spent the rest of the evening crying in my room. But all the electronics were locked up, as were the fridge and pantry.
He came in a few times to apologize, but I was upset and pissed off by that point. After about 3 times, I told him it was ok, and that I'd be fine by the morning. He seemed ok with that. It was an early evening for everyone.
But it was all good when we woke up. Jimmy came in and snuggled with me for a few hours in the early morning. Love that little kid :) And I was up and going by 8:30am. I woke up Jake at 9am, so he and Tom and I could get ready to go and get our new ID's. They expire on the 28th of this month.
I gathered up our documents (Power of Attorney, old ID cards, etc), we made ourselves look presentable, and off we went. Aunt sue stayed home with Joe and Jim, and Tom and Jake and I headed up there at 9:35am. I'd found a site online to make appointments, and had one for 9:45am, 10am, and 10:15am. Last time we'd gone for ID's, it'd taken HOURS of waiting in line.
We got to the place, and were instantly in with the lady. SO cool! I realized that I'd left my POA in the truck, so the chickie had the boys fill out forms, and I went and grabbed it. She photographed the boys, then they signed their ID cards. Then it was my turn, and by 10am, all 3 of use were done! And we were on our way back home with our new ID cards. Now there is efficiency!
Me on the way home

Awe, Boxer is sweet :)

Aunt Sue decided to stay home still, and off we went, to the outdoor pool. Liz and kids were there, and Terra and kids came too. And we had SUCH a fun time visiting and chatting. We all needed some "mom" time. hehe.

So she and I sat on the chairs and sunned ourselves. And it got WAY too hot. So we filled up the little pool with fresh water, and laid in there. And sunned ourselves some more. There were SO many holes in that little pool, and luckily I had some patches. So was sunned and patched and sunned some more.
At 4 something, we came back inside, leaving the little boys to play in the pool. Jake was napping on the couch.
And I started dinner. Here's me, cooking in the kitchen.

I rolled it out, then spread spaghetti sauce on 1/2 the dough. Then put on shredded mozzarella and cheddar cheese (not the bag stuff, that's nasty - ha!), and some Parmesan cheese, and some ground turkey (1 lb ground turkey, 1/2 onion (diced), garlic, browned). And folded the calzone over on itself, and sealed the edges.
I placed it on a WELL greased cookie sheet, and put a little oil on my hands, and rubbed it on the calzone. And baked it until golden at 400 degrees.

Aunt Sue and I were supposed to go to the Comedy Club, but she got real sunburned today. And was feeling a bit icky. So was Joe. But I don't think he got that sunburned. Not sure what was the matter with him.
We decided to make a Walmart run instead. She needed After Sunburn gel, and Joe needed Gatorade. And we needed paper plates, plastic plates (we used to have TONS, and they've all magically disappeared this week...), and toilet paper. Don't wanna be without toilet paper, you know.

I helped Jake get some Sunburn gel on (he was pretty red!), and I helped Aunt Sue get some on too. The places that she couldn't reach. She was SUPER red! Poor Aunt Sue!
I sat down to blog and such, and the kids and I turned on a movie from Netflix. The Dragon Wars. Oh yeah, SUPER dumb... But it was good background noise. Giant snake dragon thing attacking LA... The boys seemed entertained. Aunt Sue was worried about watching a scary moving and having night mares, but yeah, there was nothing to worry about from this one. It was SO dumb. hehe.
Tomorrow, Aunt Sue and Amanda and Terra and I are planning a trip to Costco. Amanda has a B-day party for Austin planned for Saturday, and wants to get some stuff. And we're ALWAYS up for a Costco run. We don't have cards, so whenever a friend is going and offers, we go for fun. hehe.
Then, if it's not thunder storming, we're going to the pool at 1pm tomorrow. Maybe we'll go and catch a dollar movie if the weather doesn't cooperate? My parents and sister are driving back from Ft. Hood to here tomorrow, and should be in in the evening. Excited to see my sis and her little girls!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
Awe, cute hand holding picture! I wanna hold someone's hand.... Can you guess who? hehe. Thanks for the layout, Sharon!

Love your word art!! Thank you
But the link for this one isnt working..
Got the soccer one and the ice cream one. Now I just need to get a picture of me with a banana split. Is breakfast too soon for ice cream? I was looking through your store and trying to find "daddy's home" or similar word art. Have you done anything like that?
Link not working...bummer..
Thank you for this fantastic WA !!
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