New stuff!!! First off, thanks to Kimberly for proofing these for me! She caught a few typos. Oopsie! All fixed now - hehe :) Click HERE to go to my store to grab some GREAT WordArts for only $2.00 a pack this week :) All layouts are by Sharon, the amazing - hehe :) She's fabulous, you know :)

OK, so first off, just wanted to let you know that my friend, Amanda, is in a photo contest at Ft Bliss! And the main prize??? A new camera! And she takes GREAT photos! So, I want her to win so she can take photos of my family. hehe. Not selfish or anything, huh? LOL. It's a contest for the cover of the Bliss NOW magazine, and the winner will get a new camera and their photo on the cover of the magazine.
Here's the photo, and what it would look like. Sweet, huh? OK, so to vote for here, you need to first click HERE to like the Fort Bliss MWR page. Then, you need to click HERE to like the photo. I really hope she wins. Cause I want some new good photos of my family. hehe :)

And one more thing. hehe. I did know that Captain America was coming back. I just didn't wanna blog about it for OPSEC reasons (army something or another related to information and safety). We have to be careful about what we say and what info we let out there. So, I just blogged about it AFTER the fact. Didn't want anything bad happening because of me, you know. hehe. Just like when he left, I didn't say the exact date, but blogged about it AFTER he went. It'll be the same when he comes home. Can't get out exact dates. But I did know. About 2 months ago, I had a time frame, and then about a month or so ago, I had a date and an itinerary,
Hola!!! So yeah, first day with the hubby back!!! It was crazy, and honestly, I spent more time by myself than I have practically all summer. hehe. Funny how things work out like that sometimes.
I woke up at 5:20am, and got myself and Jake ready for seminary. Captain America wanted to come, but realized that he wouldn't have enough time to do that, and to get ready and showered and off to his airborne physical at 7:30am. So he stayed home and got ready and helped the other kids get ready.
Jake and I headed out, and actually made it a few minutes early! He headed in, and I went back to sleep. He found me curled up in the drivers seat at 6:40am. He was like, Hey, that's not fair. hehe. I thought it was funny. I did have a nasty cramp in my neck when I woke up, though. hehe.
We headed back home, and he thought about going back to sleep, but ended up showering and playing with Boxer instead. Captain America left the house at 7:20am, and I saw a bus pull up at around that time. Oh crap! I knew there were two buses, so I hurried and grabbed the kids and we ran over there. Yeah, I don't know what bus I saw, but it wasn't the right bus. Both Hughey buses had yet to show. Thank goodness!
I chatted with Krystal for a few minutes, then the kids got on the bus, and I headed back home. Jake watched an episode of something or another cartoon, and I took a nap. See, Jake had a therapy appointment at 9am, so there wasn't really any point in sending him to school before hand. School starts at 8:40am or something like that.
At 8:20am, I woke up (I don't know that I really slept...), started a load of dishes, organized a few things, got Jake all ready to go, and we headed out to his therapy. And yeah, there was something crazy going on with the interstate, because traffic was going SO slowly... But we managed to still make it there 5 minutes before the appointment!
Here's Jake and I in the waiting room.

Apparently, it takes an Aspie kid about 20 hours of repetition to "get" something, so she gave him some handouts to look at and study. I'm supposed to have him go over them at least twice a day. Can do!
I don't remember who went next, but I know that I did get to talk with her for a few minutes at the end. She's really a good therapist, and I think that she's gonna help our family a lot.
We talked a lot about parenting teens with Natural Consequences. Jake hits his brother and he loses TV. How is that a natural consequence? Nope, it doesn't make sense. What would happen if an adult gets mad and hurts someone? They go to jail, right? So if you get mad and hit your sibling, then you go to time out in your room. Like jail. Works for me.
If a child refuses to do his chores, you give them a natural consequence. When they wanna have free time, you dock them the time that they should have been doing chores. Or you dock them the money. That worked for me, too. Now I just need to work on remaining calm, and implementing it.
We got done with the appointment, and headed out. I drove to Austin High, and signed Jake in, then headed back home. Still no sign of Captain America. He was gonna try and meet us at the doctors office. His physical must have ran late.
I got home around 10:30am, and Captain America got there a little before 11am. I'd cleaned up a little, and things were looking passable. hehe. See, my flowers are pretty!

We got our brochetta platter for 2, and sat down for lunch. YUMMY!!! It's really my favorite :) Here's photos of Captain America and I with our sodas! We're so silly :)

Captain America headed to the gym to lift, and I did the kid thing. And yeah, I must have been feeling a little stressed, because I could feel my neck tightening up. Sigh. I got my store loaded, and dinner for the kids. I'd crock potted some chicken and carrots earlier in the day. Yeah me! I'm loving me some crock pot. hehe.
I spent until around 6pm when Captain America got home in my room, on my computer, and watching 24. I really didn't feel good. Captain America got home, he had his dinner, and we had the kids do some chores. At 7pm, we sat down to watch a movie. And turned it off around 8pm so the kids could go to sleep. Captain America was falling asleep, so when the kids went to bed, he came and laid down, and I started blogging. It's now 9:30pm. I think I'm gonna tie this up, finish off my episode of 24, and go to sleep. 5:20 seems to come SO early!!!
Night, y'all! Tomorrow we have more doctors appointments, and a fun evening at Gattitown! Oh yeah :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
Sharon, I'm simply LOVING all of these beach photos! You do an AMAZING job!!!

Thank you so much, Bethany! Another great summertime wa!
Thank you so much. I have been admiring your word art. New to digital myself but i am learning and word art i can manage i think. Glad i found your blog.
Glad to see your hubby is home safe and sound! God bless our soldiers!
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