So I woke up at 5:30am again. And left the house a little late, and got to Seminary a little late. May have to get up a little earlier than 5:30am, I guess... When I got there, I thought about taking a nap, but got on my phone instead. And saw that Captain America was on Facebook, so I Skyped him. And he was there! I got to chat with him for the whole of seminary :) I was a happy camper. hehe. He had somewhere to be in 4 hours, so he had to go and make preparations, but I did get to chat for a while.
Jake came out at 6:40am, and we headed home. Tom was ready to go to school when we got home. I hurriedly signed some school papers, and we had family prayer, and off he went. I got the little kids ready for school, and then at 7:15 we headed to the bus. It came at 7:30, then I helped Jake get his bus pass ready for school, and he left at 7:45. Amanda came to pick me up a little after 8am, and then we picked up Kari, and we headed to Office Depot. To get the spiral bound notebooks. And yeah, they SO weren't there. Not cool. We're calling next time! But we had time to stop by Sonic and get a RT 44 DDP. hehe. Oh yeah!
Amanda dropped me off at home, and the housing dude was there. Oops. I forgot that I was supposed to be there. Luckily, he'd just got there. And the dog was lose inside the house. He was getting ready to leave. I caught him JUST in time. Unfortunately, Boxer had pooped and peed and gotten into the trash when I'd gone. Nice. Real nice, Boxer. I thought we were past that! I hurried and cleaned it up before the housing dude came inside. With my secret ninja skills! hehe :)
While he fixed my kitchen lights, I folded and washed some laundry. And cleaned up a little bit more. It was very passable when I was done. At 10am, my visiting teacher, Rebecca, came over. She's due with baby boy #2 tomorrow! crazy chickie, coming visiting teaching today! hehe. She's also the Relief Society president. I guess she can use that, right? 'If I can visit teach the day before my due date, what's your excuse!!!' ROFL! I'm sure that's why she came, right? hehe.
We had fun visiting and chatting and getting to know each other. She's a pretty fun girl :) I should invite her to a few things, huh? I watched a part of an episode of 24, and got ready for Yoga.
At 11:30, Kari picked me up, and we headed to Yoga. It was at Stout, the close gym that we like. But it wasn't our lady that we like. It was some dude named John. He was good. But not our relaxing yoga lady. But he was ok. I was SO out of shape. My arms and legs were shaking, and I was pretty fatigued when I was done. hehe. It'll get better, right? ha!
We headed back to the neighborhood after Yoga, and picked up Amanda and Maggie and her daughter, Hannah. It was time for Walmart price matching. hehe. I know, I know. We're obsessed! But the dude said that a truck with school supplies was coming in!
We got there, and yeah, there was SO not a truck that came in..... That's two strikes on spiral notebooks..... Grrr! We did get a few penny items, and went to check out. We had some issues with the price matching, but got it resolved. The checker tried to say that coupons in the Walgreens ad woudn't work for price matching, but come to find out, they did! So we got index cards for $0.39, mini composition books for $0.15, and a few other good deals.

We turned off the air conditioning immediately, and the girls said to turn on the heater. They said that it draws the heat away from the engine. OK, makes sense. Never heard of that, but makes sense. Too bad it was 98 outside. hehe. But, it TOTALLY worked! The engine cooled off, and stopped dinging.
We swung by the PX on the way home, and tried one more time for spirals. Yeah, three strikes, you're out! No spirals. Poor Kari. She actually needed some for her kids. Amanda and I are gonna give her some of ours. Cause we have many.... But you know, you can never have enough! lol.
We were home before it was time to go to the bus. And I wasn't feeling too good. I think I'd overheated. I came inside, changed clothes (a summer dress that was loose and cool) and drank a lot of water. I felt much better by the time the bus was suppose to come. So I walked over to pick up the kids.
And hung out in the shade with my peeps. And the buses came today. One first batch of kids, and 5 minutes later, a second batch of kids. They're gonna get it sorted out soon. And probably have one bus for our neighborhood, and one bus for the lower enlisted across the street.
I gathered up my kids, and headed home. And we all got ready for the eye exams at Sears. I had them bring a portable DVD player, and laptops, and the game boy. And figured that they should be occupied.
We headed over there around 4;30pm. Jake went first, and got his eyes checked. His prescription only changed a tiny bit, so his glasses were still good. And he was fitted with contacts, and the $50 fee was waived! Sa-weet! I got his prescription to take to Walmart later.
The eye dr had a 5:00 appointment, and after that, it was Joe and Jims turn. They both have a -.025 loss, or something like that, but it wasn't enough to correct for. Next, it was Tom and Eme's turn. They both had a big enough change to warrant new glasses. I got their prescriptions, and we were done.
Here's some photos of the kids at the eye doctor.

I decided that my head was starting to hurt, and I was getting stressed out, so we were gonna nix the glasses trip to Walmart today. We'll try a different day. The kids can wait a few more days for glasses. Their on post exam wasn't supposed to be till the middle of September. hehe.
Anyway, we headed home, and I wasn't feeling too good. And we got there, and the power was out. Great! At least I'd plugged the crock pot in early, and we had ham and black beans done! I fed the kids, and went to lay down for a little bit. And it was too quiet in my room (no fan) and hot. I didn't like it.
After about 30 minutes, the power came back on. Thank goodness! I sat on my couch in my room and watched a few episodes of 24, and let my neck massager work out some kinks in my neck. That may be where the headache is coming from!
Tom worked on homework for hours, and Jake did what he needed to. Jim and Joe spent the evening banned to their room, cleaning it. But it looked a lot better when it was done. I blogged, and am planning on going to bed around 9pm. With a sleeping pill. I need a good nights rest so I feel good tomorrow, and my anxiety will go away! Wish me luck!
Night, all! Until tomorrow :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the pNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
Wow, Sharon! This is WONDERFUL! Love those photos! GREAT summer layout!

Thanks for the word art. Hope you feel better!
I hope you're feeling better today, Bethany. Thanks for the awesome Word art. Hugs and prayers!!!
Thank you so much for this wonderful freebie!
from Reinhard from
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