Anyway, I woke up at 7:30am, and started getting ready for church. I put on some Sunday clothes, and got the kids ready. And had some breakfast, and we all headed out to church. Not too much complaining or fighting against it today, thankfully.
We got to church, and still had 5 minutes to spare. But our row was gone, so we sat on the opposite side of the building. The kids were mostly good. Mostly. Not bad considering that no one brought crayons. They brought color books. Ha! Silly kids :)
I was SO sleepy in Sacrament, I thought I was gonna fall asleep. I think it was exhaustion from all of the playing that I did over the summer. hehe. Anyway, after Sacrament, I got the kids to classes, and headed to Sunday School. And my sleepiness was still there. About 10 minutes before class was supposed to get over, I went to the hall. I thought I'd brought a soda in the truck, but I didn't. But I did find some peeps in the hall, and chatted with them. I know, I'm bad. But it was better than snoring in sunday school, right.
My friend Misty taught the lesson today, and she did a FABULOUS job! I wasn't sleepy at all listening to her tell a little of her background, and give a fabulous lesson on Obedience. She rocks.
After church got over, the kids and I headed to the Young Womens room for a meeting about Seminary. It's gonna be a fight to get Jake to go. But I went all 4 years, and it's SUCH a great class. Captain America did home study, and he feels strongly about it's importance too. I'm just not sure that I'm up for a daily fight to get Jake to go to a church class before school...
Anyway, he was all attitude during the meeting, telling me that there was NO way that he was gonna get up early to go to a meeting to learn about fake scriptures.... Sigh. I know that teens have doubts about religion, but most of them keep them to themselves... Jake has verbal diarrhea of the mouth when it comes to this...
Anyway, after that meeting, Joe had his pre-baptism interview, and Jake was even more upset that we had to wait around for that. Finally, we were all done, and headed home. Church got over at noon, and we didn't get home until around 1pm. When we got home, Jake was more under control, and apologized for being so grouchy about Seminary. He said that he'd go, and that he wouldn't fight me so much on it. Thank goodness!
And we had a lazy afternoon the rest of the day. At one point, the little boys and Amanda and I headed out so she could get a Sunday paper. We were just along for the ride. We found some great deals on school supplies this week too! I see a Walmart run in my not too distant future...
My head started to hurt really bad, and I laid down for a nap. And not only did I miss my visiting teaching appointment, but my kids totally trashed my house while I was asleep. Luckily, my head felt better when I woke up.
Someone had eaten ALL of the popsicles, and hidden the wrappers inside of the couches, so we didn't know. And someone else had pulled ALL of those wrappers out and put them on the floor. Someone had gotten into 3 different card games, and strewn them ALL over the living room floor. The couch cushions and pillows were all off of the couches and on the living room floor. And someone had taken a package of Ramen, crunched it up, and sprinkled it all over the living room. WHAT THE HECK???? Who does that? Really Harty kids? I can't even take a nap without the house getting trashed?
I had a huge bag of skittles, and I paid the kids in skittles to clean the house. Someone picked up all the wrappers, and got a skittle. Someone else picked up the dishes from the floor, and got a skittle. Someone else picked up the dirty clothes, and got a skittle.
The house is still super messy, but is leaps and bounds better than it was before :) We went shopping in my little school supply section (ha!) and the kids packed their backpacks. Since Joe got a new teacher, we didn't have his school supply list. But Eme and Jim and Tom had their lists. We just gave Jake some basics and called it good.
We had some dinner, and it was time for hair cuts. Tom was first, and got a super short one. Jake was next, and just got the sides cut down a bit. Long enough that he can gel the top. Jim was next, and got one almost as short as Toms. Jim was last, and got one a little longer than Jims. But not much. He wanted his calic on the front of his head to go away. And you can't do that with long hair. LOL.
Kids all showered and got on jammies, and picked out clothes for tomorrow. All the kids were in their room by 8pm. Probably not asleep, but it was dark in their rooms and they were at least trying. I turned on some 24 season 7, and started blogging. But it was so good, I just hosted the freebie, and watched the rest of the episode. I turned on the 2nd episode and tried to blog. It's slow going, because the show is SO freakin' good! hehe :) I've missed you, Jack. It's been WAY too long. hehe.
So it's 10pm now. I've gotta get up at 5:30am, so I can leave the house by 5:40am, so I can get Jake to church by 5:50am. I'm gonna take my laptop and design. Or maybe I'll watch an episode of 24. ROFL! Or maybe I'll just sleep. hehe. I should be able to get back to the house before Tom has to go to the bus, then Jake will have time to get ready for his bus. And I"ll drive Eme and Joe and Jim to school for their first day, and they can take the bus the next day.
Wish me luck, you guys! Should be a good day, kid free! My friends and I are going to the Sears at the Cielo Vista mall for an eye exam. Cause waiting till Sept 12 just isn't good enough. hehe.
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. thanks!
Awe, BEAUTIFUL photo, Sharon! I really like this one :) Great colors and great flow!

Thank you so much, for the summer wa. I, too, am glad for school to start back, even though I have no children :) I love watching those little tykes get on and off the bus every morning and afternoon. Have a great school year and enjoy your moments of silence :)
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 8 post on Aug. 22, 2011. Thanks again.
Hey, I missed not having any pictures today, Bethany. :) Sounds like your kids had one last wild fling in the living room before summer ended. lol Wouldn't you love to know what kids are thinking sometimes?
Thanks for the super word art. Hugs!!!
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