OK, so I went to bed SUPER late last night, and woke up around 8:30am this morning. And came out and watched some stupid TV show with the kids. Or was it a movie. I don't know. It was dumb. The boy was trying to scare off all the babysitters by being bad.
Anyway, Maddie and her girls came downstairs, then headed to the store and to pick up Uncle Joe from the airport. And then Jake woke up, and I had the kids start on chores, and everything went downhill from there.
Jake was being SUPER agitated, and yelling at everyone, and being bossy, and throwing fits. And I thought back, and I think he may have missed a few doses over the past week. So I told him to take his pill. And he refused. And we fought about it. And it was ugly.
I ended up getting inside of his tiny room with him, and sitting in front of the door and not getting up until he took it. There was throwing of stuff, and yelling, and name calling, and junk. Not me, him. ha! But I sat there and took it. Because if I'd let him out, someone else would have got it. And I didn't want him hurting anyone else.
He finally settled down, took the pill, and I let him out. And I went in my room and sobbed for about 20 minutes. Maybe not that long. It sure seemed like that long. When I came out, he was sitting on the couch with the dog, NOT doing his chores like he'd promised to do. So I proceeded to try and make him get up and go back to his room. And since I"ve picked up weight, I can actually get him to move around a little bit.
I got him almost to his room, and he reared up. I was holding on to him around his waist and one arm, and he tipped over. On top of me. And I hit my head on the table on the way down, and felt a sharp pain. And kinda got the wind knocked out of me when he landed on me. But I didn't let go. And we got up, and he let me get him in his room. I shut the door, slid to the floor, and sobbed. And felt a HUGE goose egg on my head. Luckily, it was under my hair. Freaking autistic agitation!
And it was around that time that Maddie and the girls came back with Joe. I was still in my jammies, and my eyes were super swollen and puffy from crying. Tears were still leaking from my eyes Yeah, it was a joyous time...
They loaded up Maddie's car, grabbed a few things that they needed to take, and headed out. I wasn't on the top of my game, so no hugs or pictures or anything. I did say bye, and made sure that the kids said bye. But I was out of it. And my head hurt. Not just the bump, but I was getting a migraine to boot...
I let Jake out of his room to say bye, and he went back in. Eventually, the pill kicked in, (or the placebo effect kicked in), and he calmed down, and was good for the rest of the day. I think, what it was, was that he was SUPER upset that Aunt Sue was leaving. Bad expected change. And he was on edge because of it.
Anyway, Aunt Sue packed up her suitcases, and Jake helped weigh them on the scale. We weighed Jake (220), then Jake and the suitcase. And the goal was 50 lbs. She had 3 suitcases, and wanted to eliminate the carry on. That took almost all morning/afternoon.
At some point, I decided that I needed to shower and get to feeling better. So I went and showered, got new make up, curly hair, and cute clothes. Oh yeah, that's what I needed. hehe :)

And I made sure that I fixed Aunt Sue's hair before it was time to head out for the day :) Isn't it cute!

We got 1 Rt 44 Diet Dr Pepper, 3 Large Real Fruit Straberry Slushies, 1 large watermelon slushie, and 2 green apple slushies. SUPER yum!
It took WAY too long, but I liked my drink. ha! I guess the slushie machine was having issues or something. We were hot and sweaty and SO ready for a drink when they came :)

Then the chickie asked for Jake and my ID's, and issued us escort passes. OK, I guess I was wrong. hehe. We got the last bag checked and paid for, and headed up through security.
We showed Aunt Sue how to put all of her stuff in the tray and send it through the scanner. And take off shoes, and purses, and junk. Jake took off his belt, and watch. And we got to go through the new xray machine. It was pretty snazzy. You stand inside of it, spread your feet, spread arms, palms facing a funny direction. And I smiled really big for the camera. LOL. I'm sure it was humorous. I was having a good time.
And then you have to wait for them, off to the side, so that they can analyze your xray. Yeah, mine didn't pass. I guess it was the zipper in my hoodie. So the woman asked if she could pat down my front. And did I wanna do it here in public, or did I want a private room. RofL! This was the most action I'd seen in 7 and a half months!! I said here was fine.
I was wearing a padded bra so I didn't feel anything. LOL! And then she took me and tested my hands for explosives residue. I passed! And then I was good to go. Pfew! Better safe than sorry, though, right??
We went to find the right gate, and sat for about an hour with Aunt Sue before it was time for her to board her plane. I'm SO glad that they let us stay with her. It's her first time flying alone, and I hope that us being there up till the end helped :)
Once she was out of sight and on the plane, Jake and I headed back home. The kids had been watching a movie, and Tom let them get into games and trash the living room. So guess who had to clean the living room? Yup, Tom. He wasn't too pleased. But dude, that's what I pay you for. To keep the living room clean while I'm gone and you're in charge. Earn that $40 a month, my friend!
We had a quickie dinner (fend for yourself), and I made the kids have "Quiet Time" in their rooms. I was tired of the bickering. I put on a movie in my room, and promptly fell asleep on my couch. And my hour long nap felt SO good.
When I woke up, the kids and I watched a movie in the living room, and had popcorn. It was a fun evening. Joe snuggled with me on the couch. He's such a sweetie.
I put the kids to bed around 9 or so, and spent some time texting with my friends. Then around 11, I started blogging. It's now just barely after midnight. Mom and Dad got Aunt Sue from the airport, and Maddie and Joe made it home. My family is all safe and sound :) Love ya, you guys!
Click on the links below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. thanks!
Awe, what a sweet little family, Sharon! Love this layout :) Great job!

Thank you for another great word-art! btw, I love the new hair and I like the glitter nails better than the red tips. :)
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 3 post on Aug. 21, 2011. Thanks again.
Thank you for all of your word art. I make cards for Operation Write Home and I use your word art on my cards all the time - your artwork makes them so beautiful. Love your new hair and your glittery nails! Hugs to you for being such a great Mom - hang in there, bumps and all!
Big hugs to you, Bethany. You sure did have an emotional roller coaster day. You handled it so well though and looked very beautiful too.
Thank you for the lovely word art.
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [22 Aug 01:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria
I'm happy to see the quickpage freebie I made with a kit of Thaliris with your WA, you're right it's a wonderful use of the WA !
WOW, I'm impressed! I just found you for the first time today so I read your entire page and want to comment a little and maybe encourage you. Mine are all grown and out of the home now but I had 5 at home - some from my husband's previous - but they were all still mine. We had some terrible zingers, but they all still love me and vice-versa. It's worth it :o) I know that you know that God is the lasting factor - He helps the love last no matter what. It seems He has provided awesome family and friends to you as well as a fantastic supportive community of which I will now belong. Scream, cry, sleep, share, create, smile, laugh. See the direction of that? It goes up, there is always an up side and I'm glad you find it! Thanks for sharing - everything.
Many blessings, Deborah
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