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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I Made A Wish

First off, PICTURES from my weekend! And, I even photoshopped a few of them. I just LOVE "The Pioneer Woman"'s actions. SO fun to play with.

Here's one of Jimmy - TOO cute! Giving his mommy a flower.

And Jacob

Captain America and the dude on the end are/were in the Army. Does it show? LOL

Jimmy, standing in "formation". He was the CUTEST thing, trying to be all lined up like a good soldier.


The Men

Tom (No, you didn't get your smile from your mother)

Eme and her little friend

Larry and Captain America on the horses

Our Camp


Joe playing chess with the Cub Scouts

Jimmy and his friend on the horse

Self Portrait!

In one of their classes, they taught the girl scouts how to make adobe bricks. It was pretty cool. Make mud, then add some grass, then form it in this wooden contraption. Pretty snazzy!

I loved this pic of Joe, too! I photoshopped this one for a bit :)

Jake and Tom got to play with the cannons. OK, so "Play" isn't the right term - hehehe. Tom got to be the "powder monkey". That's the guy who carried the gun powder to the guy who loads it. Pretty cool job :)

Jake got to actally fire the cannon. He pulled the "trigger". He was SO happy. They both got marked with soot to be "initiated" into the group. You couldn't have found 2 happier boys that day ;)

Another happy kid, this time on a horse

Eme got to ride the most out of all the kids, and was SO proud of herself, as she should be. They kept trying to get me on a horse, but I kept telling them there's not way on God's green earth your getting me up on a horse. Take my dog phobia and times that by 3. Yeah, not gonna happen. Again, animal. Unpredictable. Out weighs me. Faster than me. WAY off the ground. Yeah, not so much!

I love this picture of Captain America. Isn't he handsome!

This was my kids' favorite cactus. They called it the Lollipop cactus. Because it looks like lollipops. Yeah, they're kids - LOL It's all about the candy!

More Cactus and the low mountains of New Mexico outside of Ft. Seldon

Captain America and the ruins. This is the actually remains of Ft. Seldon (1870's)

So, there's my weened in photos. Pretty cool, eh? Did I have fun? Well, it was all right. I came to the conclusion that the reason that I liked Civil War reenacting in the past was that I simply didn't have a life. With nothing better to do, it was GREAT to go camping on the weekends and dress up and such. BUT, now that I'm used to having friends, and hanging with the girls, it's not quite what it used to be. Where I didn't mind being left for 3-4 hours alone with the kids and the campsite in the past, it's not my favorite thing to do now.

I kinda feel bad admitting that I didn't have fun, though. I know how much Captain America and the kids enjoyed it. They had people to hang out with. Captain America thoroughly enjoyed himself talking about the Civil War, and reenacting, and Ft. Seldon, and how to make it better. History isn't really my thing. And I kinda feel bad admitting that, even. Don't think that I'm ignorant, or anything. History is good. But it's not really how I wanna spend my free time.

I think what it is, is in the past, I really didn't do much. I was starved for people (I know, it sounds pathetic). I jumped at the chance to be out in public. Just setting in the campsite and hoping that someone would wander through and talk to me sounded like fun. Now? Not so much. It just didn't really do it for me this weekend. But I didn't really know how to breech the subject with Captain America. I know how much he loves it, and how much fun the kids all had doing it. I don't wanna be the guy to "rain on their parade", so to speak. Hmmmm, what should I do?

I started jogging on Monday. My sister is doing the Couch to 5K program, so I googled it, and gave it a try. I started with a brisk walk for 5 minutes, then 60 seconds of jogging, 90 seconds of walking, for 20 minutes, followed by a 5 minute walk cool-down. 30 minutes total. And it was pretty easy. I was sweating by the time I was done, but not out of breath. I do this 3 times this week. Not sure what week 2 looks like. I printed it off, though. Wish me luck! And Laurie, if you read this, girl, you should do it with me!

Jake and Jim and I drove around a bit today looking for Wrestling shoes for Jake. I saw online that Footlocker had them for around 30. Who knew that they didn't sell them in their store. Well, apparently they don't. But they said that the PX sold them. Next, we went to the dollar tree looking for Halloween decorations. Mostly they had Christmas. Dang, striking out all around today. I got a hang up skeleton and a gravestone for the yard. Jake and Jim spent a dollar, I got some brushes for Eme, and we left. We stopped by Big5 Sports, and found shoes for $65, but that was a little more than I wanted to pay.

We went to the PX, and apparently they DONT sell wrestling shoes. Goodness. We stopped by Sonic (if going off post is on the way) on the way home, and got happy hour drinks. I got a GINORMOUS Diet Dr. Pepper, and the boys got a Strawberry Real Fruit Slushie. SO good! I bet they asked to go back at Happy Hour again. They didn't know such things existed. Oh mom! When you come to visit, I know where we're going from 2-4 - LOL!

I spent a good portion of the day cleaning. I cleaned my room, cleaned the kitchen, cleaned the downstairs bathroom, cleaned and re-organized the living room (see, 6 months of no moving will do that to a person - rearranging!), did a few loads of laundry, folded laundry, and even chatted with the neighbor lady for a while. All in all, it was a productive cleaning day. Not too fun, but effective none the less.

This WordArt request is from Melle. I've seen the saying used in baby layouts, but could also see it for wedding or love or friendship layouts too. Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!


LovelyMissKait said...

I just wanted to tell you that I love that you take the time to document your children's lives. AND you make sure that you are in the photos, too. :)

Your photos look great in black and white. Try giving them a sepia/chocolate tone, they'll look authentically vintage, as in the pioneer/confederate days.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 7 post on Oct. 13, 2009. Thanks again.

More of Mom's Special Moments said...

Spending time with family doing things that you dont necessarily like is called motherhood!! Keep it up and next time take a friend with ya!! Have one of your peeps come along, give her one of your dresses to wear. . and a tent!! Make it fun for you too!!

paperlady61 said...

I wish that I had your drive and energy. I get tired just reading your blog. I have one of my own but I just have time for a short paragraph or a few sentences. Not that I.m that busy, I just don't have that much to say.

Cris said...

Such great memories you're leving for your children... you know how they always want to be told stories about when they were younger again and again and again... LOL, of course you know! You have 5 kids!!! What was I thinking?? ROFL
Anyway I love everything about your blog
Hugs, Cris

Angeljet said...

I think it's awesome how you documented your every day live.
Thank you so much for every wordart you've made, I really love them.

Here's a RAK from me: http://www.digishoptalk.com/gallery/data/500/Pioneer-boy.jpg
A LO using a gorgeous photo of your DS Joe. I hope you like it.


Sue said...

Very fun photos!! Thanks for sharing them! :)

TitanThirteen said...

These photos are great! I really like the pic of the coloured flower, the first pic. What kinda program do you use to do that?

Hélène8021 said...

thank you so much for sharing

s.khamvongsa said...

Love these words.. thanks a lot...

Stéphanie (Huguytom120)

Alli grins said...

I just stumbled upon your blog from the Craft Crave DigiFree site and I am so impressed! You are so talented! I love your word art and the quotes you choose are so funny, endearing and spiritual. I am a new fan! Thanks so much for the freebies:-)