UPDATE: I called around to Taco Cabana (no luck) and Wal-Mart, who had found it, emptied of cash, of course. The $25.00 Verizon Wireless Rebate card was still there, thankfully. Dang. I hope that whoever took my money needs it. And uses it well. And feels guilty about it. And burns in heck... Oh wait. Strike that last comment. That's not nice. I think that I'm gonna go back to my ugly black non-name brand purse that can sling over my shoulder. No one ever messed with that purse. Sigh.
I know that I had it at Goodwill. I went there at 10:00am ish. I got a few new tops for myself and a Scooby Doo video for Jimmy. Jake spent some of his own money. I had it there. I went to Taco Cabana with the girls and Captain America, but didn't pay out of my money pouch. I paid with the "restauraunts" money. Different envelope.
Next, I went to Wal-Mart, and left Jake and the cart and Jimmy and my purse in the toy section (Jimmy stayed in the cart the whole time) while I went to electronics to get print cartridges. Jake ended up wandering around, and it was about 20 minutes before I caught back up with them.
I paid with my debit card at Wal-Mart, but you'd think that I would have noticed that my money pouch was missing if it truly were missing at that point. It's kinda big. And in the same section as my wallet.
After Wal-Mart, we went back home. I brought all the packages in from the truck, and my purse, and put it on the kitchen counter. I put away all the bags, and when Eme did her chores, she hung my purse up where it went. It didn't leave the house again until Carl's Junior. Where the heck is my money pouch?
Did someone steal it? Did I leave it at Goodwill? I don't think that I took it out of my purse. Did Jimmy get into my purse at home and move it? I checked both vehicles thoroughly (and Captain Americatoo), so I'm pretty sure it's not in there. It's about enough to make me sick, though.
Have you ever lost that much money before? I was counting on that money to do something fun with my parent when they came next week. Sigh. I'm sure hoping that it's just misplaced at home, and not stolen. What a crappy thing to do to someone. I can't stand thief's.
I decided to go over to Katy's house and hang in the evening. We'd planned on watching last weeks episodes of Medium, Survivor, and Amazing race. I didn't wanna not go because I was looking for lost money. I needed to go and get my mind off of it. It's kinda working. I brought my computer, and am blogging/watching TV from Katy's house.
If you can, say a little prayer for me that I'll either find the money or at least figure out where it went. That would give me some peace of mind, even if it was stolen. Know what I mean? I'd just like to know what happened to it.
Crap. And, it's Emeline's Birthday on Wednesday. Happy 8th. I should have done a nice little blog post about her. And posted a cute little picture of her through the years. But you know what. My stomach is all in knots, and I can't do that right now. Maybe tomorrow. Poor Eme. I'm sorry, girl!
So, not this week, but next week, I have a WordArt pack coming out that's a "Circular" WordArt pack. I wanted to make one up for y'all as a freebee! Click HERE to go to Scraporchard to download the zip file, and leave some love if you like my work!

Oh no Bethany : (
I've got my fingers & toes crossed that your money reappears soon. Good luck and all the best.
I am praying that you get your money back/find it, but failing that I am praying that who ever has it really thinks about it and either uses it wisely or does something worthwhile with it!!
So sorry to hear that your money has gone missing, hope that you do find it hidden away somewhere, it is horrible to think someone could have taken it. Thank you also for the wonderful word art I have been following for quite some time now with this being my very first post. I really enjoy reading your blog, it is so different to my life in Sydney, Australia.
OH I just hate that. :( Here's hoping it's just misplaced and that you will find it soon. And yes. I've lost that much money before and it absolutely SUCKS.
Prayers flying your way...
I called Wal-Mart, and someone turned it in. Of course, it was emptied of all cash. Dang it! Makes me wanna puke....
THAT STINKS!!! I'm so sorry this happened to you. Big Hugs to you dear!
I'm so sorry for you that you your money was taken. I've lost money before (not quite that much though) and it nearly drove me crazy trying to figure out what happened. Praying for you and whoever took it.
Oh that stinks! I was SO hoping it would turn up. Maybe you could set up a paypal button on your site and people could give a dollar to help replace the $100. You have given everyone so much with your time and talent!
So very sorry this happened to you!!
Sometimes life just really sucks!!
I'm so sorry. It leaves a sick feeling doesn't it. Years ago (back in the 80's), I had a purse with a $100 in it to pay bills with. After my shift at work I noticed that the money was missing. I felt sick after discovering it gone. I also felt bad about the missing money because I needed to pay my bills and I knew it had to be a co-worker that taken it. I, like you hope that they really needed the money.
I'm so sorry to hear about your cash being stolen. That has happened to me, too. It's so heartbreaking that someone would do that to you. I know things will work out though. Take care.
That really sucks.. I always hope for the best and they would turn it in.. but sadly they didn't. Someone just stole my daughters laptop and phone.. that I bought because she couldnt afford them right now.. she is going through a terrible time. I was just sick about it.. she kept saying maybe they will bring them back. :(
I am so sorry for your loss.
it's fantastic!!!
So sorry your money was stolen - I'd be so upset, and I'm not surprised you can't settle to do anything else at the moment.
It's so kind of you to leave a freebie for us. Why can't good things happen to good people though?
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