So here's a few pictures from Tuesday that I forgot to post. I guess I need to download my pictures every day, huh? hehehe.

OK, I know it's blurry, but what's wrong with this picture? Even in the blur, you can tell that these legs are TOO smooth......FOR A MAN! Enough said...

Like I said on yesterdays post, I did call around in the morning and find out that yes, someone had stolen my money bag, taken all the money out, then ditched the bag. Luckily the $25.00 Verizon Wireless rebate debit card was still in there. I still need to go and pick that up. It's safe and sound behind the Customer Service desk at Wal-Mart.
It kinda ruined my morning, though. I didn't really feel motivated to go and do anything. I did get the kids off to school on time, though. Here's Eme on her birthday morning, with her new shirt on. She's so cute!

It's amazing how much more enjoyable a menial task like Grocery shopping is with a friend. Jake came, and pushed Jimmy (4) and Rowan (almost 3) in the kid shopping cart, and Laurie and I pushed the food cart. It really was a good time. I came in $0.45 cents under budget. I was starting to get a little nervous there, considering I had exactly $200 in my wallet, and the total was $199.55. Luckily I had a few dollars left over from last week to tip the bagger. I did get a few extra, out of the ordinary things this week, though. Like 2 new kinds of Herbal tea, and a pumpkin (bringing our total to 3), birthday cake, ice cream, cones, and a few other "non" essential but fun items. Gotta do that every once in a while :)
After grocery shopping, Jake and I put all the groceries away, then had lunch. Grilled cheese w/ cotti salami sandwiches. I must have been hungry, because it tasted SO good. LOL! I spent quite a bit of time this afternoon on the computer, checking emails and such.
I made 2 batches of Carrot Cake cupcakes with homemade Cream Cheese frosting for Eme's "Party". Mmmm, I just LOVE carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. Tasty! And the ice cream was white with fudge swirls. Can't beat that!

At about 3:30, I started to get everything ready to take to the park for Eme's party. Well, it wasn't really a party so much as it was "come to the park and eat ice cream and cupcakes with Emeline". But she didn't need to know that - LOL!
Andrea showed up at my door at 3:45pm, and wanted me to ride to Juarez Burritos with her to get take out for her family. I left Jake in charge, and told the kids that we'd go to the park at 4:30pm. I texted my other friends to let them know, and off we went. I'd never been there before, and it seemed like a good place to eat.
Andrea is a lot of fun to hang out with. Thanks, girl, for asking me along for the ride! I'll come and hang out ANYTIME you want! hehehe.
"Party" at the park was good. I had bought 2 boxes of cones, each with 2 packages of cones inside. One whole package was crushed. I was a few kids short of ice cream, but had PLENTY of cup cakes. Sorry, kids! I tried my best. hehehe. Eme seemed pleased with her party.
It was so bright and sunny it was hard to get pictures. Poor Eme is squinting big time. And yeah, we're still in the 70's and 80's here in El Paso. None of that cold white frozen white stuff for us!

And, some cash (don't leave it in your puse at Wal-Mart, someone may STEAL it - I'm just saying....). She got money from a friend, from Captain America and I, from Grandma Ida, and from Grandma Lyn. She's pretty excited about going and spending her "dollars". When my parents are here, we're taking her out to Chili's on Saturday night for dinner. Should be a good time!

After the park, we came home, and had pulled pork sandwiches for dinner. Mmmmm, tasty. Sure, it was left over pulled pork, but it was STILL good. My head was starting to hurt a bit, so I took a pill and went in my room to relax and take it easy.
Jake and Tom and Captain America left for scouts at 6:30pm, and the other kids and I went in my room for a ovie. Eme got to pick it out. Can you guess what it was? She's SO much like me it's scary. We watchd Twilight. ha! She and Jim ended up falling asleep just before it got over. Captain Americaand the other boys were home by then, so they helped me get the kids to their rooms and in bed. All in all, it turned out to be a great day.
This WordArt request is from Kimberly. And yes. I will love you guys until the day after tomorrow. That's how THANKFUL I am for you all. Truly, I have the BESTEST blog readers EVER!!!!
Click on the links below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

I'm glad that your faith in people has been restored somewhat! Em looked happy at her party! I think it is a lovely way to celebrate - so many parties end up being all about lots of money spent - but I bet your kids all had a good time. I envy your ability to whip up some goodies in no time at all - I'm not a cake maker - no way! and it all seems much too hard for me!. Have a happy day, and I'm glad that your sale recouped your loss. It is quite shattering,though when it happens to you. God bless.
What a great day. I'm glad you got lots of sales - you deserve it for all your generosity!!!
I have written before and stated that I should write to you every day! Love your freebies and love your art! I did purchase yesterday - I felt it was the least I could do since you give so much to all of us! I had planned to make my purchase sometime soon anyway, and being able to help you after all you give was a pleasure!!
Thanks for your art! Please keep creating!!
love the word art! I got your "Fur babies" set - omg, i love it!!
What a deal - I love your word art and 50% off - who can resist an offer like that. I had the hardest time narrowing my choices down but what fun it was to do so. I am grateful for the loads of freebie wordart you supply - so huge thank yous for them. You are the Queen of wordart!
Sorry about your theft but was so glad to hear that there are lots of good folks in the scrapping community, as if I didn't already know that. THanks for the last 2 wordarts you have given to us, they are perfect for the wedding book I am making for my youngest son and his new wife. I'll try to remember to post them where you can see them.
Hi, I'm sorry for your loss at Walmart but I'm glad the scrapping community rallied to your side. I have enjoyed the word art that you have supplied. Many people have asked me where do I find the quotes that I use on my pages and I give them your blogsite.
Love the new blog header!! Tori with the sunnies on looks too cute too :o)
Im taking a moment to say THANK YOU for sharing your talent with us all.Quite often I have come to your page and have snagged a few things here and there....I come here because I LOVE the feeling I get from your page.You have a VERY lovely family.Your children are growing SO fast.I sometimes feel that I am violating your space by reading some of the posts you have posted.I cant help myself,ome of them make me laugh....
Happy New Year to you.May 2010 bring you MANY more blessings and MANY more days of happiness.....
Don't stop posting such articles. I like to read stories like that. Just add more pics :)
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