Mine dawned at 7:15am. I got up, got kids going and read, and got myself ready for church. I woke Captain America up right before we left the house, so he could take care of Jimmy, since he was too sick to go to church.
Sacrament meeting was good, and primary went well. We're practicing a Father's Day song, and learning a song about the Holy Ghost for the month.
It was SUPER hot as we were driving home. It's times like these that I wish my Suburban had A/C. It got up to 108 or something crazy like that today. But it was nice and cold at church, and nice and cold at home.
Got home, fed the kids lunch, and laid down for a nap. I just LOVE Sunday afternoon naps :) I woke up at around 3pm, and spent some time watching a show with the kids, and fixing dinner. I chatted with the neighbor for a while. It was hot outside, but VERY pleasant. I came back inside when the wind picked up. There was a HUGE thunderstorm moving into the area. I just love the sound of thunder :)
At 5pm, I headed over to Lauries house. There's a family in the ward, the Kirkmans (Kayley), who are moving on Friday. So Laurie had a "farewell" dinner for them at her house. Just I went, since Jimmy was sick. I'd already eaten, so I just went to visit. Eme made me promise to tell the girls "bye" for her.
At 7pm, I had a primary presidency meeting. So Laurie and I and Andrea and Hilary and Karin met at Karins house, and had our meeting. And we always stay after and visit, of course :)
I was home by 9:30pm, and the little kids were all in bed, and Jake and Tom were playing football (or was it baseball....) with Captain America on the Wii. Male bonding, right? hehehe.
I read for a little while, then started blogging. Tonight may be an early night for me. I'm kicking around the idea of getting up at 6am and going jogging. I wasn't gonna start until I got to my goal weight, but I'm thinking of starting a little earlier. I'll have to decide....
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Thanks for the wordart, Ralph Waldo Emerson is one of my favs.
Awesome wordart! Thank You!!
Thanks for the WA! I love poetic types & philosophical ones. Wonderful!
Thank You! I love it!!!
Has a special meaning to me...thank you very much
I've been really remiss about leaving comments lately, but I want you to know how much I appreciate hearing about your life. I really love the Word Art, too! But I think the highlight is reading about your family and how you are all doing. Thanks so much!
Thank you..that quote really hits home for me.
I really hope you do not change the way you blog. I think you are a great Person, Mother, Wife, and Woman. I am kinda guilty of reading your Blog and feeling better..as I am struggling to get back to normalcy right now. Just wanted you to know you do effect people in positive ways. :)
You have an awesome Blog!! Thank you for sharing it with us!!
~Check out my Blog: http://quick-reads.blogspot.com
Beautifully profound. Thank ya mah darling! :)
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