Got up at 6:45am (yeah, even earlier than for school days!), showered, got ready, and headed out to my doctors appointment. My last batch of Migraine meds didn't do it for me. They made me drowsy, and feel funny. So, I wanted them switched to something else. The doctor lady assured me that the generic Imitrex was exactly the same as real Imitrex. Yeah, I know that it made me feel different. Sigh.
So, she prescribed me something different. Can't remember what it's called, but I got a box of 12 pills. We'll see how it goes :)
I stopped by Kayleys house on the way home. She's moving tomorrow, and needed someone to take all of her fresh and frozen things from the freezer and fridge. Laurie and I were more than happy to oblige. hehe.
I came away with a few grocery bags of food! My favorite was the frozen Talipia. I can actually eat that on my diet. And it's individually frozen in bags, so it's even better for me. I just need to defrost one, pop it in the little George Foreman grill, and it's all done :) Sa-weet!

Laurie had walked to Kayleys house, so I drove her home with all of her "groceries". While there, I was mentioning the fact that Captain America was going to St. Louis area for a little less than 2 weeks here at the end of the month, and I was bummed I didn't get to go. There was no way we could afford 7 plane tickets, and it would be almost as expensive to drive our suburban there. So we decided that just he'd go. Since he's deploying soon, and won't see his family for a year. And it's been over a year since he's seen them last.
Anyway, Laurie offered to watch the kids if just I wanted to go. I'd never considered the possibility of leaving the kids with someone. I told her I'd have to go home and mull it over, and see if it was feasible.
I checked my Paypal account, and I had $300 in it. And the tickets costs almost $400. So really, I'd just have to come up with $100 for a plane ticket. That's not too bad :) I found a flight at the same time as Captain America for departure, and picked on a week later for coming back. Leaving on a Saturday, and arriving back in El Paso on a Friday night. That way, I'd only be gone from the kids for a week, but would still get a "get away" with my hubby before he deployed.
It took me about an hour to get the tickets all lined up, and bought, and arrangements made. OMGosh, Laurie. You're AWESOME! I love ya, hon!!!!
So that took me right up until Free Lunch. I got the kids all loaded up and ready for the pool, and we headed out to lunch. They had Tater tots, chili, tortilla strips, and apples. Not the kids' favorite free lunch item, but they mostly ate it.
On the way to the pool, there was some hitting going on the backseat, and I'd had enough. I told them they lost the pool, and I just drove home. I let Jake and Tom go play at Hunter and Braxtons house, and I let Jimmy play outside for a while, then lay in my bed and watch a movie, and made Joe and Eme (the fighters) go to their rooms. They were in there for a while, then could come out and do some chores and read. Yeah, they weren't too happy with me, but I don't think we'll have a repeat performance anytime soon.
I spent the afternoon designing. 3 hours worth. I need to start designing a WordArt pack a day. That would be perfect. Then I wouldn't have this mondo designing session on Thursday nights. I'm sure Joy, my WordArt packager, and my CT would like that too :)
Me, still in my swimsuit, after designing...

I need to start waking up earlier, and getting things done. I think maybe I'll start on Monday- hehehe.
Hilary stopped by my house on her way home from work to pick up our car outlet for her trip to Kileen (near Ft Hood) this weekend. Sniff. Sniff. WAAAAA!! I did get to see her before he left, though, so it was good.
At 4:30ish, we started making sack dinners for all the kids, and I cooked myself some fish, and bagged up some crackers and some cucumbers for me. I loaded up all 7 of the kids (Hunter and Braxton were coming too) in the truck, and we headed for the West-sieed. It was Cub Scout Day Camp. It was hot out, so it wasn't the most enjoyable of rides (Suburban has no A/C), but we made it there.
Braxton and Tom are Webelos, so they got to do a few more things than the younger boys. I let Jake and Hunter (both Boy Scouts) be helpers to the adult leaders. Jake hung out in crafts, and Hunter helped with the BBGun range. He had a BLAST!
The little kids went to the Nursery, and I went around with the Bears. We were supposed to have leaders for each den, but somehow our den missed that. So it was just me. We're gonna have more people there tomorrow.
Our younger boys registering for Day Camp

We went to Citizenship first, and learned about flags, and how to fold them, and how to display them, we learned about Texas, and the pledge of allegiance, and some influential Americans. It was a good class.
Next, it was on to knotss. The boys learned a few knots, but I spent a good portion of that class walking back to my truck to charge my dying phone.
After Knots, we moved on to Crafts. They were making their name tags. They were pretty cool, really. Jake was helping out in that class, so I got to hang with him for a bit.
Last class was Archery. The boys had a good time with the bows and arrows. I hung with a leader from our old ward, Brother Fox, and had fun chatting.
Captain America made it at closing flag ceremony. His battery has a softball team, and he's on it. So he came in his softball clothes. But it was nice that he could be there, if only for a little while.
Braxton and Tom and Jake and Hunter (back row). William and Phearson and Joseph (front row)

Joe and I at flags

We did flags, then headed home. It was around 9pm or later when we finally got back. It seemed like it took me FOREVER to get kids to bed. Eme and Captain America rode in his truck, and they were even later than us. I did notice a McDonalds yogurt cup, so I'm thinking they stopped on the way home for some daddy time. hehehe.
I spent some time with my hubby, then sat down to blog. Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Thanks so much for the word art! (See, I am commenting again!) I am so glad you can have a getaway with your hubby before he deploys. That's so important. And you know what? I'm so glad we don't have to do day camp anymore! Spencer goes to Aaronic Priesthood Encampment later this month; his doctor appointment for the physical is this afternoon, then we have to pay, then we're DONE! YAY! I really don't miss the hot weather at day camp ...
Thank you!
Thanks for this fun word art. Just sent my son to camp today for the 1st time, so this is perfect! Your work is appreciated.
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