Crap! I totally ran out of time to blog. Sigh. I don't like to go to bed without having mentally "tied" up my day, but alas, I'm super tired. I've been up till 3 am 2 nights in a row, and it's after midnight tonight. I'm beat. I've got a doctors appointment at 7:40am tomorrow, so I'm getting up at 6:45am. That gives me 6 1/2 hours of sleep, IF I got to bed right now, and it's not gonna happen. Sigh.
Here's the brief version. We cleaned up in the morning, then I took Jimmy to the doctor to get a referral for an ENT. He's got huge tonsils, and snores a lot. The dr said he had an adnodial voice, so to try and get those out too. They put in for a referral.
We came back home, got ready, and went to free lunch at 11:20ish. Hilary got off work early and came with us. Leigh, Laurie, and Danielle were there too. Then we stopped by Circle K and got Diet Dr Pepper (you can refill your cup from Sonic there for $0.79) for us, and slushies for the kids, then headed to the pool.
We were at the pool from noon to 2pm, then headed home. When I was taking Jimmys swim clothes off, I noticed a rash ALL over his legs. I didn't have a clue what it was. Redish pink bumps. Like a cross between a bump, a blister, and a pimple. Kinda weird. And it was itching him.
I called Telenurse, and she recommended taking him to urgent care off post. Hilary came with me, so Jimmy, Hilary, and I headed out to the doctor. They saw him fairly fast, and said that they didn't think it was from the Penicillin. He thought it was an outside allergien. He perscribed me some cream, and said to use it for 15 minutes, then apply vasiline to the area. Ok, sounds good to me.
Jimmy got some Benadryl, and he was good to go. We headed back to my house, and dropped Jimmy off. He was sleepy, so he napped while Hilary and I ran another errand. She needed to go to the Sprint store for her phone. But the line was WAY too long, so we returned something at Walmart real quick, and headed home. I did find a pair of $3 jeans and a $1 shirt. Can't beat that.
Kids had dinner at home (sausage & eggs), and they got ready for Scouts. Captain America said he was gonna try and be home at 5, then take the big boys to scouts, but by 7pm he was still at the office. So I loaded all the kids up in the truck, and drove them to Scouts. Captain America was there about 10 minutes later. I left Jake and Hunter at Scouts, and drove to Hilarys house. She and I had dinner there (both sets of kids had already eaten). We chatted and hung out on the back porch, and our kids played a board game, then watched a DVD. It was a pleasant hour and a half.
Jake texted when they headed home, and the kids and I left Hilarys house, so we'd make it home the same time as Captain America and Jake. Hilary is going to her hometown for the weekend, and I'm gonna miss my buddy :( Sniff. Sniff. WAAAAA! You'd better come back soon, my dear! I'm not sure I like the idea of not seeing you for a few days. (wow, I sound pretty stalker-ish, don't I! That's ok, she likes to be stalked, I think....)
I got the kids in bed, then straightened up the kitchen for a bit, and Captain America and I hung out on the back patio for about an hour. We ended up getting in a little tift about something. Sigh. I think I'm tired, and need more sleep. I'm a bit short lately.
Anyway, that was my day. The short version. I kinda got more long winded as the story progressed, didn't I :) hehe.
Click on the links below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Trying to get better at remembering to leave thanks. ;) Thank ya Bethany! lol
What a day! You do live life in the fast lane. Thanks for the word art! :)
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