So anyway, I hope that answers your questions. Yes, I may not look like I need a diet now, but that's because I'm on one, and I'm sticking to it. :)
Howdy hey, girls :) Another long day in the Harty Household. Woke up at 8am, and yeah, I honestly can't recall what I did. hehehe. I'm all drugged up on Migraine meds and a plethora of other OTC stuff, so we'll just call it a drug induced stupor. hehehe.
I remember eating Breakfast at 9am. Oh yeah! I remember now. I was working on getting doctor appointments set up for people! I was signed up on the Triwest website, but because I wasn't the "sponsor", well, I didn't count, apparently, and couldn't access the kids' records. Captain America hadn't signed up online yet, so we worked on getting him set up, then he gave me permissions to access the kids' account. What a hastle....
Anyway, I printed out some Authorization forms, and got appointment set up. Jimmy had an appointment today at 1:45pm. I got the address, and such, and got more info for it, and printed out the Authorization letter for him.
I called about physical Therapy for my "butt bone", and printed out the Authorization letter. Yeah, the person they assigned me to only deals with infants. Whaaaaat? So I called Triwest, and they said to just pick another physical therapist. Nice. How do I know who to pick? She said to just put in Physical Therapist in the search on their website, with a 10 mile radius. Yeah, narrow the search down to 50. That helps. I think I'm gonna go back to the TMC and talk to the doctor chickie and ask who she'd recommend.
Next, I printed out my authorization letter for my "tummy tuck", and called and scheduled a consult. August 12th, or something like that. It's just a consult, but hopefully they can get the insurance to approve it.
Then, I called about a referral for Jacob, and got it set up for Thursday at the army hospital. Pfew! That was a TON of phone calls. And i HATE making phone calls :)
After breakfast, I sat on the back patio for a while, and Maddie and I talked about the plan for the day. I had a doctors appointment for Jim at 1:45pm, but we still wanted to do the pool. So we decided to skip free lunch, make sandwiches for the pool, and go at 11am. Then leave by 12:30pm, come back home, get ready, and Jim and I would leave the house at 1pm.
So at 10am, I hopped in the shower and got all ready. We made a BUTTLOAD of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and packed brown sack lunches for each of the kids. Sandwiches and carrots and waters and mini marshmallows and cheese its. Kids thought it looked like a pretty yummy lunch.
Here's a few pics of us on the way to the pool. Check out my COOL new zebra earrings to replace the ones that broke at the movies last Friday night.

We headed to the pool. It was only in the mid 80's, so it was kinda chilly. LOL! And it was cloudy. Yeah, we were the only people at the pool. Some dad with 3 kids came for about 30 minutes, and then 2 teenagers showed up, but that was it. VERY sparse.
Ella And I. Silly big earrings...

See, poor things, locked away behind the baby pool gate.....

Here's my kids, playing the the big pool together. They were having a lot of fun, all 4 of them (Jake decided to stay home from the pool today)
Jimmy trying to do a headstand. hehehe

So we drove home, Jim and I got changed, and we headed out. I left a bit early, and stopped by FexEd to drop off my old phone (I should have done it last week, or the week before....), then plugged in the ENT address into my phone's navigation system. The phone lady said that it was by Bassett center, on Gateway west. But the phone said it was further downtown.... hmmm.
I got on gateway west, and drove slow past Bassett center. I found the ENT office, and the address was 5959, not 2929 like I'd plugged into the navigation thingy.... That would explain it. hehehe.
We got there early, and filled out paperwork, then waited. And waited. Good thing my phone has internet, and youtube. I let Jimmy watched 3 episodes of Wow Wow Wubbzy, and I read my book, City of Bones. I've been trying to ready it now for about a year, and I'm finally getting into it.
They finally called us back, and the nurse came in and talked to us. Then we waited for longer. Then the doctor came in, and he was AWESOME with kids. He looked at Jimmy's tonsils, and said that they were HUGE. He recommended a tonsillectomy, and explained the procedure to Jimmy. I thought it was AWESOME that he'd explain it in kid terms to a 4 year old. VERY impressed :)
Next, Jimmy had to go to the bathroom, so we took a potty break, then went to a different waiting room. We went into another office, and filled out more paperwork, and set up a date for the surgery. August 6th.
Back to another waiting room, then we went in with the nurse, and she told us a little bit of what to expect. And gave us paperwork for blood work. That needed to be done ASAP. I asked if we could do it on post, and she said no. I asked if there was a location near, and she said Del Sol medical center, which I knew were it was.
We left the office, and headed to Del Sol. We swung by Sonic first, and I got a Diet Doctor Pepper, and Jimmy got an Oreo sundae and a Cherry slushie. He was pretty excited. We continued on to the hospital. It had a parking garage, so I navigated my beast of a truck up the tiny, winding road. Yeah, didn't like that too much. I've got that weird habit of ducking while in parking garages. It just makes me feel more safe, I guess.
I found a spot on the 3rd floor, and even managed to back into it. Pretty good, I know - hehehe. It was a tight fit. Mad skills, you know....
We went into the hospital, and asked the dudes in the front where the pharmacy was, and they should us were to go. Down the elevator, and around the maze, and we finally found it. I handed in my paperwork, and the chickie informed me that I was in the wrong place. Whaaaaat? After all that?
So I left the hospital, back to the parking garage, found my truck, and looked at the address on the form. Yup, different location. I got back on the interstate, plugged the address into my navigation, and it led me to the right building. About a block down the road.
We parked, went in, and found the right place. Filled out paperwork. Found another bathroom. Filled out a TON of more paperwork. Back to the waiting room. Then got called back for a blood draw. Poor Jimmy.
Here's Jimmy BEFORE the blood draw. He was so brave, until the needle came out. He wanted me to go over and snuggle with him, which I did.

He got a Garfield bandaid, we packed up our stuff, and off we headed. I found an alternate route home, which swung by Little Caesars AND Verizon. Score it!
I was in the Little Caesars parking lot, when I decided to go a block back, and go to Verizon first. If I could swing in, get my phones activated, THEN I could buy the pizzas. Jim and I went into Verizon, and the chickie said it would be an hour wait. WHaAAAAAt? Are you serious? An hour? That's just not right. That's no way to do customer service. I was royally ticked off.
Got back in the car with Jim, and headed to Littler Caesars. Jimmy was playing with the decoration balloons, so the dude behind the counter gave him his own helium balloon, AND pack of cookies. VERY nice of him :)
I got a cheese pizza, a pepperoni pizza, 2 crazy breads, and sauce for only $13 plus tax. Not too shabby, right? My head was starting to hurt, and I didn't feel like cooking.
Here's me on the way home, with my Sonic. Actually, the soda was LONG gone, and I was sucking on the ice. It may only be in the 80's, but it was still warm in my truck.

He took over the kids, and I laid down for about 20 minutes. It was SO much better when I got back up. The family was having Family Home Evening, and talking about Temples when I came out of my room and joined them. Here's me, with my apple, at FAmily Home Evening.

Jake had already had his turn and was upstairs by the time I grabbed my camera. Here's Joe

Kids went to bed around 8:30, and Captain America and the big boys went outside to change the oil in Captain Americas truck. I brought my laptop out to the living room to blog and design. Maddie and Ella were watching Beauty and the Beast, and she was on her computer too. It was a nice, relaxing, quiet evening.
It's now almost 10pm, and I needed to make y'all a quick freebie. Then I'll either go to bed, or watch the end of that movie I started the other day and fell asleep. Hmmm, decisions, decisions....
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Hi Bethany-
My name is Izabela and I forgot how I found your blog but I did a while ago and I'm so glad I did...I have to tell you I check it out everyday and am so motivated by all you do. I have 2 kids and feel so crazy busy at to read you and your 5 and how you go through your day being so very's wonderful and I'm super motivated. Congratulations on your weight loss...I'm always trying to drop the last 20 pounds after the kids. I wonder what diet you are on?
I love your word art...I'm a huge scrapbooker so I love to see it and use it :)
I wake up check my email, facebook, and your blog then I start my day :) thanks for all that you do...
I believe the gas mask kid was in Season 1. It was freaky seeing your kids with the mask on!
I love all your word art. It is always so beautiful. I snag nearly everyone I find that I don't have already. :)
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [27 Jul 12:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria
My dear girl - you look FABULOUS! What a pitty there are those out there that believe all the crapola advertising that is put pout telling us how we should look. What a shame. Pooh on them. :(
You are wonderful! How you manage the energy with your children & the rigamarow's is stunning! You go!!
your word art is such a joy!! I actually craft cards - I eill be trying t use your word art as sentiments in the cards. As yet, haven't done it yet.
I check here daily & am a big fan.
Hugs & blessings! D :)
Hey Bethany,
I also read your blog everyday and if you didn't have that little freckle on the side of your nose I would not believe that before picture was you !!! You look great and I always enjoy reading about your adventures. My husband was in the Army for 28 years and it is fun listening to your military life now.
Thank you so much for all your wonderful word art. I have just started digiscrapping and your words are very helpful. Your so sweet to share your work. Those of us that do sewing and crafting and scrapbooking are the most giving ! A big thank you
for sharing. Keep up the good work and you go girl with the diet as you look great and I know you are much healthier and feel better. The best to you and your family.
Bethany, I think you look so beautiful and I am so proud of you for getting your life (and weight) under control This may sound sound silly, but I would be so grateful if you would tell me how you did it. I am out of control right now and need to do something about it...
Many thanks,
Hi Bethany!
My name is Rochelle and I found your blog through one of the scrapbooking blogs I follow. I absolutely LOVE your work and it's added soooo much to my scrapbooks. I just wanted to say thanks so much for the time and effort you put's really appreciated!
Hi Bethany,
My name is Mandy and someone turned me onto your blog a while ago, but the last few days I've been on it and find myself reading all your adventures. I love it! You are amazing and I love to hear of your adventures. you look great by the way. I love your work too! I have 4 kids, 2 step kids and 5 grandkids.... And I'm not old enough for grandkids, (she started at 16)... But I totally can relate to crazy busy...
Hi Bethany, My name is Helen McNamara, I am a senior lady from New Zealand. I just love reading your daily diary of your life with your handsome husband & beautiful children. I must compliament you on your fanadtic weightloss. I cannot believe you are the same person. You go girl. You are an inspiration.
Love & hugs Helen
Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list
I am always inspired when I come to visit your blog. From your commitment to your weight loss to running your children from pool to doctors appointments to making marvelous word art for us. I'm amazed! Thank you.
Thanks for the word art. Your blog is a fantastic inspiration and you look fantastic, can't believe the first pic is you.
WOW at your "before" picture! I am about your former size now. I am in awe at how you were able to lose so much weight! I am a nervous eater, and with Lupus and Sjogren's, I exercise little. You will be a good inspiration! Congrats! And thanks for all your cute word arts! ~Crabcakes
Hi, Bethany. My name is Monica and I try to read your blog every few days or so. Love it! I don't comment very often, but today just felt the need to congratulate you on your weight loss. You look great! I too am about the size right now that you were in your before picture...and am miserable. I just just wanted to let you know what an inspiration you are...not only for your weight loss but also your seemingly boundless energy and motivation! I don't even have kids and I'm woren out...I can't even begin to imagine how much energy your day requires! LOL. Makes me tired just thinking about it! Thank you also for your beautiful word art. I'm just now starting to experiment with digital scrapbooking, and your word art designs are just perfect! Anyway, I just felt like today I needed to say thank you!
Thanks for all the freebie wordart you offer. I love it!
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