Anyway, got up at 8am like normal (yeah, not looking forward to school starting, cause I'll have to start getting up early...), had breakfast, got the kids breakfast, did the normal morning routine.
Here's me in the morning. Lovely, aren't I?

Kids did chores, played around a bit, and around 10am, I headed to Verizon. My phone's speaker had stopped working yesterday while trying to talk to Andrea, and it did it again to me today while trying to call the school to see when PreSchool registration was....
So I took the old and new home phones, and mine, and headed out the door. I got there 15 minutes after the doors opened, and there was already a 20 minute wait. Seriously??? That's SO not cool.
So I wait for them to call my name (luckily I brought a book), and spend the next 2 hours getting an new phone. Yup, it died. No, taking the battery out doesn't help. No, a hard reset doesn't help. So they give me a new one. And I even talk them into giving me a big discount on a screen protector.
They helped me activate the home (cell) phone on a different phone, and by noon-ish, I was heading back home. Maddie had taken 2 of my kids and her 2 kids, and headed to free lunch. I was about 10 minutes behind her.
I went home, got the other kids, and headed up there. Pizza day is always a big hit. hehehe. We ate, then headed back home.
Maddie's girls were ready for a nap. Poor tired things. Captain America was at home, and we chatted on the back patio, then he went back to work. Maddie and I ran a few errands while the girls were napping. It's SO nice having a 12 year old in the house :) hehehe.
We switched something out at Verizon (but didn't have to wait in line, thankfully), hit Circle K, Fallas Paredes, and a new cheap clothes store too! I'm SO glad we stumbled onto it. It was pretty cool. I got a new red and white polka dot shirt there for under $5, and a new pair of black sandals for $5. SO cool :)

So we come home, and have stuff we bought for the kids for $0.50 at Fallas. I got little song thingys for the big boys, which they liked, and butterfly nets for the youngest 3 of my kids, which some of them liked. See, here's Jimmy with his net. HE liked it.

We had a fast dinner, and did some quick chores. The house was a little messy, but looked MUCH better by the time Captain America got home from work. Around bedtime, Captain America and I headed over to Paul and Hilarys house. We were gonna all 4 go in Pauls truck for a Circle K run, then come back and hang on the back patio.
Here's some pics of Captain America and I (and just me) before we left. See my new red polka dot shirt? And my new red purse? Maddie said that I needed a BIG purse. Because the bigger the purse, the smaller you look. And I'm all about looking smaller....

We got home kinda late, and it's not 12:43am. And I still need to design. Luckily the blogging is all done :) I'm gonna sleep in, or try to, at least. Poor Captain America has to be up before 6am. Yeah, glad he's the soldier, and not me - hehehe.
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [28 Jul 12:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria
This is a different style for you and I like it. It is elegant and would lend itself to various treatments. Love the font. Thank you.I still am not getting your newsletter anymore. Sadness.
I love big purses, too! :)
Thanks for another great freebie!
Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list
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