I slept in for a bit this morning, which was nice. I was up at around 8:15am. I got to see Captain America for a few minutes before he left for work. He'd been up since WAY early, but not me. I'm not cut out to be a soldier - ha!
Anyway, I spent the morning at home, doing chores and on the computer. At 10am or so, I wandered down to Andreas house and helped her out with some chores, then headed home. At noon, we headed up to free lunch. Captain America came with us, and we also brought Hunter and Braxton. They had hot dogs, then Captain America headed back to the battery, and the kids and I headed up to the pool.
Andrea and Leigh and I hung for a few hours in the pool. We sat on the edge, and got in at the end. And I burned a bit. Sigh. I thought I had sunscreen on the whole area, but I guess I missed a bit - hehehe.
At 3pm, we all headed back to our houses. Kids went and played on their own or at neighbors houses, and I sat down at the computer. I designed for a bit, and messed around at the computer for a bit. I felt a bit melancholy for the rest of the later afternoon. I'm not sure why, sometimes that just happens. I'm not a big fan of "melancholy", but I guess it's better than some other moods, right? I think the previous week had caught up with me....
Anyway, I cooked dinner for the kids, and finally got around to taking a shower. At 7ish pm we headed up to Scouts. Only Jake had activities tonight. Tom stayed at home to play with his buddies (he's 10 and it's legal to leave a 10 year old at home on post....), and after dropping Jake off took the other kids to McDonalds for a yogurt and we got a soda. We let the little kids play in the playland, and Captain America and I chatted and took pics on my phone.
Here's a few of the MANY pics we took. I know, I know, but I just LOVE taking pics on my phone - hehehe.

Anyway, here's a pic of me on my bed with my poor ouchy head :( Off to design and blog and push past this headache. Luckily for me, I had meds. Meds are my friends, unlike migraines...

Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
Thanks so much.
Thanks for another great word art Bethany. I love coming to your blog and seeing all your pictures and reading your posts.
thank you!!
Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list
I feel your pain!
I love your site... Thank you so much for sharing your talents.
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