Woke up at 7:20am (dang, I don't like waking up to an alarm - hehe), got ready, and Eme and I were out the door at 8:15am. We drove across town to the Dentist. She needed 2 teeth fixed, something like pulmonoty (but not that), then a silver crown on top of it instead of a filling. I don't know, it was the cheaper option. Then they pulled a tooth that had an infection under it and was nasty, and sealed her teeth. Yeah, it was a lot of stuff. And they gave her gas, so that was an extra cost too. All told, it was almost $240. Spendy...

So when they brought her back out front, she was pretty lethargic. Poor girl. The gas made her a bit loopy. The lady told me that she'd be that way for a while, that it was a perfectly normal reaction, and that I'd have to help her walk to the car and such. That it would last for a few hours. I thought she was exaggerating. Yeah, no. She was serious - hehehe.
Here's me in the car on the way home. I'd got Eme into the car, buckled, and she was eating her ice cream and was just fine.

So Jake volunteered to stay home with Eme so that we could go to free lunch. Mostly, I think he wanted to work on his Model. hehehe. We got Eme set up with a movie, and some popcicles, and Tom, Jim, Joe and I headed out. We brought Captain Americas lunch, and met him at Free lunch. The kids had salad and pizza and oranges and milk.
After that, we went with Captain America to Military Clothing Supply store, where he got a new soft cap for his uniform, and some rank. We drove home, and he went back to work.
We spent a bit of time at home, then took part of the kids to the pool. We stayed for just a little while, but I didn't get in. I chatted wit Kari for a while, then with Danielle when she came. I think the kids had fun. I stayed in the shade the whole time, since I'd gotten burned the day before.
Back home again, and I sat down with the kids to watch a movie in the living room. I designed 2 WordArt packs, and organized some files on my laptop.
After that, I fixed dinner for the kids, and for myself. I'd defrosted chicken a few days ago, and it needed cooked. I made Kabobs, enough for 4 dinners for me.

But I knew they wouldn't last that long. And, we had some left over pasta salad from 4th of July, and I knew the kids wouldn't eat it fast enough. So I took a Kabob and the salad down to Andreas house. I stayed a chatted for a few minutes with her, then Captain America swung by and picked me up on his way home from work.
We went home and hung with the kids for a bit, then at bedtime for the little kids, Captain America and I headed to his softball game. The other team didn't show up for some reason, so they just played a scrimmage with another team that was there. I think Captain America's team won 32-3. It was kinda fun to watch, though.
Here's Captain America batting with the Red hat on...

After about an hour, we headed home. Captain America played Wii baseball with the kids who were still awake (everyone but Joe - hehehe), and here we are. It's 9:38 pm, and I'm gonna design a quick freebie, post it, and head to bed. I'm sleepy. I need my beauty sleep, you know - LOL!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

This post today just proves everyones point about your poor parenting skills! You left your daughter home when she was obviuosly having some kind of a reaction to the drugs from the dentist visit... just to get a free lunch! I am so sad for your children and disgusted with you! You should be ashamed of yourself for leaving that poor child at home while you go to the park/pool/playground/whatever to get a free lunch! And as much as you may insist that your son is a capable babysitter, he is still a child himself. You are the parent.. you have the responsibility of raising and caring for your children, not a child himself. I have been reading all of this drama in previous posts about your inability to properly care for your kids and I do think that you are a bad parent!!!!!! You should spend less time with your girlfriends and more time with your children or if you're not careful... something serious may happen to one of your kids while you're out and about ... having fun. I just hope that for the sake of your kids, nothing does. Shame on you Bethany!
Ps: I am posting this as anonymous because I don't have a google account. My name is Amanda and I am from Vancouver, Washington!
eWell Amanda from Vancouver Washington, this is Bethany's Aunt Sue from Florence Oregon. If you feel that way about her, why bother even reading her blog? There are enough people that know for a FACT that she is one of the best mom's possible, so I just wanted to let you know that as upset as you're input has made me, I am just asking you as politely as I can to not bother us with you're feeling about our girl. Have a nice day! Love you Bethany (and sorry if I stepped out of line here!) Aunt Sue
Oy, another dimwit talking about stuff she doesn't know anything about. Seriously, what can you do for a child whose had dental work like that? Not much, believe me! She would have been perfectly happy lying around with her movie and popsicles. My daughter had her wisdom teeth out in April and all she did for 2 days was lie around. I could make sure she had her pain meds, but that was about all I could do!
Bethany, just ignore the trolls! "Everyone" doesn't think you have poor parenting skills, just a few folks who like to come and troll feel that way. I admire how much you get done with 5 kids. I have 2 and some days I think I'm gonna go nutso. LOL. But don't all moms feel that way sometimes?
Thanks for the word art, and don't let the turkeys get you down! Seriously, I agree with your aunt, why are they coming here and reading your blog if your style upsets them so much?
Oh, forgot to tell you! I made the MOST delicious skillet chicken dinner last night! I found it at http://www.easytobeglutenfree.com/ and it's right on that front page (at least right now it is). This was fast, easy, and my family loved it! Makes a LOT, too. We had cornbread on the side and called it good. Start to finish, about 40 minutes or so (including prep time on the veggies). Yum-OH (as my hero Rachael Ray says)!!
Bethany - You are a great mom. Please don't listen to what stupid people have to say.
- h from ep, tx
Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list
Sorry for the rotten feedback you're getting today. Don't let her get to you. Keep on enjoying your kids and your day! Thanks so much for the word art! It's great!
First of all thank you for the word art it's perfect for my LOs of my daughters' softball pics.
On another note, not EVERYONE thinks you are a bad parent. I think you are a great mother and you do the best you can with what you have, that is not bad parenting at all. My daughter has had a lot of ortho work done lately and she has a lot of pain and swelling, there isn't a whole lot you CAN do about that except give the pain meds prescribed and make her the most comfortable you can.
Keep up the good work Bethany.
Thank you so much!
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