I got up at 8am (see, there's some sleep! - of course, I went to bed at 3am), got kids breakfast, got things going around the house. I checked some emails, texted some friends....ok, just one :) And at around 9:30am, it was time to get ready.
After showering and getting "pretty", I got the kids ready, and we headed out to free lunch at 11am. Wait, we left 20 minutes early, and bought candy at the Commissary. That's right :) hehehe. THEN free lunch. They had some kind of noodle lasagna stuff. Kids liked it all right, I think.
After lunch, Hilary and I and ALL 8 of our kids drove over to the movie theater to see "Karate Kid". Dang, it's expensive to take everyone! Even with our $5 military tickets, it was still $30. I guess that's why I usually do the dollar theater :) BUT, it was a special treat for the kids right before mom and dad left for the week :)
After the movie, we all went back to my house, changed clothes, and headed to the pool. We were there until 6pm, then headed home. Hilary is keeping Joe for the week. So she picked up some clothes for him, and they were on there way. By Joe and Hilary :(
Captain America got home a bit later, and he and Jake and Tom went to the dude's house who is helping Captain America with his truck.
I sent Eme and Jim upstairs to her room to go to bed, and I cleaned. I didn't wanna come back to a trashed house, so I cleaned the kitchen, and cleaned the dining room, and, well, that's as far as I got. There's still a ton of laundry on the couches. Sigh.
My neighbor, Sarah, is moving while we're gone. She and I chatted in the backyard for about an hour, then I came back inside.
Eventually, I went to pack. I tried on all the outfits that I thought would look good, and color coordinated jewelry and such. Yeah, it took WAY too long, but I'll be cute, right? ROFL!
Captain America was back by that point, and packing his stuff too. We got the suitcases, and printed boarding passes and such. And packed carry-ons and boarding passes and junk.
AND, while I knewCaptain America and I were traveling different airlines, I thought we both had layovers in Denver. NOpe. His is in Dallas. Oh well. We're both going to St. Louis, at least - hehehe. I am real excited about going on a trip. And about seeing his parents. It's been since before he joined the army that I've seen them. June of '08 I think.... And that was just for 3 hours at a rest stop half way between our house and theirs (about 5 hour drive for both of us).
Anyway, it's 1:10am, and I have to wake up at 3:30am. Yeah, I'm gonna be tired. REAL tired..... So I should tie this up :)
Click on the links below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Thanks so much for the word art. Have a great trip!
Thanks so much!
Have a great trip! Thanks for the goodie!
I don't know what I'll do without your posts for a week! (I'm sure you're preposting, but still, it's not like it's "LIVE"!) Thanks for the word art, and have a great trip!
Thank you so much for this word art.
Hope you enjoy your trip! Thank you very much for the word art! :)
I enjoy reading your blog and love the word art, thanks! And have a super blessed visit w/extended fam!
Thanks so much for the great word art. Hope you're having a fantastic time on your trip!
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