Sunday was a good day. Got up a bit after 7am, showered, got ready, fed kids, got kids ready, prepared for singing time, gathered my junk, ate breakfast, and loaded up in the truck. Yeah, it was a mad dash to make it on time. We were 2 minutes before they started, so I count that as a success. Not quite as early as I'd hoped, but it worked out ok :)
Sacrament was nice. Captain America was there, and actually got to sit with us. SO nice :) Primary passed in a blur, as usual. I brought our hotwheel derby race track (or at least a section of it), and assigned each car a primary song and a number. Then drew a brackets system on the board, and we had a race. It was really pretty fun. I left it for next week for the president to do, since I'd be gone.
We headed home at noon, got the kids food, and watched an episode of Doctor Who. I just LOVE watching Doctor Who on Sundays. hehe. I made the kids bagel pizzas for lunch, and they just LOVED them.
After lunch and show, I went in and tried to take a nap. Mostly I just texted with Hilary. I miss that girl :(
After my kinda nap, around 2:30 or 3pm, I went upstairs and helped Jake and Tom clean their room. I moved ALL the crap out in the hall, rearranged, vacuumed, made them empty completely their closets, and went through everything. We put away the winter clothes, and shoes that didn't fit, and we organized everything.
They brought back in the stuff from the hall, piece by piece. It took a long time, and we got 2-3 bags of junk out of their room. Good thing!
At around 4pm, Laurie came over, and we watched 3 episodes of Doctor Who. She's a fan, too! I cooked dinner in between, and I put the kids to bed at 8pm.
Then Laurie and I watched "The Time Traveler's Wife", after the kids went to bed. NOT a kid show, in my opinion. It was good. I'd seen it at the theater with Captain America, but she'd never seen it.l
After the movie, she went home, and I chatted with Captain America for a few minutes before he went to bed, then chatted on Facebook with Hilary for a while. Since they need car repairs done tomorrow, they may not get back home when they planned... Sniff. Sniff. COME BACK HOME, HILARY!!!!
It's now 12:22, and I'm tired. It's bedtime for me :) And it's WAY before 2am - hehehe.
SO, in honor of my Anniversary, here's a cool WordArt for ya - ha! Click on the links below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Happy Anniversary Bethany!!!!
I hope you have a beautiful day!
Thank you for the wordart!
Happy Anniversary! Thank You for the wordart!!
Thanks so much for the WA! Have a wonderful anniversary!
Thanks for the word art. I'll have some WA to use when I scrap our vacation we took for our anniversary. Thanks
Congratulations, HAPPY anniversary!
Thank you!
Happy Anniversary and thanks so much for the word art.
Happy Anniversary! Thank you for the word art! :)
Happy Anniversary Bethany. My husband and I celebrated 21 yrs of marriage yesterday the 15th.
Thanks so much for the wordart.
Needed a "Happy Anniversary" word art for a page I am doing. Did a search and yours came up. Thank you so much! :)
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