Captain America and I headed off to Walmart. Because he lost his iPod shuffle. Rats! I have no idea where it went. He uses it when he lifts. So off we went to get another one. Unfortunately, I didn't know about this plan before we headed to seminary, so I was just wearing sweats and a tshirt, no bra. hehe. Oh well, I could totally be on "People of Walmart", right? hehe.
We headed back to the church, and had about 10 minutes before Seminary got over. Captain America and I read some scriptures together, then got Jake, and headed back to post. We had enough time to say a family prayer with Tom and the kids, then send Tom off to the bus. Jake showered and got ready, and I helped the little boys get ready. I walked the little kids to the bus at 7:15am, and Captain America came with me. Love that boy :)
We headed back home, and got Jake off to the bus. And got ready for a Savers trip! Oh yeah! Jake needed new longer sunday pants, and he wanted some sweats to wear to Seminary. Or jammie pants. I could do that :)
Here's me with my water and LONG straw. Cool, huh? hehe.

We found a ton of great deals. A few shirts for Jim, and pants for him too. And a pair of pants for Eme. And a shirt for Joe. And Sunday shoes for the little boys. And jammies and sweats for Jake. And Sunday pants. And 3 jackets for me (because you never can have too many Jackets in the middle of summer in El Paso?). And Captain America ended up with 3 pairs of jeans and a suit jacket. It was a good Savers trip. hehe.
I was feeling the effects of no caffeine, so after we paid, we headed to Circle K. For a soda. And an energy shot. LOL! And we got some peanuts, and I got some trail mix. And it was so freaking good, that I ate the whole bag. Oh yeah, I'd regret that later.... 6 servings of trail mix...

We got home, and had just enough time to change and head out to exercise. I got to the gym EXACTLY when Zumba started. The girls were walking in, and Captain America dropped me off so I could walk with them. And he parked and went lifting.
The girls and I headed in, grabbed towels, and headed upstairs. I didn't know what to expect. But it was better than I'd thought it would be! I really liked it! It was hard, but good. I'm not coordinated, and when it got difficult, I'd just kinda dance around and shake my shaker thingys. hehe. But it's all good. I was TOTALLY sweaty when I was done, so that means I was doing something right, right?
It was a really great class, except for the one army dude who came in, in uniform, and stood in the back, watching us all. Super creepy. He was there to watch his wife, but he was standing by me and my peeps, not his wife.... I didn't like it. There's a reason I stand in the back, you know... And it's not to be watched by creepy army dudes...

Liz and I

Captain America tried on his new clothes, and I just LOVED this pair of jeans. So I had him pose for a picture!

He's all looking hot, and I'm all slumming it.... hehe :)

Tom came home at 3pm, and at 3:30pm, I headed to the bus to grab the kids. We headed back home, and did chores and got ready for the pool. Captain America mowed the backyard. It was funny, because he was in his overalls, with no shirt. And Tom was like, "Dad, you look like a buff Tom Sawyer!" It made me giggle :)
And the dog, was FREAKING out over the lawnmower. Captain America realized that he wasn't just randomly freaking out, but that he was protecting Captain America from the mean lawnmower. Awe, sweet puppy. hehe.
At 5pm, we loaded up, and headed to the pool. Or was it closer to 5:20pm. I think we got there around 5:30pm. And had SO much fun playing in the pool. And I was super impressed that Captain America stayed in the whole time with us! He's not much of a water person.
He played with the kids, and chatted with the grown ups. It was a great Monday night at the pool. The pool closed at 7pm, and I just HAD to get a photo of me on the lifeguards chair. hehe.
And my stomach was hurting. Ouchy! It was all the trail mix, I think. That and the 2 protein bars I'd eaten. And maybe the 3-4 nectarines that were like apples.... I'm just sayin'... Gas galore. I looked like I was 6 months prego when I got home. I was in MAJOR pain, too...
I was able to just lay down for a little bit, and relax. It was just what I needed. Jake cooked fish stick and cheese sandwiches for the kids, and was SUCH a great helper. Captain America put the kids to bed, and I started blogging. And watched some 24.
Nice zit, huh? I couldn't leave it alone, so I put a bandaid on it...

Then we'll head to the west side, and go to Academy sports, then head back to our couples therapy session at 12:30pm. And we'll either do lunch before or after that. Maybe at Rudy's. Captain America's been wanting to go there :)
My friends are going to Yoga without me tomorrow, because of all of my appointments. Hmpf! I wanna go :( Captain America and I are gonna go on a walk during Seminary tomorrow. Should be good. Not sure what else we're doing tomorrow.
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
Awe, great beach layout, Sharon!!! Love it :)

1 comment:
Thank you so much! Love it. :)
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