I did shower, and get ready, and had straight hair (flat iron) and make up and everything. Here's Eme and I. Aren't we cute! This is before we left for church.

Anyway, church went well. I sat by Jim and Captain America. I think the kids were doing well at the other end of the bench. At one point, I noticed Jake getting a little antsy, so I had him come and sit by me. Later, I found out that he'd been bugging Eme. Apparently he was poking her. See, when he pokes someone, it's his quirky way of saying "Hey, I love you and am thinking of you". Really, it is. Well, she didn't "get" it, and got annoyed with the poking, and probably whacked him. I'm not sure what happened. All I know is that she said that he took her finger and twisted it. Poor thing. At least I got him moved before he really hurt her, right? Somehow, I've got to get her to NOT respond with "violence". That's NOT the way to deal with Jake...
Anyway, the rest of Sacrament passed without incident. We took kids to class, and Captain America and I had our snack in the truck (nectarines, peanuts, and soda or water - guess who got the soda!), then went back inside. And hung out in the Primary hall. Joe had a talk, and we weren't gonna miss it! Captain America was helping him with it.
Here's a few pictures that we snapped of ourselves while we were waiting for Joe's talk.

After church, we got some details lined up for Joe's baptism. We're gonna do it on Thursday night, at the church. We just needed to get with the Spanish Branches Ex Secretary and make sure there wasn't a building scheduling conflict. I need to make up an invite for that, and start tagging people on facebook, huh? hehe. Crazy how technology changes how we do and think about things :)
We gathered up the kids after church, and headed home. The kids had to clean out the truck (crayons in 100 degree weather DO NOT do well in the back of a suburban). I threw on an apron, and cooked up some "Grandma Lyn" spaghetti for everyone. The kids finally got done cleaning out the truck, came in, and changed. And had lunch. Everyone but Jake LOVED the lunch.
I spent a few minutes and organized our school supplies. It SO needed done. Yeah, I think I have a problem. hehe. These 2 trunks are JAM PACKED with school supplies. Paper, pens, pencils, markers, scissors, rulers, folders, highlighters, sharpies, glue, glue sticks, note cards, paints. Oh yeah, I have it all. hehe. And that's AFTER all 5 kids took their supplies to school. I'm gonna put a lock on it so it doesn't get "raided" without my knowledge...

And then the rest of the day just kinda passed without incident. We watched a lot of Star Trek the Next Generation. Jake enjoys it. And we watched an episode or 2 of Psych so Captain America could see it. He thought it was ok, but wasn't impressed. He's not really a TV guy. He played his guitar for a bit, too.
We did chores a few times, and I watched some 24. At dinner time, Captain America grilled up some Turkey burgers for us that were DIVINE! So tasty! He helped the kids clean up their rooms, and spent some one on one time with a few of the kids. It really was a nice, relaxing Sunday.
And I got a little break from the kids. It was nice to have another adult in the house to field kids questions/concerns. I could say "Go tell your dad" if I didn't wanna deal with them. Yeah, I'm gonna miss that when he goes back off of R&R. But I'm gonna make the most of the few weeks he has off!
Oh yeah, check out my 2 new zits. I think they're twins. Stupid zits...

Anyway, that's what's been going on here. Uneventful and peaceful Sunday. Gotta love it!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
Awe, how sweet is this! LOVE that little sunshine peeking through the clouds! Perfect layout, Sharon!

1 comment:
Hey girl, just checking in on your blog/life/etc. So glad to see that your honey is home for a while. I'm so excited for you and your family. My hubs is gone 2-3 times a week and I go insane, I can't imagine having him gone for months at a time. Best wishes for a fabulous couple weeks together. Hugs, Andi at Hot Pink Pansy.com
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