Jake went inside, and we pulled out our pillows and got 50 minutes worth of sleep. ha! I woke up at one point, and my whole left leg was asleep. hehe. But still, I felt SO much better when Jake came out after class. Again, it felt like I closed my eyes for 5 minutes! ha!
We headed back to post, and had just enough time to say a family prayer before Tom had to run to the bus. I got Jim and Joe and Eme ready, and headed to the bus stop. Jake and Captain America stayed back at home and cooked themselves breakfast.
I chatted with the ladies at the bus stop, then came back home. Jake left for the bus, and I got ready for my nail appointment. I got dressed, and removed all of the nail color from my nails. It was hot pink, so it was kinda hard to get off. And I pushed back my cuticles, and made sure my nails were all good to go.
Captain America took Boxer on a quick walk around the neighborhood, and I looked for the info on the tags for the truck. They'd expired back in February. It took a while, but I finally found them. And the envelope with money for the tag! Oh yeah :) And printed off current insurance, and left it all where Captain America could easily find it.
I headed off to my nail appointment at 9:25am. And Veronica made my nails look beautiful again! Thanks, hon! We had fun chatting for the hour, then I headed back home.

We got to the building, and signed in. And we were about 15th in line. It was gonna take a while... Captain America played on my phone for a bit, and helped me with the program. And here is the finished result. You like???

We tied up, and headed out. Off to L&J's cafe! Captain America had never been there. I took the wrong road off of the Montana exit, and ended up heading towards Jaurez. hehe. So I flipped it around, and headed back the right direction, and finally found it. It's right next to the old Cemetery by the Spaghetti bowl. LOVE L&J's.
We headed inside, and it was SUPER crowded. It was 1pm, but the lunch crowds was still tying up. And Captain America HATES crowds. I could tell that it was a little much for him. Luckily, after about 15 minutes, we got our table. And he was warming up to L&J's.
They brought us the chips and salsa, and I was happy that it was the "white people" salsa. hehe. It was the green stuff. And yeah, I'm thinking it was the "Kill the white people" salsa! It was SO hot and spicy. If Captain America says it's spicy, it's spicy. And he said it was spicy!

I was starting to feel a bit stressed out as we left. I don't know if it was the lower dose of Prozac or what, but I was feeling a bit antsy. I hadn't felt that way in a while. Captain America wanted to go look at the cemetery for a while. So I snapped a photo of him by "his" grave marker. LOL! He likes this one :)

And finally we headed home. And I was feeling really anxious by this point. Tom got home at 3pm, and right before I needed to go to the bus and get the kids, I fell apart. I was sobbing and everything. I'm not used to feeling stressed out! Or feeling in general. Is it soon enough to be feeling the effects of a lower Prozac dose??? I didn't like it.
I had to take a shower, and get cupcake papers and frosting from the store, and get the kids from the bus, and order the baptism programs, and make cupcakes. And I didn't know what to do first, or how to do it all, and was overwhelmed, and became a ball of tears. Poor Captain America. Full blown PMS meltdown (but it wasn't PMS...)
I think he re-though the dropping the Prozac dose thing. Because if it's only been 2 or 3 days, and I'm flipping out, what's it gonna be like when he leaves??? I wanna be able to feel things, but I wanna be in control of myself, too. I didn't like the sobbing thing. So not cool.
I hopped in the shower, and Captain America got the kids from the bus. And I felt SO much better after the shower. I put on my new dress that I'd bought at Fallas, and on some make up, and started to straighten my hair.

So I made some cupcakes without the liners. It worked out fine. I made a batch of Chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting, white cupcakes with cream cheese flavored frosting, and spice cake cupcakes with a dab of cream cheese flavored frosting and sprinkled with powdered sugar. They all looked pretty good.
At 5:30pm, Captain America headed on over to the church to help get it ready. The kids were fed, and some of the chores and homework got done. And at 6pm, I headed to Walgreens to pick up my prints. And headed back home. And grabbed the kids, and we all headed to the baptism! Everyone had on their church clothes, and we looked pretty good!

I led the music, and said the opening prayer. Eme gave the talk about Baptism, then we all went down near the font to watch Joe get baptized. While Joe and Captain America were changing, we wrote little notes to Joe on note cards. I'd grabbed it from my HUGE school supply box/stash before leaving the house. ha!
After the guys were done changing, Tom gave a talk about the Holy Ghost, then Joe was confirmed a member of the church and received the Holy Ghost. Kristal Caldwell, the Primary President, said a few words, then Brother Peterson, a Bishopric counselor, said a few words, I led the closing song, and Captain America said the closing prayer. Short and sweet. Just the way we like them :)
After the meeting, everyone gathered for cupcakes, and stayed and chatted. They guys ended up in the room we had the meeting in, and the girls by the kitchen. And after about 30 minutes of chatting, us Harty's got together for pictures! With Amanda's new camera! Did I mention that she WON the contest??? And got the $800 camera? Let me tell you, it takes WONDERFUL photos :)

I helped Joe with his last little bit of homework, and he was super sleepy too, but eventually finished it off. I downloaded the pictures from Amanda's memory card, and edited a few. I thought they were AMAZING!
I put Joe to bed, then started blogging. And then Captain America came home, and I was still blogging. Because I'm easily distracted. hehe. And we did a lot today. Ha! It's now 11:30pm. I'm gonna put this away, and go to sleep. I'm gonna wake up at 6:45am tomorrow and get the kids off to the bus. Then take Jake to the nutritionist over at Biggs. I guess I need to figure out where that is. ha!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
Awe, patriotic one!!! I love it, Sharon! What a cutie!!!

Thank you so much! :)
Your family pictures turned out terrific! They look so professional.
Yes, you can be feeling the effects of lowering the dose of the Prozac that soon, especially if you just cut the dose in half without weaning off it over time. Prozac is a drug that needs to be weaned off of or else you will have horrible mood swings like you're experiencing and you could even become suicidal. Ask your Dr. or pharmacist for a schedule for weaning off to a lower dose. I'm surprised that the therapist didn't stress how important this is. It's something that needs to be taken very seriously, especially with Brent leaving soon.
I'm praying for you as you work through all of this, Bethany. Btw, you can't control this. It's your body's reaction to coming off the drug too fast, so don't feel upset at yourself in any way.
Thanks for the great word art. Big hugs to you!!!
LOL about the tags. I seem to recall you going to get them recently, and being amazed by how quickly the line went.
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