I woke up at 7:30am, and promptly went back to sleep. Then woke up around 9:30am. And Captain America woke up, and went out to see the kids. And I slept for another hour. Oh yeah! I just LOVE sleeping in. hehe. Thanks, honey!!!
I woke up at 10:30am, and went out to find Captain America cooking a brunch for the kids. Eggs and pancakes. Check out this GIANT egg that Captain America cooked. hehe. About 4-5 whites and 1 whole egg :) Not my kinda egg - ha! If the white parts touch my throat, I gag- ha!

I spent the rest of the day at home. We did some cleaning projects, and got a BUTTLOAD of laundry done, folded some, cleaned some rooms, did some dishes, and just hung out and cleaned/had free time. The kids got to play computer, and watched some TV. We watched some Star Trek episodes together. Captain America went at one point in the day to lift. And was back about an hour or so later.
We had burgers for dinner. Super yummy! Thanks, Amanda, for leaving those Angus burgers in my freezer. hehe. Possession is 9/10 ths of the law, right? LOL. We owe you 3 Angus burgers...
I got to watch some 24 while Captain America was gone, and I'm really liking season 7. It's pretty good! And I found out that Jake wears boxers.... I'm just sayin... :)
After dinner, around 6pm, Captain America and I headed out to Walmart. My glasses were in! My eyes were itchy today (I think from allergies), so I was sporting my sexy glasses again. hehe. Poor Captain America wouldn't be caught dead in public with those glasses. hehe.
We got to Walmart, and fought the crowds to make it to the vision center. Freakin' everyone else in the boarderland goes to Walmart on Saturday night, I guess? Anyway, we picked up my glasses, and yeah, the prescription was off from what I'm used to, because it was making me nauseous! Crap! hehe ;) But I looked cute!

We got home, put all the stuff away, and put kids to bed. It's now 10:15pm. I'm blogging, and watching an episode of 24. Then it's off to bed for us! Gotta wake up around 7am tomorrow to get ready for church. We have to plan Joe's baptism for next week, too! Don't let me forget to do that - hehe ;)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. thanks!
OMGosh, this layout is AMAZING! Love this page, Sharon, my dear! And those bows are WONDERFUL! They look so real! Great job!

Just a tip - I was told a long time ago by an optician that when you get new glasses, don't put them on right away. Wear your old glasses for the rest of that day, go to sleep and then get up and put the new glasses on. Your eyes will adjust much better when they have rested.
Wow! That's quite an amazing egg Brent made. I'd love to know what the brown spice is that he sprinkled on it?
Thanks for the sweet word art. Hugs!!!
Thanks Bethany, love it...as it is with all your work.
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