I hurried to get the other kids up and dressed and to the bus in 15 minutes (we made it!), then came back home to get jake ready. And I got ready for Savers. Kim and I headed out at 8:40am, and made it there in time to donate something for our 20% off coupon, and make it inside just as the doors opened. Oh yeah!
Today was Orange day. $0.99 for Orange Tags. I got some jeans for the boys, and a few other things. I found a winter jacket for Joe (not on sale...) and some sweaters for our Ugly Christmas sweater party. TOO funny. Kim and I had WAY too much fun shopping and looking around.
After Savers, we went to Hobby Lobby and found the PERFECT ornaments for our Ornament exchange on Wednesday. Mine is a santa ornament. I love it! Her's is a frog, and I SO want it!!!
Next, we swung by Chick-fil-a for lunch. And they have Diet Dr Pepper there, and I can actually taste it again. hehe. I got the more healthy chicken (good choices, see!), and I was proud of myself :)
And we headed back toward post. Kim stopped by the school to pick up a sick kid, but after talking to the nurse at the school, they decided that he was just nervous about getting his tonsils out later in the week. Makes sense.
Kim dropped me off at Terra's house, and Terra and I headed to the West Side. We went to the Corner Bakery so that she could get some lunch. I got a hot chocolate. Oh yeah!

Anyway, we got Amanda, and took her for a Sonic run. Score! Then back to post. Terra dropped off amanda, then dropped me off at the house. I had just enough time to organize all my stuff from the day that I'd gotten, and put away things.
Check out my new shall thing, and my new hat, and my new scarf!
And gloves!

We got the kids off the bus, and sent them all back to my house with Tom. And Amanda and I headed to her house to grab some stuff from her freezer. Since the movers had loaded EVERYTHING on the truck, she no longer had a way to cook a lot of the stuff in her freezer. So I was getting food early. hehe. More "shopping" at Amanda's house.
Isn't this the saddest sight....

Amanda and Austin decided to stay and play for a bit, but after a few minutes, decided that it wasn't gonna happen. Austin felt a bit warm, and was being a bit whiny. I think he wasn't feeling well. Amanda decided to take him home and give him some meds. Poor kid. It can't be easy to come home and have your whole house packed up. Moving is hard for a grown up. It's even harder on a little guy!
I got dinner for my kids, and had them sit down and do homework. And a 5:30pm, Amanda and I snuck out for a quick Big Lots trip. See, I was trying to earn a 20% off discount. I have to make a certain number of qualifying purchases, and I'll get the coupon. LOL! So I can't buy everything all in one day, I have to break up my purchases over time. Slow and steady kinda thing...
Anyway, we looked around for a bit. I found gummy vitamins for $1 a bottle. So I got a bottle for each kid. They'd be excited. ROFL! And some kid protein bars for $0.30. They'll like that. And I found an e-reader for under $50. I decided to get it for Tom for Christmas (Shhhh, don't tell). He's SUCH an avid reader. I figured that he'd LOVE it! We paid, and headed back home.
Amanda headed home, and the kids worked on their chores for a while. At 6:30pm, I braved the weather, and headed out to get Jake. He'd decided to go to the Youth Center. Which I totally wouldn't have cared, if he'd have let me know first.... I was a little panicked when he didn't show up after school.... Sigh. He'll get it figured out eventually :)
It was SUPER nasty outside. I went SUPER slow. Cause it was snowing pretty good now. You know, if you drive slow, especially when turning, you'll do ok. I just wish that the other people around me realized that. I almost got hit at the stoplight. Because the dude in the white van next to me didn't realize that he needed to start stopping early. Luckily he was able to swerve into the next lane. Sigh. Freak....
I drove slowly to the Youth Center and got Jake, then came back home. I dropped him off, then went to pick up Amanda. She needed a foot locker from the PX to pack a few more things in. And I said that I'd go and get her. My kids were doing great at home. They'd done chores and homework and were on electronics. Sounded good to me :)
I went and got her, and we took the back route to the PX. I had a bad feeling that someone was gonna hit us. So I wanted to stay off of the main roads. I just had the premonition that something bad would happen if we took a main road. And yeah, I listen to promptings, you know :)
So we took the long, round about way, and made it just fine. We went into the PX, and she got her foot locker. And we walked around for a bit, looking at some interesting stuff. Like these COOL shoes. They reminded us of Maggie!


I turned on the X-files, and started blogging. And uploaded photos. And such. And here it is, 11pm. And I'm sleepy. And ready to go snuggle in my bed, and sleep in tomorrow! And if they've canceled school for some strange reason, I'm gonna cry. hehehe.
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the pNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. thanks!
Love the layering on this one, Sharon, my dear! Great job! Cute little bee!!!

LOL! You crack me up with the things you find in the stores.
Thanks for the marvelous word art. Hugs!!!
Thanks for this cute word art!
Thanks for the word art! And I agree with Shelly, we never know what you'll find in the stores! :)
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