I got up at 6:45 ish, and got the kids ready. Tom left for school at 7am, then I took Joe and Jim and Eme to the bus at 7:15am. Luckily, all the kids were awake when I woke up. Except for Jake. So it was easy to get the little ones ready.
Kari gave me a ride home from the bus stop, and I eventually woke Jake up. He had therapy at 9am, so I didn't need to wake him up early. But we did finally get ready and head out. We made it to the appointment a few minutes early. And sat in the parking lot in the warm car, and chatted for a bit.
Then it was time to go in. Jake had his session, and I guess they learned about social situations. Watched a video, and talked about how to react when this, that, or the other thing happens. He really does seem to be coming along nicely....

We loaded up, and headed out to his school. I dropped him off, and headed back to post. I reheated the soup from last night, and made some grilled ham and cheese sandwiches for the party. And baked 2 dozen gingersnaps with the left over dough from last night. And was still about 15-20 minutes late for the Ugly Christmas Sweater party. Sigh. I try. LOL :)
Check out my cool Ugly Sweater!!! You like it???

Margot and I being goofy!

Hot mama in the Santa vest!!! You rock it, Charlotte!!!

We grabbed the few things that we needed, and noticed this guy in front of us.... Um, why???

Eme did very nice, and after the hour was up, we headed back home. I didn't really have a lot of time. I tried to find something to feed kids, but everything that I had at the house required cooking. And I didn't have the time. I guess I'd have to feed them when we got home late from scouts...
And then, like the little miracle worker that she is (hehe), Amanda show's up with all the leftover chicken that she brought to lunch today!!! Instant dinner for my kids! I was stoked. Because I wasn't gonna have time to feed them :)
We brought the bread and the chicken and the cookies with us to Jim's basketball practice, and off we went. I got a WordArt pack designed, and got to visit with Kari and Suzanne. It was a fun time. I volunteered for snack for the game for Friday, and got to chance to talk with the coachor a bit. And iron out the "i left my kid unattended" situation. He has 4 of his own, and coaches for 3 of them. Oh yeah, he gets it! hehe.
After practice, we loaded up, switched out Jim for Leo, and headed to the church. My cub scout lesson was pretty lame, but it worked. We made picture frames for our gathering activity, then talked about collections. And then talked about the Food Pyramid. And the boys played hackey sack for a bit. More like threw and kicked the ball at each other. they here having a grand time, though.
I let them out a few minutes early so they could go and play outside (in the freezing cold), and went to chat with the ladies in the hall. And got an inmpromptu Tithing Settlement meeting. Sweet. Now I don't have to sign up! Woohoo! hehe. It's always nice to meet with the bishop, though. I can tell that he really does care and have concern for me and my family. He is a very good man :)
I chatted in the hall for a bit more, then Jake helped me gather up all the kids, and we headed back to post. My head was somewhat hurting. I think I'm on the verge of getting a headache. The lower dose of Topomax is making me think a lot clearer, but now I get headaches easier...
Anyway, we switched Jim/Leo back, and headed home. I worked on getting kids to bed ,and made Tom and Joe do their chores. They had the worse off downstairs chores. Everyone else's rooms were passable. I sat down to design/blog, and everyone else worked on going to bed. Some more than others. Jim was out instantly. Eme went right upstairs.
Tom was on his laptop doing some research, then played on a math website after I told him not to. Jake kept trying to play video games. Hmpf! See, some people did really good, and some people, not so much. ha!
And here it is, 10:30pm. I'm falling asleep. You know, I really do sleep well at night. Exhaustion is a great way to sleep. Utterly wear yourself out, and you'll sleep fabulously.! Ha!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
LOVE these color combos! These greens and oranges/browns are fab!!! Great layout, Sharon! Looking good!

Love that font! Thanks for the great word art. xxx
Glad the counseling with Jake is going well. As for doing what they aren't supposed to, seems like we're all battling that. *sigh*
Hi Bethany! Will you be making a December Calendar soon?
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