But people kept asking questions and looking for stuff. Jake even came in at one point to ask the stupidest question. Can't remember what it was, now. Oh yeah, "Mom, when are you gonna buy me a new mattress?". Seriously? I'M SLEEPING!!! I told him to go away, that they moved church to later so I could sleep in, and to leave me alone. hehe. He got the hint.
I finally got up at around 9:45am, and made sure the kids were good. And then I blogged from the day before. And got everyone showered. Well, some of them. And directed them to get dressed. Joe did super good. Jake too. And Eme and Tom. So really, that just leaves Jim that didn't. hehe :)
Here's Eme. She was cute. She came down with just the red shirt on. I helped her find a skirt to go with it. Yeah, that was WAY too short. LOL :)

I told the kids to eat lunch, but I don't know if any of them listened... Whatever, if they didn't eat, then they'd be hungry, right? And it was time to go. Jim had on a button up shirt, and undies. And that was it. Whatever. I told him I was going to the truck. To either put on pants and shoes, or come in underwear! And I left. hehe :)
He screamed, and scurried off to put something on. I didn't care what it was at that point. I got in the truck, and the other kids followed. And we drove on out to church. I was supposed to be there at noon. But since I didn't leave until 12:15, um, yeah, that wasn't gonna happen. Or wait. Did they change the song practice time? Oh well. I was gonna make it to church with 5 minutes to spare.
We got to church, and had to sit in the front 2 rows. Tom wasn't crazy about it, but where else were we supposed to sit? hehe. Church started, and Jake was being extra annoying today. Going on about how dumb church was. And every announcement brought some new activity that he didn't wanna go to. But when they announced that there would be a Youth Conference on Martin Luther King day, that was the final straw. He started quietly going off.
I'd had enough . I was on my last nerve already today. I got the other kids to come with me, and we moved. Fast enough ,that Jake didn't know what was going on. We moved to the back of the chapel, to the metal chairs. Where there were only 5 seats. Not enough for Jake. He noticed we'd left, and followed. And I was like, NO, you can't sit with us, go away. I don't know what the people around us thought, but I was adamant that he wasn't sitting with us. I just pointed back up to where we'd come from, and he walked away. I'd told him several times to stop talking, and keep his negative comments to himself. I wasn't gonna subject myself to that the whole of Sacrament meeting...
The rest of church passed without incident. The other kids were nice and quiet and respectful. It was fast Sunday, so they had testimonies. Jim and Joe were extra snuggly. I snapped a picture of them. hehe :)

I was excited to find this in my purse. It helped me stay awake for the rest of church. ROFL!

3rd hour, I went to Relief Society, and sat with Lesa. I filled out some Boy Scout papers for Jake and Tom. Because, apparently, no one ever registered them. Um, really? That's SO not cool. I know we've filled out those papers...
And we had the lesson, then it was time to go home. I decided that I wanted to go to lunch tomorrow, so I invited my friends. Because, you know, whenever it is that Captain America gets home (SOON, i hope and pray - hurry up, Army, and send my hubby home!!!), I'm totally going into hiding. hehe. So, I've gotta get my play time in. Plus, Kim is going to Michigan next week, and we needed a "We'll miss you for the 2 weeks you are gone" luncheon! Works for me!
I got all the details hashed out, and Jake was finally able to drag me to the truck. hehe. He HATES staying later, and I hate leaving. ROFL! And it was TOTALLY raining when we got outside! What happened to sunny and 60's? Cause that's what it was when we left???
We drove home, and I sat in the driveway in the truck longer than I should have. hehe. I was feeling overwhelmed again. Can you tell from my face???

I finally came back inside, and I had the kids do their chores. And my nice mom voice disappeared, to be replaced by the MEAN yelling mom voice. I don't know what happened. But I could feel my grip slipping. I had to take several "time outs" in my room to regain my composure. I SO need them to go back to school on Monday.
Jake was being super back-talky, or maybe I was just on edge. I don't know. Tom seemed to be doing it a little bit too. But they finally pulled their heads out of their butts, and started cleaning. And my house looked good again. How they managed to trash it SO fast is beyond me.
I cooked dinner at 5:30pm, we ate, and then the kids had free time. I told them that they could have electronics so long as I didn't have to hear them. If they were noisy, they had to go to their rooms :) Because I wanted a quite, relaxing Sunday evening.
I took a hot bath, and then watched an episode of X-files. It's now 7:30pm. I'm getting ready to put the kids to bed. And I might go to bed early too. Cause we gotta get up for school in the morning. No sleeping in until 9:30 tomorrow. hehe. Or no sleeping thru alarms like on Friday - ROFL!
Night, all!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
OK, here's a new layout. I did it myself! I just LOVE this picture of Kari :) GREAT hair, girl!

1 comment:
I hope today is an easier day for you, Bethany.:)
Great layout! I really like the way you made the picture the focal point.
Thanks for sharing your awesome word art, even though you're going through a hard time right now. Hugs!!!
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